40th Anniversary of Levine Ruling on NSW Abortion Rights - Public Forum

Contact Phone: 
0407 665 857
Date and Time: 
Sunday, October 23, 2011 -
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
NSW Teachers Federation Club Room 23-33 Mary Street Surry Hills

Public Forum to commemorate the Levine Ruling
40 Years of Legal Abortion in NSW
What challenges remain today?

In 1970, police raided Sydney's Heattherbrae abortion clinic.

They stormed into the surgery, dragged patients off for interrogation and arrested medical staff.The doctors were charged under the NSW Crimes Act for performing abortions.

In the subsequent 1971 trial, they were acquitted. Presiding Judge Aaron Levine's ruling, on 28th October 1971, defined lawful abortion and greatly improved access for NSW women.

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Levine ruling, which opened up access to safe, legal abortion for women in NSW, the Women’s Abortion Action Campaign (WAAC) is organising a public forum.

The forum, on Sunday, 23rd October, 2011 from 1.00 pm to 5 pm, will take place at the NSW Teachers Federation in Surry Hills (leaflet attached).

While remembering the hardships Australian women faced when abortion was illegal, and commemorating the progress women have made in the last 40 years, the speakers will also take up today’s challenges in the fight to defend and extend reproductive rights.

The two panels feature speakers of many generations, with broad experience campaigning for women’s rights. Recognising that the fight for abortion is worldwide we have a speaker to outline the fight in Latin America, where many women continue to die from unsafe abortions.

There will be time for discussion and questions.

Afternoon tea will be provided.

We are extending an invitation to you and / or your organisation to attend this event, and ask your help in publicising it through your networks.

For more information, email WAAC at contact_waac@yahoo.com.au or phone 0407 665 857.
