Indigenous Peoples’ International Day Let us celebrate, but above all let us offer reparation

Montreal, August 9th, 2015 – The United Nations celebrates days regarding specific topics. Their aim is to contribute to the public awareness. There are many opportunities to promote national and international actions and to stimulate interest in the UN programs and activities. These United Nations celebrations and events have largely been established by the General Assembly. "Let us accompany these days with real actions and sufficient funds to repair the damage that has been done," asks Rodolf Samson, in charge of Native Affairs for the Canadian Raelian Movement.

"Indigenous peoples should get the same reparations as those obtained by the Maori. And it should be the same for 'Indians' in the United States, ' Aboriginals' in Australia and the Palestinians," said Rael, the spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement. What a deception on the part of Governments and the media to convince citizens that indigenous tribes live off society and by discrediting their character by suggesting that they only like alcohol, fishing and gambling.

"Excuses and money are not enough. Governments should fund schools to re-educate those called indigenous, to teach them everything about their culture, their religion and their original languages, making them all compulsory languages at school while the French or English would be taught as a second language. This system should be included at all school levels, from kindergarten and elementary levels, making the "indigenous" language the only language used. In doing so, we would witness more than mere political talk, but rather see real actions to restore and reinstall the "indigenous religions" specific to these wonderful cultures."

"Never forget that indigenous peoples were here before us!" reminded Rael on October 12, as a vast part of America celebrated the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
Let’s celebrate the Indigenous Peoples’ International Day, but especially repair the damage that has been done and give back to those peoples the place they deserve.

 Sunday 09 August 2015

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