Blown away by Low Income Super Contribution response


Yesterday we put out the call to thank senators and MPs who are standing with workers against Tony Abbott's plan to abolish the Low Income Super Contribution. In just 24 hours over 1600 of you have sent thank you notes. That is more than one thank you note a minute!

We are blown away by this response. Our Australian Unions community is incredible.

I will be in Canberra on Tuesday to hand deliver the thank you notes and turning up with a giant stack of letters will send a powerful message that it is in politicians' interests to stand with workers.

If you haven't had the chance yet please take two minutes to thank the MPs who have stood up and protect the LISC. Click here to send a thank you note:

Keeping the Low Income Super Contribution means that over 3 million workers will retire with thousands of dollars more in their superannuation accounts. This is a big boost for women, part-time workers and workers in regional areas.

We were able to save the LISC because thousands of you lent your voices to our campaign. When we act together we are powerful. Let's make sure that the folks in Canberra remember that.

Take two minutes and click here to send a thank you note:

It's easy to be cynical about politics -- especially with people like Tony Abbott in power -- but the best way for us to change things is to make sure politicians know that we care and that we are keeping a close eye on the decisions they make.

There is no more powerful force than workers standing together. We've proven it before and we will prove it again.

Thanks for all that you do --

Ged Kearney and the Australian Unions team
