
By Daniella Albert Rochford (Kimberley, WA) - “Aboriginal"

Aboriginal is a strong & meaningful word
us blackfellas use it so we can be heard
our voices together loud and not slurd
but some peoples attitudes are still absurd

We are all humans that bleed the same color blood
persecuted like cattle being led to the prod
the way we are treated is worse than a pig in mud
the way they look at us makes us feel like crud

the question is how would they feel being treated like soot
i'm sure they would hate it if the shoe was on the other foot
we look back in history us colored people was the lowest in society
but it all stops here i'm sure every nationality of color would cheer

no more deaths in custody,no more chains
our tribes are tired of all the pains
no more hostility we are going to tolerate
it has gone far enough let love cultivate

please take a look at the history behind
we have never shown you hatred or are you that blind
have we ever treated you like animals? no
we all treated you like equal individuals

the massacres of our people you performed
going through all our tribes like a storm
from arnhem land to trugannini's clan
women children and many a grown man

guns,rifles & whiskey you bring here
and you think all we have is boomerangs and spear
but we are a strong nation we do not fear
we will fight together knowing that justice is near

you cannot break our people anymore
it's our turn to knock on your door
if you were wise you would compromise
stop fighting with us and apologize

we are the rightful owners of this land
everywhere you tread your foot that's our sand
you might want to think about that everytime you shake my black hand
and never forget that the word Aboriginal is more than a brand.”

written by Daniella Albert Rochford
