Chicago student seeks contacts on Indigenous education in Victoria

My name is Kathleen Fultz and I am a Global Studies major at North Central College in Chicago, Illinois and I am currently conducting an honors thesis with Dr. William Muck, a Political Science scholar in Chicago.

I am looking at what components of the Victorian Indigenous Affairs Framework policy had the greatest impact on the education of Aboriginal youth.

More specifically, I am focusing on the policy's goal to improve the literacy and numeracy level of indigenous students in grades 3,7, and 9.

I am finding people to interview to learn more about the implementation and effectiveness of this policy specifically the education components.

I am looking for a range of people from different positions that have an opinion on the policy (teachers, families, politicians, government employees etc.).

If you think that you could help me or know someone else that can I would really appreciate it.

I am planning to come to Australia at the end of November and into December to conduct my interviews.

It would be wonderful to speak with you or someone you recommend. If this is possible or if you can recommend someone else to talk with please contact me.

Thank you,

Kathleen Fultz
