Hands off our ABC

One thing that has become clear during this election is that the Australian public are being let down by commercial media.

It’s a sorry reflection of our state of reportage and journalism when Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph thinks it’s appropriate to plaster it’s front page with “KICK THIS MOB OUT.” And its deeply concerning that the Murdoch press wield so much power, have so much influence and are so closely affiliated with Abbott’s Liberal Party.

We know Abbott and his friends in the right-wing think tank Institute of Public Affairs want to see the ABC starved of funding  and dismantled. And, earlier this year, a motion was introduced at the Victorian Liberal Party’s convention urging the Coalition to privatise our ABC.

We can’t trust Tony Abbott to put the public interest ahead of the interests of Rupert Murdoch. That’s why need your help. Please, donate what you can to help us make the most of these last 9 days of campaigning and ensure Tony Abbott doesn’t get total control. 

Let’s not forget what happened last time.

Last time the Liberals got into power in 1996 they promised not to cut funding to the ABC. Within a year they had cut 1000 staff and $11 million in funding.

Now more than ever, we need to protect our independent, public broadcasters.

Please, donate today to help us bolster our efforts in these last few days and maintain our strong Greens voice in Parliament.



P.S. If Tony Abbott wins government, the only thing stopping him from his slash and burn agenda are the Greens in the Senate. Please donate to help us make sure he doesn't get absolute power.


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