Super trawler could be back in 32 days

The two year Super Trawler ban could be lifted by a new Federal Government just 32 days from now, and we need your help to ensure that doesn’t happen! 

When public outrage forced the Australian Parliament to temporarily ban the Super Trawler last year, the Liberal Party and some Independents opposed the ban. They wanted it to trawl our oceans, risking our fish stocks and unique marine life.

If the Liberal Party wins the upcoming federal election, we could have a Super Trawler back within three days. Even the Labor Party hasn’t yet banned Super Trawlers permanently!

Let’s finish this once and for all. The Super Trawler FV Margiris is one of many Super Trawlers that could be heading our way in coming years. Last year we made a huge difference by each taking action. With an election just weeks away, now is the time to put the pressure on and make sure the next government bans Super Trawlers from our waters forever.

Email your Local MP here and ask them to ban Super Trawlers, and secure our fisheries and marine life, for good. All you need is your postcode.

The need to outlaw Super Trawlers couldn’t be more urgent. Any day now the current two year ban could be struck down by the Federal Court as a result of a legal challenge launched by Seafish Tasmania. The judge’s decision is pending.

Super Trawlers fly in the face of the kind of fishing we want in Australia - sustainable fishing that supports small operators and avoids overfishing local areas. Please join us in asking your local MP to represent their constituents (that’s us!) and ban Super Trawlers for good.

Thanks for using your electoral muscle for our oceans,



Ps. We’ve updated with some information about which State Governments supported the temporary ban

Pps. Every Federal Politician in the country knows that we Australians care about our oceans and fisheries and don’t want super trawlers. Let’s make it happen! Email your local MPs now. 
