Green sea turtles in danger in Malaysia

The green sea turtle has survived for around 200 million years – and now it is in great danger.

Dear friends of the rainforests,

One of the last Malaysian nesting sites for green sea turtles is in jeopardy: the Malaysian government is planning an industrial estate that would destroy Pasir Panjang beach and two neighboring rainforest reserves rich with biodiversity.

The local residents and environmental groups are gearing up to prevent this potentially disastrous project from being realized. Please support them by signing our petition to the Malaysian government:


Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

Rainforest Rescue

Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany  •

Donation account:
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE11430609672025054100

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