Flawed response to Gail Hickey UN submission

attached is the agreed media release from the sydney and melbourne indigenous social justice associations and the flemington kensington community legal centre, melbourne re the flawed response from australia to the gail hickey complaint and submission to the united nations human rights committee.

gail hickey's communication to the un on behalf of her son tj hickey, an aboriginal youth who lost his life during a policing operation in redfern in 2004 has been registered by the un human rights committee. the committee receives a huge number of communications each year. only a small number of communications get past the first hurdle that is registration but gail's submission has now reached the final stage when she answers australia's flawed reply to the un hrc next month.

the registration of tj's communication indicates the human rights committee recognition that it raises serious issues under the international covenant of civil and political rights and that the australian government indeed has a case to answer. this means that finally, the australian government will have to respond to gail's, and the communities, lack of faith in the police investigation that followed tj's very terrible death.

This is an important step in the continuing fight for justice by tj's family, the redfern community, the sydney and melbourne indigenous social justice associations and the flemington kensington community legal centre and many other groups campaigning for truth and justice, an end to aboriginal deaths in custody and to ensure that all deaths in custody are effectively investigated by an independent investigative body such as elected civilian investigation groups.

at the appropriate time gail's submission to the australian government's flawed reply to her complaints will be released. the flawed government submission has previously been posted but should you require a copy then please contact me as per the information below.
