Coal seam gas: not worth the risk

I’ve just had an opinion piece published in Farm Weekly about the campaign against coal seam gas.

“At a community meeting on coal and gas in the Hunter Valley last weekend, the crowd was dotted with woollen beanies and Akubras alike.

I attended the meeting as the Greens’ environment and mining spokesperson and I was pleased to see all types of folk there – some were locals, some had come from Sydney or Melbourne, others had driven for hours from properties that provide this nation with food and fibre”

Read the rest of my op-ed in Farm Weekly here.

Protecting water resources from coal seam gas mining

The debate continues in the Senate about the protection of our precious water resources from coal seam gas and coal mining.  It will come back on for debate when the Senate sits in mid-June.  Watch my speech here:

Watch my speech here

Coal Seam Gas in Senate Estimates

It’s Senate Estimates this week, and I will be asking questions about the Independent Expert Scientific Committee – the body that provides the Federal Government with information about coal seam gas’s impact on water.

Throughout Senate Estimates, I will be posting updates on Facebook and Twitter, so follow me there to get the latest updates.

Yours in protecting our land, water, climate and communities from coal seam gas,

Senator Larissa Waters

Australian Greens Senator for Queensland and spokesperson for Mining
