Don't get caught naked!


Tell the members of the European Parliament to set an example for privacy around the world--instead of giving into pressure from big business and foreign lobbyists.

Governments and businesses want us naked. They want to be able to access and use our personal data however they want, while limiting our control over it. Minimal control means maximum exposure -- stripping our privacy bare.

Right now industry lobbyists are doing their best to alter an important piece of privacy legislation being debated in the European Parliament, putting our ability to control what happens to our personal data at risk.
That’s why we need you to tell members of the European Parliament (MEPs) the world is watching. Let them know users around the world expect them to stand up for individual privacy instead of bowing to pressure from companies and foreign governments.

The EU is a global standard setter in the area of privacy and data protection, and an inspiration for many other countries. If the members of European Parliament give in to the pressure from big business, they will undermine the rights of the entire internet community.
Act now: tell MEPs to stand up for our privacy around the world.

The Access Brussels team has been working along with a coalition of other organizations to make sure MEPs know just how important it is to preserve the Data Protection Regulation, an EU-wide law that would empower users to take charge of their own personal information and would make respect for privacy the norm--rather than the exception.
The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee is currently deciding which amendments will be sent along with the regulation for the final vote in July, and companies with deep pockets have flooded MEPs with lobbying efforts trying to water down the regulation as much as possible.
Help make sure MEPs know that strong privacy in the EU has your support. Click here to call on members of the European Parliament to say no to demands of big business and to live up to Europe’s reputation as an international role model on privacy and data protection.
For the protection of our rights,
Raegan MacDonald
Senior Policy Analyst, Brussels
For more information, check out:

Access' Q&A On the European Data Protection Regulation
Access Data Protection Reform Info Center
Key Issues on the Data Protection Regulation
A brief introduction to data protection
"US Lobbying Against The Data Protection Reform Intensifies"

A coalition page with opportunities for further action

Access defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world. By combining tech-driven policy, user engagement, and direct technical support, we fight for open and secure communications for all.