A rant about nuclear energy and renewables

This is my apology for putting up so many items about renewable energy, instead of ones about nuclear energy

Yes – I know that my websites are  supposed to be all about nuclear news.  But what IS the nuclear news? And what IS happening in the energy world.

Well – my problem is that IT’s ALL HAPPENING IN RENEWABLE ENERGY.

The nuclear lobby  huffs and puffs, and tries to blow down the house of renewable energy.

But it’s all hot air.  The reality of the nuclear industry is that it hobbles on, in its servitude to nuclear weapons, it pretends that it’s economic, which it clearly isn’t, and it touts for markets all over the world.

The real news about the nuclear industry is that it can’t solve the waste problem, that it can’t convince the world’s health authorities, as it lies its head off about ionising radiation.  And its costs just keep skyrocketing. Nuclear news is all negative stuff, and I get sick of it.  In Australia, it's sad stuff, - with the uranium industry in decline, and even South Australia's Premier admitting that uranium has been "over-hyped".

Meanwhile there’s all sorts of positive things happening in renewable energy, small and large scale, in energy storage, and in constantly falling costs.

Of course, as the nuclear lobby huffs and puffs, it tries to fight, to destroy, the clean energy movement.  It brings to mind Mahatma  Ghandi’s sayng:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
