ASOCHIVIDA defends dialogue and understanding with Nicaragua Sugar

Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most representative organization of persons with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) of the country, recently ratified its commitment to continue the dialogue process established with Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), a company of Grupo Pellas.

ASOCHIVIDA issued a statement signed by its Board of Directors, rejecting disinformation campaigns and reiterating its strong support towards this dialogue, which aims to seek benefits for its members, while Boston University leads a scientific research to determine the causes of CRI.

"The dialogue process with NSEL has resulted in huge immediate benefits, such as food aid, loans, income-generating projects, various grants, housing, health care and the construction of a clinic specializing in nephrology care is currently underway to provide better quality health care and improve the lives of those affected by CRI", expresses the statement.

"All parties have expressed a will and commitment to respect the results issued by Boston University in relation to its in-depth scientific study. However, we are aware that a study of this magnitude, without any regional or perhaps worldwide history, will take longer to get expected results," says ASOCHIVIDA, which called on its members to keep calm and have hope.

ASOCHIVIDA recently received the first 50 houses of a housing project to build a hundred houses for the benefit of its members, which investment totals more than half a million dollars.

This initiative is the result of an agreement between ASOCHIVIDA and NSEL, which has been backed by the Nicaraguan Urban and Rural Housing Institute (INVUR), the Mayor of Chichigalpa, and the American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF).