Jetstar deleting criticisms - let's up the pressure on the CEO

34,000 signatures! Clearly I was not alone last weekend when I put my petition up on Tens of thousands of consumers have joined my petition telling Jetstar to end their excessive credit card surcharge. It's been covered by The Australian, Courier Mail, and other media -- and they're starting to feel the pressure. 

Jetstar's Facebook page has been bombarded with complaints all week, but instead of acting on our feedback, they've started deleting comments critical of their fees. Their customers have noticed this too and complained bitterly that their comments have been removed. They're hoping we'll all move on quickly -- allowing them to get away with keeping their "booking and service fee" for booking flights with a credit card. 

It's time to turn up the heat. Let's flood the Jetstar CEO Jayne Hrdlicka with feedback and make it clear to Jetstar executives that they can't keep selling themselves as the "low cost airline", while still hitting customers with surcharges labelled "excessive" by the Reserve Bank. 

Can you share my petition on Facebook -- and forward this text to friends to help me reach 50,000 signatures calling Jetstar out on their ridiculous fees?

It's been almost a week since new rules came in that aimed to stop Jetstar, Qantas, Cabcharge and other big retailers from charging us excessive surcharges. Clearly, they're not listening to the regulators. But if enough of us consumers come together to demand they drop the fees, they'll have no option but to listen to us or risk losing thousands of customers.

Here's just a few of the great media hits we've got so far for the petition. And make sure you share the petition this weekend! 

Article that appeared in The Australianlisten to my interview on 2GB radioopinion piece in the Courier Mail supporting the petition.

Thanks for your help in getting us this far! 


P.S. Jetstar seem determined to dig in their heels rather than listen to customers. Please share my petition today, and if you can give me an extra hand or have more ideas for how we can win this campaign, drop me a line on: