Help fight credit card rorting with this petition

Change.orgSurcharges on paying with a credit card reap big business millions every year -- and Jetstar are considered the worst offenders. Join Klaus' call for them to drop the "excessive" fees on Monday.
Sign the Petition

They're the worst offenders. Jetstar's $8.50 per passenger per flight credit card fee is considered one of the most "excessive" -- and now, it seems Jetstar may try to find a way around complying with an unprecedented Reserve Bank ruling to curb the fees.

On Monday, new voluntary rules come into effect banning big retailers like airlines, petrol stations, and retail chains from charging "excessive" surcharges on credit card purchases. But reports in The Age today suggest Jetstar are among the big businesses that'll try and "flout the reforms" -- determined that they can continue charging millions of dollars each year in payment surcharges.

Consumers have a rare window. Jetstar are set to decide on whether to adhere to the new ruling in the coming days -- and they have a history of monitoring and responding quickly to consumers online. Klaus Bartosch has started a petition on calling for Jetstar to lead the way on dropping the "excessive" fees, and hopes it could send a major signal to other big retailers if he wins. 

WIll you join Klaus' big push to end "excessive" credit card surcharges by big retailers? Sign his petition right now, and share it with friends.

For Klaus, these surcharges aren't just an irritation -- he says they show a "shameful dishonesty" from businesses like Jetstar, Caltex and others. On his petition, Klaus says consumers should be able to "trust companies to do what's right, not just what's going to line their pockets with the most profit every time."

Jetstar continue to sell itself as the airline that does everything they can to lower fares. Yet just when customers think they're done paying for the flights, Jetstar add on their "booking and service fee" of $8.50 per passenger per flight -- what's estimated to be an astounding 2670% mark up on what it actually costs businesses to process cards.

With the media watching closely and building momentum on social media, Klaus says there's a real chance right now to knock out these "ridiculous fees" from big businesses. But only if thousands of consumers get behind the campaign. Sign his petition calling on Jetstar to dump their $8.50 surcharge now.

Thanks for being a part of this,

Nathan and the team.

P.S. Klaus is worried that if Jetstar aren't brought into line, it could let all of the big retailers off the hook. Get behind his petition here.


cash, debit cards, prepaid post office internet payment cards, alternative payment systems (eg barter and modern updates) all provide other ways to pay
fight credit cards -
save for what you need
keep ongoing expenses in mind
avoid debt
give as you can, ask if in absolute need
don't buy crap
empty your mind of consumerist propaganda
live simply
help others to live by avoiding unethical products if you can do without, finding alternatives if you can
if essentials are made only by megacorps, keep up with their bastrardry and write to them about it, let them know you won't turn away from their hellmaking and will call them on it
the system needs our wants and refuses our needs

Wow! This petition has really taken off! And that's thanks to you. We've got over 17,000 signatures since Saturday morning! And the headline running on right now is "Petition fights Jetstar credit card fees".

And Jetstar have just directly responded to the petition. But unbelievably, they're refusing to admit they even have a credit card surcharge -- instead suggesting you can avoid their "booking and service fee" of $8.50 by using their own Jetstar cards/vouchers.

This is a fee charged for each flight, so a return airfare (two flights) will cost you $17 (for the one booking) if you use your credit card! If you book for 4 people (like your family), that is an extra $68 on top of your airfares. They can call it whatever they like, but it is clear we all know what it really is.

Can you help tell Jetstar to stop making excuses and cut their ridiculous $8.50 "booking and service fee" by posting on their Facebook page? Click here to do that now -- and forward this email on to your friends!

The published price should be the published price in Australia.

The reforms demanding retailers only charge the "reasonable cost of accepting card payments" comes into effect today. That means it's time for Jetstar to keep their promise of providing the lowest cost flights by dropping their excessive surcharges -- or risk losing customers and damaging their brand.

Thanks you for your support - let's win this one!


P.S. Many retailers we use every day, like Caltex and Shell service stations, Qantas and Tiger, and Cabcharge all should be reducing their credit card fees from today (down to below 1% of the purchase price) -- can you help me check if they've reduced the fees? Email me on or start your own petition targeting a brand you use -- right here.

This is a complete rort, especially with Virgin airlines, as you cannot book your flight online any other way except by credit card.