With the ten year anniversary since Australian forces joined an international 'coalition of the willing' to invade Iraq coming next Monday March 18th, we are pleased to let you know about many events happening around Australia to mark the occasion.
The tenth anniversary of the war in Iraq offers a timely opportunity to review the successes and failures of Australia’s role in the war and the tenuous and difficult relationship between the two nations beyond the withdrawal. This symposium confronts a significant lacuna in academic and policy debates by engaging diplomatic staff, politicians, academics, business leaders, policy-makers, Iraqi expatriates, media and NGO’s concerned with Iraq in a robust exchange of ideas on the following key questions:
1. What were the key factors that led to the intervention and occupation of Iraq? What were the goals and how can we measure their successes and/or failures?
2. What is the legacy of the intervention in Iraq? And to what extent have bi- and multi-lateral relations between US/UK/AUS and Iraq been shaped by the intervention, occupation and withdrawal?
3. What are the lessons that have been learned in the last decade for the US/UK/AUS in terms of engagement with Iraq and the broader Middle East? And what are the examples of the most obvious failures and successes in Iraq since 2003?
4. What are the major opportunities and/or roadblocks on the path to investment, development, peace, security and mutually beneficial relations between US/UK/AUS and Iraq? And what are the opportunities to enhance the US/UK/AUS role in Iraq in the short- and long-term?
Please come along to these events if you are able - but if not there are still many ways you can help. Can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to at least 5 family members of friends?
Also - keep an eye on the media next week as CIWI representatives will be making appearances on national radio and television to discuss the growing push for an Inquiry into Australia's involvement in the ill-fated Iraq War.
Some scheduled highlights will include Rod Barton, former Director of Intelligence (Science and Technology) & former UN Weapons Inspector speaking on the World Today on Radio National on Monday March 18 from 12 - 1pm.
Also on Tuesday March 19th Paul Barratt, former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade & former Secretary of the Department of Defence will be interviewed on ABC24 TV World program between 9 - 10pm.
CIWI (Campaign for an Iraq War Inquiry)
Other peace events in Australia this week:
***Sunday March 17***
No War. Iraq 10 years on (fundraiser for the Sydney Greens)
Location: Sydney, 107 Redfern Street, Redfern
***Monday March 18 (6 – 8.30pm)***
Iraq 10 years on (panel discussion)
Location: Sydney Mechanic’s School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street
***Tuesday March 19 (7pm)***
Following the US to War: Lessons from Iraq (featuring Paul Barratt, Dr Jenny Grounds, Ged Kearney, Prof Richard Tanter)
Location: Melbourne City Conference Centre, 333 Swanston Street
***Wednesday March 20 (5 – 6.30pm)***
Ten Years to the Day, what did the anti-war protests achieve?’ (featuring Prof Jake Lynch)
Location: Sydney University New Law Building
***Thursday March 21 (7pm)***
Following the US to War, Lessons from Iraq, Building a dialogue for a Peaceful and Independent Australia (featuring Senator Andrew Bartlett, Donna Mulhearn & Peter Ardnt)
Location: Brisbane, QLD Council of Unions, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane

The table below summarises some of the Iraqi casualty figures
Sources of Iraqi casualties:
Iraq Family Health Survey
151,000 deaths – March 2003 to June 2006
Lancet Surveys of Iraq War casualties
601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deaths – March 2003 to June 2006
ORB Iraq War casualties
1,033,000 deaths as a result of conflict – March 2003 to August 2007
Associated Press
103,536 to 113,125 civilian deaths – March 2003 to April 2009
Iraq Body Count
150,726 civilian and combatant deaths – March 2003 to October 2011
Wikileaks classified – Iraq War Logs
109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths – January 2004 to December 2009
Background materials
I still have my webpages up for the Melbourne protests to stop the war on Iraq
In 2007 I produced an 80 page A5 booklet as a PDF on the Antiwar/peace movement in Melbourne from 2001 to 2007: 'Against Terrorism, Against War. Melbourne Protests for Peace.' (PDF 1.5MB), based upon my own writings and photographs from the time and the features published at Melbourne Indymedia.