Peru latest country to introduce pervasive surveillance bill

 LogoAccess Express | 03/07/13

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Peru latest country to introduce pervasive surveillance bill

Joining a growing number of governments proposing regulations that mandate pervasive surveillance, Peru recently introduced a draconian surveillance bill...

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Google breaks silence on FBI's national security letters that demand its users' data

National security letters are the Fight Club of government data surveillance: the first rule for any company that receives an NSL is that it doesn't talk about them...

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Expanding into Burma, telcos must confront ethical questions

As Burma solicits bids from telcos to build out its telecommunications infrastructure, the country is making it clear that they’re open for business...

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From the Access CommunityArticle photo

China's web censors are quick, but take breaks for the evening news

Rice University's Dan Wallach has released a study on China's web censors by reverse-engineering the government's techniques...

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WSIS+10: Taking stock and driving the global internet policy agenda forward

Access participated in the WSIS+10 meeting in Paris with the overarching goal of working with the global community to advance users’ rights...

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Azerbaijani opposition blogger says 'democratic revolution' is approaching

In an interview, Azerbaijani blogger and opposition movement leader Emin Milli describes the new media revolution taking place in Azerbaijan, and the approaching "democratic revolution"...

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US trade office calls ACTA back from the dead and Canada complies

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is coming back with a vengeance...

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Mexico border town online news editor murdered

Online Mexican news editor Jaime Guadalupe González Domínguez was murdered on 3 March after gunmen shot him 18 times and took his camera. The camera contained photos he had taken of a member of a criminal gang...

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Texas proposes one of nation’s “most sweeping” mobile privacy laws

If the bill passes Austin, Texas could lead the nation in mobile privacy protection. Privacy experts say that a pair of new mobile privacy bills recently introduced in Texas are among the “most sweeping” ever seen...

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Meme templates: The new tool for political activism

Recently, my friend Peter Micek of the digital rights organization Access alerted me to how internet privacy activists are using popular memes to get their message across about Data Protection Regulation in the European Union...

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Access joins civil society calling for openness at WTPF

Access joined other civil society representatives in sending a joint submission to the Informal Expert Group of the World Telecommunication Policy Forum calling for openness and inclusivity in the upcoming May meeting...

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Flame Windows update attack could have been repeated in 3 days, says Microsoft

When the sophisticated state-sponsored espionage tool known as Flame was exposed last year, no one was more concerned about the discovery than Microsoft...

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Russia's public petitions: by the people, but for whom?

On March 4, Vladimir Putin signed an executive order regarding the creation of a government petitions online platform, which will allow Russian citizens to create and vote on various policy issues...

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European Parliament considers a ban on “all pornography”, policed by private companies

Certain companies' efforts to censor the Internet become even more worrying when such privatised censorship gets political support. Next week, the European Parliament votes on a non-binding resolution supporting a ban on all forms of pornography...

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