Take charge!

If you want something done right then do it yourself, or so the saying goes. And when it comes to credit card surcharges, come 18 March, consumers may have to do just that.

This is the date that reforms designed to stop excessive credit card surcharges come into effect. However, no official agency will be enforcing the changes. Instead, responsibility will lie with major credit card companies to keep retailers in line.

But do you think Visa and MasterCard are really best placed to look after your interests?

That's why it is up to you to do what needs to be done and demand an end to excessive surcharging by the big offenders.

Tell big companies that you want an end to excessive surcharges:

Sign the petition now

Consumers should not be subjected to excessive credit card surcharges designed to pad the bottom lines of companies such as Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia, Tiger Airways and Cabcharge. You can help end excessive surcharging by signing our petition now.


Best wishes,
Matt Levey
CHOICE Head of Campaigns


P.S - Because CHOICE doesn't accept corporate or recurrent government funding, we depend on our supporters and members in order to do the work that we do. You can help us by making a donation of $5, $10 or $50 to the campaigns team. Thanks!

We are a not-for-profit organisation. Donations for our campaign work are not tax deductible.