"Go to juvie for feed, aircon"

From The Northern Territory News, February 20th, 2013* -- ABORIGINAL people will go out and "smash a window" just to get an airconditioned room in youth detention, visit family and get three meals a day, an indigenous politician has said.

Stuart MLA Bess Price said many of her relatives and friends were in youth detention - despite her best efforts to keep them out of trouble.

"We try our best to encourage our young people ... don't drink and don't get yourself into trouble because you will go to jail," she said.

"They turn around and tell us 'it's all right Aunty. Jail is all right because we're only in there for a short time'."

Comment by Trudy: And the homeless are homeless because they choose to be and the poor are poor because they don't try hard enough....

Comment by Laurie: Yes, the bottom line of the rightwing belief is that God only allows bad people to be poverty stricken, so any help given to them only encourages more bad behaviour.

Unfortunately, Bess Price, Allison Anderson and many other Aboriginal leaders have been sucked in once again by this mission mentality.

Of course, this attitude also occurs in Non-Indigenous communities where people are deprived and the blow-fly of Religion lays its eggs of self-destruction in the affected community.



People adapt to their environment and this is a good example.