Thanks from GetUp!

Take a quick 3 minutes to click on the video below  for a beautiful visual display of some of the amazing things you've achieved in 2012.


In 2012, more than 600,000 GetUp members banded together, chipping-in and turning out when it would have been easy to stay home. We didn't pick the easy fights. You went up against the most powerful forces in Australia; politicians from all parties, powerful lobby groups and some of the wealthiest corporations in this country.

Next year is an election year, and there are many who will tell you that the writing is already on the wall for the issues we care about. Our movement would not exist if we thought like that.

This will be a tightly fought election, and the outcome - in the house and the Senate - is up for grabs. There's so much more at stake than who is elected. This is a year when public debate on the issues we most care about will be at its peak. Together, we can change the tenor and outcomes of this election.

At the last two federal elections, GetUp members have run the largest independent campaigns Australia has ever seen. We've had more than 15,000 volunteers on the ground, distributed over 2 million issue scorecards, run successful High Court and Federal Court actions that gave over 169,000 Australians the chance to vote, and run the most effective issue advertising in Australia.

That's because we understand that politics is too important to be left to politicians -- it takes all of us. So let's stride into 2013, bigger and better than ever, with so much we care about at stake.

Together, we can make 2013 our best year ever.

Click here to watch what our movement is made of:

Thanks again for an exceptional year... and Happy New Year!

The GetUp team

PS - GetUp doesn't receive any funding from government or corporations. Our movement relies on small (an average of $19.65 per person to be exact) donations from every day Australians like yourself. 2013 promises to be one of our most exciting years to date. Click here to chip in and give the GetUp movement a flying start to the election year: