Gerry Georgatos
The exploitation of animals has reached never before seen extents, with animals bred in the most horrific conditions to be en masse slaughtered for so-called food production and human consumption. In the meantime humankind is getting physically and mentally sick on the excess consumption of animals as food.
However the most cruel forms of exploitation of animals by humankind are not limited to the so-called food production, however also to the cruel use of animals, even en masse, in various experimentation and in horrific simulation exercises - the latter for instance with the Military.
Recently People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) exposed the US Military's use of animals in training and simulation exercises in the manufacture of their own human resource as ruthless killers.
A PETA video expose narrated by well-known director Oliver Stone, who is a Vietnam Army veteran, shows despicable gruesome scenes.
"A tree trimmer cuts of a goat's leg with a sickening crunch - 'We've got a bleeder,' the instructor announces. Another goat lies strapped to a table while an instructor repeatedly stabs her side with a scalpel and pulls out her internal organs. Some of the mutilated goats moan and kick. One instructor whistles a tune, and a participant jokes about mutilating the animals."
The PETA video documentary shows never-before-seen footage of a Coast Guard trauma training course in Virginal Beach, Virgina.
It is later noted by the whistle-blower, who was distraught at what he had seen, that the remaining living goats "were later shot in the face with pistols and hacked apart with an axe."
PETA filed complaints with the US Department of Agriculture in that the training group violated the federal Animal Welfare Act by not providing the animals with adequate anaesthesia.
Every year, the US military and its contractors shoot, stab, mutilate and kill more than 10,000 live animals in cruel trauma training exercises. PETA says this continues even though life-like human simulators have been shown to better train military personnel and even though the Department of Defense regulations requires that alternatives to animals should be used when available.
Protests and complaints do work - after vigorous campaigns by PETA, the US military stopped poisoning monkey and forcing tubes down the throats of ferrets and cats in training courses. PETA is urging the American government and its agencies to replace the use of animals in military training with non-animal methods.
It appears that no country uses animals in military training exercises to the extent that the USA does, however many other countries too are guilty of this cruel and horrific madness, this inhumanity.
The cruelty by humankind to animals is not limited to the military, and extends to the voyeuristic with commercial or research claimed benefits, and especially to the skewed and bent food production industry - McDonald's restaurants thrive on the mass production and slaughter of animals, specifically bred in deprivation, denied natural urges and freedom, so McDonald's alone can thrive.
Many countries have animal federal laws however the intentions of such legislation are not adhered to many animal farmers and especially many abattoirs and this includes Australia - who in this last year has taken issue to the cruelty captured on film in Indonesian abattoirs, however someday when the cruel practices of what goes in many Australian abattoirs, nation-wide, is exposed then in many ways it will be known at long last that it is little different in Australia too - animals, beaten, hammered on the head again and again, fighting an pleading for their right to dear life.
Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned and blinded in hidden laboratories on college campuses and research facilities throughout the U.S. Still more animals are used to test the safety of cosmetics, household cleansers and other consumer products. These innocent primates, dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and other animals are used against their will as research subjects in experiments and procedures that would be considered sadistically cruel were they not conducted in the name of science.

In 10 years in the army I saw only accidental kills of animals
So what's the plan? How are you going to stop the US military doing what it wants in America? There is no suggestion that our own military conducts these exercises so I have to wonder what the point of this article is. It reads rather like a year 6 book report in that all the author has really done is recount a video he has seen whilst pointing out that the narrator of this video is a Vietnam War veteran (failing of course to acknowledge the narrators anti semetism and holocaust denial or cocaine abuse or appologism for the FARC terrorist group in Columbia)
Are you suggesting that our own military conducts these kinds of activities? I can tell you from ten years in the army that the only animals I ever saw killed were accidental (hit by a vehicle and the like) and that indeed if for example we ran into a kangaroo and it was not killed instantly we were made to cover its head with a hessian bag and shoot it so that it would not suffer. Any joey had to be taken to a wildlife rescue service. Our trauma training was viewing an autopsy prior to deployment and seeing actual trauma on deployment.
Knowing matters
It does matter to know what goes on elsewhere, and the more people that know the more chance of change, it is about shame, it does work, do you think that there aren't good people in the USA who do not need our support and knowing? You seem to have a problem with Oliver Stone and instead have missed the issue, which is animal cruelty and murder. As an animal rights campaigner I'd ask you to focus on the issues, simply put, and not on Oliver Stone.
Yes, I believe that the Australian military does not harm animals the way these dudes in America do but I wouldn't go around boasting how great the Australian military is, lets not forget there is a royal commission around the corner to finally document where many of our soldiers expend their energy - bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, molesting, rape, causing suicides. We're better off without military forces period, and certainly better off with military forces that hide truths, like the Australian military did for so long about abused young men and women, or how they forget they injured and wounded once out of the army, veterans pensions are peanuts to the damage caused, and lets not forget some of the atrocities of war that on paper and oaths and all that are not part of the crap that is war.
Ying and Yang I say.
The whole system is blood thirsty and money hungry
Disgusting, merciless, cruel, despicable, there are not enough adjectives for this shit that goes on and it's not just the military, it's everyone who sits by silent and lets McDonald's produce animals for patties, more than half the world's beef goes to that shithouse patties, it's sheer disgusting greed. It's everyone, the whole system is blood thirsty and money hungry.
How cruelly sick is mankind?
How cruelly sick is mankind?
What goes around comes around, like WAR.
You know very little, by the way you talk about it
What do you know what the Australian Defence Force?
Some how I think very little, by the way you talk about it.