Toxic water headed for the Great Barrier Reef?


Toxic water headed for the Great Barrier Reef?

A scandalous new law has been proposed in Queensland and you're invited to rally for our Reef next Monday.

Join the Rally!

Background: The coal industry has grand plans to dig up the Galilee Basin, dramatically expanding Australia’s coal production and coal exports, and shipping it out through the Great Barrier Reef. These plans threaten our World Heritage Reef, our climate, sensitive wetlands and our agricultural land.

What: There is a convention called the Galilee Basin Coal and Energy Conference, where mining magnates are meeting to discuss how they can solidify their reckless plans. Join the protest outside the conference to take a stand for our Reef and our climate.

When: Monday 12 November 7.30am

Where: Meet at ANZAC Square, we will then proceed to The Hilton, 190 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane.

RSVP: Email Louise or RSVP on Facebook

Wear: Come dressed like you’re spending a day at the Reef – beach, snorkel or fishing gear. We’ll have t-shirts for you if you prefer to wear them.

A polluting new law

Do you think coal companies should be allowed to release toxic water from coal mines into Queensland’s rivers and the Great Barrier Reef?

Proposed new laws may allow this to happen if we don’t stop them from being passed.

Please send a message to the Queensland Premier to tell him you value safe drinking water, healthy rivers and the Great Barrier Reef.


TAKE ACTION:  Send this message to the Premier
There are 250,000 million litres of polluted water sitting in coal mine pits in the Bowen Basin – that’s the equivalent of 100,000 Olympic swimming pools. Some of this water has been there for two years. Instead of treating the water to remove harmful toxins, the coal industry has spent the last two years lobbying for permission to release their polluted water into Queensland’s waterways.

The Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney has listened to the coal industry and is proposing to create new provisions within the Environment Protection Act that would enable the coal companies to pollute our waterways. This new legislation will gives companies the opportunity to ask for permission to release toxic water into Queensland rivers, beyond the standards and guidelines set for safe drinking water and agriculture at short notice and without public review.

These waterways feed into the Fitzroy River downstream to graziers, towns, the city of Rockhampton and eventually, the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

The Queensland Government has clearly heard loud and clear what the coal industry wants. It’s time they hear what Australians want – protection for water and the Great Barrier Reef.

Thank you.

Stacey Nelson
Volunteer and Activist Coordinator
Greenpeace Australia Pacific