What happened to the old Indymedia site?

Are articles archived in the old indymedia site & there was a time when indymedia resembled a linux console & there were articles published then as well, what happened to them ? Have they been archived ?


database and files is still exist. just need a fair bit of work to upgrade from drupal 5 to drupal 6 (and all the modules it uses).

The old indymedia site was black & before then it resembled a linux console & supported programs like pine

I used to access it directly with a dialup modem either via Cyberia BBS or directly via a terminal program . . . Indymedia had a very early presence utilizing internet networking technologies. This was a time when Julian Assange's teenage literature was floating around Australian BBS systems,

AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries . . .

Indymedia used to be a ISP, Internet Service Provider. A time when the internet only had two colours & their wasn't that much data floating around back then

It used to be a free ISP as well, did AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries & the Anarchists sell out !