Sydney & NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 8 events from 13 September 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 13 September 2012: various locations internationally
Fifth anniversary of the
United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Event details:

Event: Thu 13 September 2012: Sydney, NSW
Panel Discussion:
Does Constitutional Reform Negate Aboriginal Sovereignty
"Are Constitutional reform and Aboriginal Sovereignty
mutually exclusive?"
Led by: Professor Megan Davis,
Director of the Indigenous Law Centre,
Faculty of Law UNSW
Event details:

Event: Sat 15 September 2012:
New location: The Settlement, Darlington, NSW
Welcome to Aboriginal Land and Passport Ceremony
"Over 200 people, including newly arrived
asylum seekers will receive an Aboriginal Passport
which will be issued by:
* Robbie Thorpe, Treaty Republic and
* Ray Jackson, President,
Indigenous Social Justice Assocation."
"Ray Jackson says that "the issuing of the
Passports cover two important areas of interactions
between the Traditional Owners of the Lands and
migrants, asylum seekers and non-Aboriginal citizens
of this country. Whilst they acknowledge our rights to
all the Aboriginal Nations of Australia we reciprocate
by welcoming them into our Nations.
It is a moral win-win for all involved in the process"."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Tue 18 September 2012: Byron Bay, NSW
Our Generation film screening
Nigel Stewart, Bundjalung member will be doing
a welcome & didgeridoo performance
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Thu 20 September 2012: Lane Cove, Sydney, NSW
A Special Community Forum on:
The approaching National Referendum for
'Constitutional Recognition of Australia's First Peoples'
Speakers' Panel followed by Q&A
MC: Michelle Lovegrove, Ngarrindjeri Nation
Executive Producer SBS Radio 'Living Black'
Presented by:
Lane Cove Residents for Reconciliation
Event details:

Event: Tue 23 October 2012: Sydney, NSW
Our Generation film screening
Homelands and Homelessness
- Film Screening and Panel Discussion
Organised by Amnesty International
"The panel will address concerns about the
105,000 homeless people currently struggling
to survive in Australia. It will also discuss the
human rights problems experienced by
indigenous persons living in remote Homelands."
Speakers will include:
* Sarah Marland;
* John Dowd AO;
* The honourable Linda Burney MP.
Event details:
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Thu 8 - Sun 11 November 2012:
Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Fremantle
Dan Sultan Announces Indigenous Rights Concert Tour
"Last seen stepping in for Gurrumul after he
had to pull out November’s Gorgeous Festival,
Dan Sultan has announced a new series of
concerts to help raise awareness for
issues facing the Indigenous community.
The Music Network reports that the ARIA
Award-winning Gurindji performer has designed
the shows, called Rock For Recognition,
as helping promote the need for recognition of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples in the
Australian Constitution."
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:

Event: 10 December 2012: various locations internationally
UN International Human Rights Day

- 'Our Generation' Film Reviews

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:
Our Generation - Showing in London - page 8
Winter 2011: "The Intervention is yet another example of
the appalling treatment the Aboriginal People of Australia
have been subjected to in such a short period of time
compared to thousands of years of survival. Sinem Saban and
Rev. Dr Gondarra supported by the Yolngu people and
cinematographer, Damien Curtis, have created a sensitive
and realistic view of the plight of those who wish to live
a more traditional life in their homelands and of those who
appear to be dispossessed." Christine Waterer

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:
ASG Information Night: Our Generation - page 6
Summer 2010: "Local resident and journalist, Jeff McMullen
introduced "Our Generation", the film by Sinem Saban and
Damien Curtis which we were there to see. The film explored
in depth the Federal Government Intervention into
Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory. Jeff had
told us that the film’s producers were not having any
success in having the film shown on government or
commercial media outlets and they were having to screen it
in local community halls to show the community at large
just what was involved in the Intervention. It is basically
a war on Aboriginal culture. The dispossession of the
Aboriginal people is simply continuing in a new guise."
Carol Gerrard


Our Generation:

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:

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