On 16th August 16th the Ecuadorean Government announced it was granting political asylum to Julian Assange, under international law, on the grounds he has well founded fears of persecution for his journalism by the U.S.A., including threats to his life. They also stated Australia had failed to cover protection to Assange. Read full statement here. Meanwhile the British police surrounded the Ecuadorean Embassy in London and threatened to temporarily revoke its diplomatic status and raid it to arrest Assange and extradite him to Sweden. A series of protests were called at UK consulates and the Embassy in Australia to occur on Friday 17th August. These included Sydney -- Melbourne and Canberra and Adelaide
Melbourne Occupation and Rally
Three protestors entered the consulate and tried to talk to staff about the treatment of Assange. Staff hid from the protestors and Federal Police and local police entered the Consulate. One protestor was arrested when he tried to bring water to those inside the Consulate. The video's below give a good account of what happened on the day.
Sydney Rally
In Sydney around 100 people protested in the late afternoon outside the British Consulate.
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Canberra Rally
A rally occurred outside the UK embassy itself in Canberra. A couple of representatives of ACT FOWL are meeting the Ecuadorean Ambassador on Tuesday, and we would like to take your messages of thanks and support. Please email your messages to actfowl@gmail.com. We would love to create an enormous pile of flowers and tributes outside the embassy, so please drop off your contribution today or tomorrow. Address is 6 Pindari Crescent O'Malley. Note we don't want to intrude, so flowers and tributes should be placed on the nature strip out the front at 6 Pindari Crescent O'Malley.
Adelaide Rally
A small rally also occured outside the British Consulate in Adelaide
Adelaide Friends of Wikileaks on Facebook
Mainstream Media Coverage
On Saturday 18th of August, Melbourne Fairfax Newspaper revealled that they had obtained through Freedom of Information legislation diplomatic cables that show that the Australian Government is well aware that the U.S. is preparing to prosecute Assange over his Wikileaks activities
Left Wing Media Coverage
Green Left Weekly Coverage
World Socialist Website Coverage
Australian Government lines up behind British threats to Assange
Imperialist lawlessness and the witch hunt against Assange

Online petition lobbying the Australian Government protect Julian's rights

Re: Australian rallies to demand Britain allow Assange safe ...
Im disgusted in this government that allows, no, that, condones injustice, making a mockery of free speech and truth. A government that will jump up and down to support people accused of trafficking illicit drugs overseas, but do F.A. for someone exposing the truth.