STOP Imperialist War against Syria

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), condermn in the strongest terms the duplicitous scheme of the US and NATO in instigating, funding and arming the so-called Syrian National Council and Free Syrian Army to seek the violent overthrow of the Assad government in Syria and at the same time pushing a “peace plan” and then a “transitional government” under the auspices of the UN in order to politically outmanuever the Assad government and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces.

The US and NATO are hell-bent on effecting a regime change by escalating the war efforts of the mercenary “rebel forces” and exerting various economic and political pressures with the use of the UN and puppet regimes in the region in preparing for an all-out imperialist war of aggression as in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The Western corporate media are part and parcel of the imperialist war machine in moulding international public opinion to justify this criminal conspiracy.

The imperialist powers headed by the US detest the Assad government for asserting national sovereignty and independence, particularly against the US-Zionist combine, and want to replace said government with a puppet regime closely aligned with the imperialists’ hegemonic policy in the region. Burhan Ghallioun, a leading member of the imperialist funded Syrian National Council has promised to open up Syria to the West, end Syria’s strategic alliance with Iran which includes support for the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance to Israel and bring Syria closer to the arch-reactionary Arab puppet regimes.

Turkey is taking the lead as the US proxy in the war against the Assad government. It is providing the mercenary Free Syrian Army with rear bases close to the Syrian border where French and British special forces are providing training to “rebel” fighters. Weapons seized from the arsenals of the late Muammar Gaddafi are being brought in to the military bases in Turkey by unmarked NATO planes. The so-called Free Syrian Army is funded by governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These two countries are playing the same shameful role they played in the criminal imperialist operation against the Gaddafi government.

The Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davitoglu, has said in public that Turkey is ready to attack Syria as soon as there is agreement among the Western governments to do so. The naked aggression would be justified by the so-called “responsibility to protect” doctrine that has now become the standard pretext of the imperialists in trampling on the national sovereignty of countries.

The Western corporate media has stepped up its campaign of spreading lies about so-called atrocities by the Assad government. The famous “Homs massacre” attributed by Western governments and echoed by the Western media to the Syrian Army has turned out to be the handiwork of the armed “rebels”. A rebel commander Abu Rami has admitted to Spiegel Online that his death squads had executed more than 200 people in the city of Homs.

Just before Kofi Annan made his scheduled visit to Syria, news spread of a massacre of 108 people in the city of Houla on May 25 that included women and children. Western governments were quick to condemn the Assad government and expelled Syrian diplomats from their countries. The UN Security Council without any investigation similarly denounced the Syrian government. It later turned out that 700 armed fighters of the mercenary Free Syrian Army had carried out the massacre of families suspected of being loyal to Assad.

Annan in a public speech has called the Houla massacre the “tipping point.” The US and NATO have used the massacre in Houla to work more blatantly than ever before for the overthrow of Assad. They are no longer hiding the fact that the CIA is now active in southern Turkey delivering weapons and communications equipment to the mercenary Free Syrian Army.

Turkey has started to make provocations that could produce the pretexts for outright aggression. The shooting down by Syrian air defenses of a Turkish military jet that the Turkish government subsequently admitted to have “accidentally strayed” into Syrian airspace is now being used by the US and NATO in their sabre-rattling and war preparations.

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) resolutely supports the broad masses of the people and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces of Syria in their struggle against the US and NATO for their ongoing intervention in Syria and their preparations for a naked war of aggression against the people and government of Syria.

We call on all member organizations of ILPS, all progressive forces and all people of goodwill to mobilize and organize protest actions against the criminal actions of the imperialists that have already caused so much destruction and suffering in Syria and are tearing that country apart.

US and NATO, Hands off Syria!
Stop imperialist war!
Down with imperialism and all forms of reaction!
Assert national independence and sovereignty!
Long live the international solidarity of peoples!

Jose Maria Sison

Chairperson, International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS)

Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)

Chief Political Consultant, National Democratic Front-Philippines (NDFP)

Related Info:
Hama Massacre:
Hama Massacre:
Homs Massacre:
Houla Massacre:

Related articles:


Was this posted as a joke, the Communist Party of the Philippines is an ultra Stalinist organisation with a death squad, and Syria under Assad is a brutal police state that has lost the support of not only the majority of the Syrian people but now a large sector of high ranking officials now jumping off the sinking bloodstained wreck the Syrian state has created.

Solidarity with all who resist.
Long live the Insurrection!


Materialist Analysis of the U.S. Orchestrated so-called “Arab
Spring” Regime Change Gambit in the Mideast, Persian Gulf
And Russia Using “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy:



TIME IS UP! The USA and Russia have PLAYED FOR TIME to allow the Physical Destruction of
Syria and Present the World with a Fait Accompli: But Russia has Apparently Refused to Support the NATO Article 5, Patriot Missile “No-fly Zone” in Turkey with the Prospect of a Direct USA/NATO
Invasion on the Pretext of “Securing Syrian Chemical Weapons.” The Russian Black Sea Fleet is also
Conducting Exercises off the Syrian Coast and has Deployed Five Landing Warships with Vehicles and Hundreds of Marines to Confront direct USA/NATO Invasion! Russia Has Now Returned to its Original Position that the Syrian People Must Decide who Runs Syria, while Medvedev Hypocritically Reaffirmed: “Assad’s Days Are Numbered!” Russia is EAGER to Turn Syria over to the USA Foreign Mercenaries/ Proxies/J ihadists JUST LIKE RUSSIA DID IN LIBYA and IRAQ but Does Not Want to Make it Obvious! The USA and Russia, Playing BAD COP/GOOD COP have Done Everything Possible to Overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Party-Led Syrian Government! But Despite Death Squads, Mass Provocations, Divide and Conquer, Deliberate Sabotage by Russia and a Barrage of Big Lies to Try to Break the Morale of the Syrian People, the “2 Partners” have not been able Defeat Syria because the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian Government is Supported by the Overwhelming Majority of Syrians!! RUSSIAN SPECIAL FORCES Have Been in Charge Of Syrian Military “Strategy” for Over Seven Months and Have Deliberately Sabotaged the Syrian Strategy And Tactics of Working With Civilians which Permitted Easy Roundups of USA Mercenaries and Death Squads as in Tremseh! For many months Russia has Directed Syria NOT to Send in Ground Forces After Air Attacks, which has Permitted USA Mercenary Proxies to OCCUPY Parts of Syria! Capitalism is Fundamentally Based on War, Mass Murder, Crime and Subjugation. The USA Proxy War to Overthrow Syria is a Prime Example! But Syria Needs IRAN’S Direct Mutual Defense Pact Assistance to Immediately End the USA Overthrow Attempt, which is NOT A “CIVIL WAR,” a False Designation DESIGNED TO DISCOURAGE ASSISTANCE BY IRAN! The ONE-WAY DYNAMIC OF CAPITALISM has driven the So-Called “Arab Spring” as a USA-Orchestrated Regime Change Gambit Throughout the Mideast and Persian Gulf! Russia has Chimed in with ALL USA Provocations and the Majority of USA False Propaganda in Syria, Libya, etc. or else Remained Silent! For Example, USA has Directed its Proxies to Fire Mortars
Into Turkey on a CONTINUOUS Basis thus Exposing it as an American False Flag PROVOCATION used To Serve as a False Pretext for Turkey to Obtain a USA/NATO Article 5 “No-Fly Zone!” The sudden USA Reversal of its False Claim That Syria was “About to Use Chemical Weapons” Indicates That Russia has Drawn a line Against Direct Invasion by USA, but now “Israel” talks about a “red line! The “Chemical Weapons” claim is an “Iraq WMD” Déjà Vu Provocation all over again! USA has Resorted To Escalating Provocations because their Proxies WERE LOSING! (New York Times, October 4, 2012) Russia Covered Up The USA-Directed False Flag Provocation in another Quid Pro Quo by Condemning Syria at the UN (!) and By Falsely Labeling Relentless Turkish Shelling of Syria: “Justified Turkish Retaliation!” (RT, October 7, 2012) For this Latest Quid Pro Quo Russia received Nothing Except False Promises to Pull Back On the “Missile Shield,” while Continuing to Dig its very own Gorbachev-Stalinist, anti-Communist Grave!

The United States Has Invaded Syria with a Proxy Army
Of Mercenary Terrorists/Jihadists from 29 countries!
There is No “Civil War!” There is No “Uprising!” The
USA cannot Send Its Own Army which is too Demoralized!

Because the USA mercenary Jihadist proxy forces were being relentlessly and systematically bottled up, defeated and annihilated everywhere in Syria ON THE GROUND, despite their replenishment by the USA and its puppets, the Russian Federation, which has already been “guiding” Syrian diplomacy, has for almost 8 months been deliberately misadvising Syria to stop sending in its ground forces after its air attacks in order that the USA mercenaries would be able to live to regroup, recuperate, reorganize, rearm and fight another day, and also so that they would be able to physically OCCUPY certain areas in Northern Syria, which they have been permitted to do largely due to the deliberately treacherous “advice” of the Russian Federation! For example, because of failure to properly deploy Syrian infantry to surround areas and eliminate them, “liberated zones” have been set up by the USA proxies in Aleppo and other areas. In Aleppo the USA proxies have installed an Islamic Fundamentalist government led by the so-called “Committee to Command Good and Prohibit Impious Acts.” The USA proxies carried out yet another Death Squad Attack in Aleppo on January 29, 2013 killing 108 Syrians loyal to Ba’ath Socialism and the UN immediately blamed Assad (!?) with USA-puppet Brahimi shrieking: “Syria is falling apart! It’s unprecedented!” (See: BBC) Russia has been working directly hand-in-glove with the USA to overthrow Ba’ath Socialist Syria while falsely claiming “Russia is neutral,” while talking about “transition” and making it sound “inevitable,” which it is NOT, while pretending “Russia seeks peace,” while giving the USA MERCENARIES UNLIMITED TIME TO SET OFF BOMBS TO SPREAD PANIC and DESTROY SYRIAN INFRASTRUCTURE and TO TRY TO PROGRESSIVELY DEMORALIZE THE SYRIAN POPULATION. But the Syrian people overwhelmingly support Ba’ath Socialism and REJECT the USA Proxy invasion! Russia refuses even to provide Syria with more modern weapons, or even to return repaired helicopters if the USA says: “No! No,” while gladly allowing the USA to arm its proxy Jihadists TO THE TEETH with Stinger Missiles and Russian Sam-7s, or the most modern Russian SA-14s, SA-16s, SA-18s or SA-24s!! The USA mercenary proxies have been photographed with all of these weapons systems! Undoubtedly supplied by Russia through the USA! (See: New York Times, November 13, 2012) “Take your pick, Jihadists!” By November 2012 Syrian jets were reportedly being shot down every day! The USA tries to hide Russia’s collaborative assistance by falsely disassociating from its “partner” in overthrowing Syria by focusing on differences the USA does have with Russia, but which do not exist over the mutually agreed upon desired final outcome in Syria, namely Libya-style total chaos and divide and conquer-imposed Islamic Fundamentalism, but only on HOW this outcome should be arrived at, and by announcing with much fanfare the “Second Reset with Russia” as “giving its old cold war rival the cold shoulder!” (New York Times, Feb 1, 2013)

Russia Has Blocked Syria and Iran From Implementing their 2005 Mutual
Defense Pact Which Would END the USA Proxy Invasion ON THE SPOT!

Syria and Iran have a MUTUAL DEFENSE PACT dating from February 2005. But Russia has interceded and directed that the pact NOT be honored for ANY reason, except in WORDS! Both Syria and Iran have been told by Russia that the USA Proxy Invasion of Syria is a “civil war.” Russia hides the true nature of the USA Proxy Invasion (referred to as “foreign interference” and “outside forces”) with repeated Big Lies! Even though Bashar Assad no longer refers to the U.S. Proxy Invasion of Syria as a “civil war” he has NOT acted on his growing awareness by calling for Iran’s direct military assistance to end the invasion on the spot and thereby forestall or prevent entirely a similar invasion of Iran! The USA/“Israel”/NATO intend to pick off one country after another and Russia is facilitating as much as possible this strategy by the USA. The USA-operated world capitalist media relentlessly portray Russia as “Syria’s staunch and stalwart friend!” With “friends” like Russia Syria needs no enemies! This is no joke! Syria has been bizarrely encouraged by Russia to “go it alone” against the USA Proxy Invasion! In order to try to coax Syria into going it alone the USA openly admits that their proxy/mercenary Jihadist army has only alienated the Syrian masses and minorities alike and has no genuine popular support. “Syrian Rebels Find Hearts and Minds Elusive.” (New York Times, January 16, 2013) But that admission by the USA will NOT allow Syria “going it alone” to defeat a USA Proxy Invasion involving Jihadists from 29 countries, an army which gets economic and military support from the USA/NATO and all the Middle East and Persian Gulf puppets of the USA! This is a USA Proxy invasion which can only be defeated with the help of both Iran and Hezbollah! Syria needs a little IMMEDIATE help from its REAL friends RIGHT AWAY! Hillary Clinton’s claim that “Iran is sending growing numbers of people and increasingly sophisticated weaponry” to Syria has little basis in fact and no facts are cited. Hillary’s claim was made in order to deter Iran from actually doing what it is being falsely accused of and implementing its 2005 Mutual Defense Pact with Syria. Russia meanwhile has been able to HOODWINK IRAN, which is NEXT on the USA/NATO menu, to SUPPORT TALKS between Syria and USA Proxy Leader Khatib! Talks about talks meant to substitute for and prevent Iran from honoring the 2005 Mutual Defense Pact! Sounds like familiar language. (Los Angeles Times, Feb. 4, 2013)

The USA/“ISRAEL” Air Strike on January 30, 2013 Was a PROVOCATION
Designed to Intimidate, Manipulate and Distract Iran, Syria and Hezbollah!

The USA/“ISRAEL” Air Strike on January 30, 2013 Targeted
The Syrian Military Research Center in Jamraya near Damascus
NOT a “Convoy Carrying SA-17 Surface-to-Air Missiles” Supposedly
Meant for Hezbollah! The Primary Purpose of the USA/“Israeli” Air
Strike was Precisely to Intimidate IRAN so that IRAN WILL NOT

The USA/NATO and its “Israeli” proxy are very worried and have launched another PROVOCATION in order to intimidate and manipulate Iran, Syria and Hezbollah and in order to try to keep them from uniting against the USA Proxy Invasion of Syria and honoring the Mutual Defense Pact between Iran and Syria! This provocation is very transparent and few should have difficulty understanding it. By carrying out this blatant Provocation the USA and so-called “Israel” have tipped their hand if the leadership of Syria and Iran and Hezbollah understand capitalist statecraft! The reason that the USA/“Israelis” falsely claimed that they had attacked a supposed “convoy carrying SA-17 surface-to-air missiles” was to distract Hezbollah away from focusing on giving military assistance to Syria and think…”Israel!” The SA-17 is not a weapons system which would even credibly appeal to Hezbollah because SA-17s require large launching systems that use radar and would be easy targets for “Israel” and thus would NOT be “game changing.” The Russian Federation, the supposed “staunch friend of Syria and Iran,” as expected has covered up the obvious purpose of this USA/“Israeli” Provocation from his “friends.”

Russia itself expressed simplistic outrage and told Syria to claim (falsely) that the purpose of the “Israeli” air strike was to “destabilize Syria?” (Huh?). Oh, and to send their indignations and complaints to the United Nations, the same United Nations which is relentlessly calling for the prosecution of the entire Syrian government for “War Crimes” for defending itself against USA Proxy Attack! Fat chance! Iran MUST send MASSIVE infantry contingents IMMEDIATELY to Syria, not dribs and drabs and Hezbollah must widen its defense of Syria maximally. This is the key to victory for progressive forces and an END to all USA Proxy Wars in the Middle East and Persian Gulf. Note: As part of the ongoing plan to put Hezbollah on the defensive the USA/“Israel” USA-authorized Mossad Terrorists to sacrifice the lives of 5 ”Israeli” tourists and injured 30 others in an apparent radio-controlled Bus Bomb Provocation in Bulgaria on July 18, 2012, which they USA directed Bulgaria to falsely “link” first to Iran and then to Hezbollah, in order to try to get Hezbollah declared a “terrorist group.” But neither Iran nor Hezbollah would have any MOTIVE whatsoever! Hezbollah is supported by all 17 factions in Lebanon, the only group which defeated “Israel” on the ground in the 2006 USA/“Israel” Carpet Bombing/Invasion of Lebanon! (See below.) Hezbollah must not be distracted by the USA/“Israel” and right now must render maximum assistance to Syria! If Syria falls then Hezbollah falls and then Iran falls! Tightening USA sanctions against Iran’s oil economy and media should be the “tell,” which indicates to Syria that HONORING its 2005 Mutual Defense Pact with Syria is the ONLY possible response which will strengthen Iran’s position and will ultimately force the USA to entirely reverse its “Nuclear Weapons of Mass of Destruction Big Lie!

Did Russia Really Reaffirm Support for the Ba’ath Socialist Government of Syria?

On January 6, 2013 the Sunday Times of London reported: “Russia has deployed five landing warships off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean Sea, carrying military vehicles and hundreds of Russian marines to confront any military intervention” which might start with USA/NATO troops invading Syria from Turkey under various pretexts e.g. to “secure and protect (!) Syrian chemical weapons sites.” The WARSHIPS were NOT sent to “evacuate the Soviet/Russian Diaspora in Syria,” as falsely alleged by the USA/NATO media despite the fact that 77 Russian nationals whose homes were destroyed by USA proxies were evacuated through Lebanon on January 22, 2013. The USA has taken an alternative tack and directed its mercenary proxies to the precise locations of Syria’s Chemical Weapons storage sites and simultaneously instructed its PROXY, so-called “ISRAEL” to declare movement of such weapons as a “red line.” “Israel” threatened “to prevent weapons from being transferred to Islamic terror organizations” in the same articles where the USA proxy/terrorist group Jaba el Nusra was video taped near the “fences of Sfira, the chemical weapons installation southeast of Aleppo,” while the so-called “Free Syrian Army” was “fighting another ‘raging battle’ with Syrian forces near another chemical weapons site on the southwestern outskirts of Damascus” (New York Times, January 27, 2013), where they had carefully been directed by USA “intelligence!” Russia which has numerous trade and economic and emigration agreements with “Israel” may have agreed to give so-called “Israel” a free hand! Right! See also: Although this is a Syrian website it cannot be automatically discounted. This site documents that the overwhelming majority of USA media reports regarding Syria are false, distorted or in many cases entirely fictitious. All those interested in making an objective analysis of Syria should visit this site.

What may have influenced the Russian phony re-affirmation of support for the Ba’ath Socialist government and Bashar Assad were the statements made by the USA-backed so-called “Free Syrian Army” after they kidnapped and threatened to kill the Ukrainian reporter Ankhar Kochneva in October 2012, saying that they will “kill all Russians and Ukrainians they find in Syria (!),” which would amount to over 40,000 Russians and Ukrainians! Subsequently it was reported in an article published on Voltaire Network, where Thierry Meyssan acting as an (imagined) mouthpiece for Russia and the USA said: “The US administration has clearly decided to turn the page on the (so-called) ‘Free Army,’ reminding that the US National Intelligence Council in Washington has sarcastically announced that the “global Jihad will soon disappear,” adding that the US is set to start negotiations with Russia for solving the crisis there according to a Geneva statement (?). Thierry Meyssan also claimed: “The Free Syrian Army has no chance to achieve their goals despite the Europeans’ unceasing incitement against the Syrian leadership, claiming that the flow of funds and weapons has dried up and a lot of international support has stopped.” The article also stated that the USA administration will “embark on a peace plan on Syria as soon as it gets ratified in the Senate (?).” (Really?) The article stated also that David Petraeus was removed as head of CIA due to the fact that he was the architect of the war on Syria! There is no basis in fact for any of these wild assertions and they are undoubtedly 100% FALSE. Even if they were partly true de-funding the so-called “Free Syrian Army” would not stop the war against Syria! Only a complete military defeat of the USA mercenary/proxies/Jihadists will accomplish that no matter what sort of reforms Syria agrees to make. Even If all major FSA funding were actually stopped it would still not be possible for the Syrian Army to defeat the USA proxies/mercenaries! They would continue to receive various sorts of independent funding. Iran must honor its Mutual Defense Pact in order to end the USA Invasion.

Bashar Assad is also NOT living on a Russian warship, another USA BIG LIE, a “super-whopper,” which would constitute granting Bashar Assad Russian political asylum, an act which would automatically undermine the strongly just re-stated Russian position on Syria that the Syrian people would decide whether Bashar Assad would remain in a leadership role in the Syrian government. But the truth is that Russia has completely thrown in the towel on Syria, which it had set up for defeat from the very beginning, while simultaneously denying it, and continuing to allow USA-backed proxies to set off bombs all over Syria, remaining silent while the USA blamed Syria itself and initiated multiple mass provocations! But due to continued massive popular support for Bashar Assad and Ba’ath Socialism in Syria and among progressive forces worldwide Russia finds that it cannot so easily and OBVIOUSLY desert Syria directly to a USA/NATO invasion! (See: New York Times, December 13-14, 2012) Russia continues to discourage Syria’s ally Iran from immediately coming to the direct aid of Syria and honoring its 2005 Mutual Defense Pact by putting boots on the ground, which would end the USA proxy invasion ON THE SPOT! In addition, the Russian Federation has brainwashed Bashar Assad to make bizarre fruitcake pronouncements such as: “In the event of a foreign invasion of Syria, the fallout would be too dire for the world to bear.” HUH? WHAT? Come again? That is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS! Syria is ALREADY experiencing an unprecedented foreign proxy invasion of USA mercenaries from 29 countries, which have been openly and admittedly directed by USA Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford and CIA Special Forces since early August 2012 and before that, exactly like in Libya (Reuters, August 2, 2012). Russia has totally BRAINWASHED Bashar Assad, an excellent ophthalmologist, but a completely naïve political “leader,” to believe such malarkey so he would not think to use his own infantry more tactically and also to call for direct INFANTRY and ground force support from IRAN! If the Russian-hypnotized-puppet-Bashar Assad still refuses to call for aid from Iran and lets the USA unilaterally escalate its Proxy Invasion of Syria, then Hezbollah must act on its own and directly attack and destroy USA/Turkish patriot missile batteries recently installed on the border with Turkey. Hezbollah must also mount other LARGE GROUND offensives against the USA/“Israel”/ Jihadist proxies in Syria! Progressive forces in the Mideast CANNOT just stand back idly and allow the USA to overthrow Syria on any basis. Iran and Hezbollah will be next! That is a certainty! That is the USA AGENDA and the agenda of capitalism now in its End-Stage! The USA has also directed its puppet Lebanese government forces (!) to invade the Syrian border province of Homs as it became known on November 30, 2012 when Syrian forces killed 17 depraved Fascist “Lebanese fighters.” (BBC, November 30, 2012) Remember that the USA/“Israeli”-puppet Lebanese government refused to defend Lebanon against USA/“Israel” in the 2006 USA/“Israeli” Air War and Invasion of Lebanon, which had the USA-declared objective to bomb Lebanon back to the Stone Age! Only Hezbollah defended Lebanon! Syria and Iran defended Hezbollah. Hezbollah must widen and extend its defense of Syria at all levels and be prepared to defend Iran.

The USA/“Israeli” has threatened to bomb Iran with the Claim, which has been VERIFIED as 100% FALSE—by Mohamed ElBaradei IAEA Chief from 1997-2009 and multiple USA Combined Intelligence Reports, that Iran supposedly has a “nuclear weapons project” (Weapons of Mass Destruction!—Iraq Déjà Vu all over again and again and again! Why not buy it one more time, kiddies?)” That threat is primarily to intimidate Iran from directly coming to the aid of Syria rather than just talking about it! Economic sanctions against Iran are also designed to intimidate Iran and discourage Iran from coming to the aid of Syria. Instead, Russia tells Iran to engage in “diplomacy (!),” meaning to go on their knees and beg the USA “pretty please remove your economic sanctions!” The USA ONLY respects STRENGTH! Meanwhile the USA FALSE FLAG PROVOCATIONS HAVE ESCALATED with the USA directing its mercenary proxies in Syria to fire weapons into so-called “Israel” and Jordan in addition to Turkey allowing both Turkey and Jordan to make requests to NATO for USA Patriot Missile antiaircraft missile batteries, requests which have been granted resulting in a limited NO-FLY ZONE despite all denials (See: BBC, January 14, 2013) and set the stage for further provocations to provide the pretext for open foreign invasion threatened by the USA, or more likely USA proxy “Israel” under the pretext to “secure Syrian chemical weapons!” But that threat has apparently been shelved for the USA at least! On the other hand Russia has treacherously publicly called Bashar Assad a “weak leader,” while hypocritically excoriating him as “a butcher (!)” (New York Times, December 21, 2012) as great thanks to Assad for following Russia’s opportunist and deliberately self-defeating instructions to the letter. The Russian Federation has counted on TIME to present the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government with a Fait Accompli: USA PROXY OVERTHROW, which Russia has actively and passively supported, but under the condition that Syria be overthrown by the USA proxies alone without direct USA invasion! Admittedly this does not seem possible so the USA Proxy Invasion has become ENDLESS! Note that the USA has also temporarily backed off the organized attacks against Putin in Russia. (New York Times, January 6, 2013.)

There can be NO “Political Solution” or “National Dialogue” with
USA Mercenaries/Proxies/Terrorists Running Around in Syria!

But The Truth is that the ONLY correct solution in Syria involves the complete and TOTAL MILITARY DEFEAT of the USA proxy mercenary invaders! There can be no “political solution” or “national dialogue” with USA mercenaries/proxies/terrorists running around in Syria. Russia could easily end the latest USA Proxy War to Overthrow Ba’ath Socialist Syria BUT IT DOES NOT WANT TO! Russia has made it clear to the USA that it will not accept direct invasion of Syria by USA forces. But that is not enough to defeat the ongoing USA-directed foreign invasion of Syria! The most comprehensive and surest way to put an end to the USA “Jihadist Spring” in Syria would be to: 1.) Present an open honest materialist analysis of the USA attempt to overthrow Syria as done here, and 2.) Suggest that Iran implement its MUTUAL DEFENSE PACT with Syria by also putting boots ON THE GROUND IMMEDIATELY to help defeat the USA-backed and directed foreign aggression! Iran and Russia (fat chance!) must forcefully but diplomatically explain that it takes support by Syrian allies to militarily defeat what is a foreign invasion of Syria—NOT a “civil war!”

The declared objective of the USA-organized so-called “National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces”—90%-dominated by the USA/“Israel” PUPPET-Mohamed Morsi’s so-called Moslem Brotherhood (!), is to set up a USA proxy government in waiting for Syria precisely as was done with Libya, a creepy scene directly out of a nightmare horror movie such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)! (See: New York Times, November 1, 2012). In their dreams this group was also set up to try to lead the USA cutthroat Jihadist mercenaries/proxies to overthrow Ba’ath Socialist Syria supported by 23 million Syrians and impose an Islamic State and Sharia in multi-ethnic, multi-religion, modern day Syria just like the USA did in Libya! Note that the motive for recent “criticism” of USA-puppet Morsi by the USA and “Israel” for standard demagogic anti-Zionist statements Morsi made over 3 years ago is to try to manipulate Palestinians into supporting the USA Proxy Invasion of Syria, against their own best interests! (New York Times, January 16, 2013) Morsi is a documented USA puppet and openly supports the USA Proxy Invasion of Syria!

The name “Bashar Assad” is actually a codeword and a shorthand for Ba’ath Socialism, which is the REAL TARGET along with Syrian alliances with the Hezbollah and Palestinian National Liberation Movements! There is no “uprising” in Syria and there is no “civil war” in Syria and there is no “revolution” in Syria (what a horrible joke)! The USA is trying to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Party-led government of Syria with an army of USA proxies composed of very heavily armed (not “lightly armed”) domestic (50%) and foreign mercenary Jihad/Sharia-oriented Islamic Fundamentalist (50%) forces according to one of the founders of Doctors Without Borders, Jacques Beres. (New York Times, September 11, 2012) All are openly paid by the USA through Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar! (BBC, April 1, 2012) The USA supplies their Syrian proxies/mercenaries/contras with salaried payment (!) and weapons passed through Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, none of which possess an arms industry! In order to try to hide this obvious, repeatedly fully documented fact and repeated open admissions that the USA arms its Syrian mercenaries through Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and in order to try to make their attempted regime change/coup d’etat in Syria appear to be ridiculously “home grown” the USA runs articles preposterously asserting that most of their Syrian mercenaries’ weapons are “homemade!” (Front page: New York Times, August 29, 2012) The USA has also made the absurd claim that the majority of the Syrian army can just hardly wait to defect to the USA/“Israeli” side (!) and give up that “horrible Ba’ath Socialism” in favor of Jihad, Sharia and Islamic Fundamentalism!” (BBC, September 10, 2012) Yeck! But the USA later was forced to retract that bizarre claim. (New York Times, October 4, 2012) Neither a foreign invasion nor a domestic proxy invasion orchestrated and armed by the USA, nor a coup d’etat attempt qualifies as “civil war.” There is no civil war in Syria! The explanation is obvious: the USA is in the process of trying to overthrow the sovereign state of Syria! Syria needs the help of Iran on the Ground to completely eliminate the USA mercenaries. Exposing the attempted overthrow of Syria by the USA using Al Qaeda and “al-Nusra Front” Jihadists defines the actual situation. Iran’s direct assistance would allow a clear Syrian Victory. Russian “diplomacy” is a deception! The RT Sophie Shevardnadze interview exposed Bashar Assad as totally brainwashed

The USA military and CIA have organized and now direct virtually every military move of their Fascist/Jihadist forces directly by CIA boots on the ground and through direct wireless contact with their mercenary proxies and through social networking Internet websites, the USA puppet-leadership of the United Nations, the EU, so-called NGOs and phony so-called “Human Rights” Groups, a formula it has begun to use worldwide to create division and to destabilize dozens of countries! This formula has allowed the USA to cut its military spending for direct invasions by US troops! The USA has chosen to use Jihadists/terrorists both domestic and foreign in Syria as in Libya and elsewhere because THEY ARE FANATICS AND WILL GLADLY FIGHT TO THE DEATH and EVEN WELCOME IT! (See: Libyan Analysis below!) The USA objective in Syria is to eliminate Ba’ath Socialism, destroy the Syrian/Iran funded Hezbollah and Palestinian National Liberation Movements, and clear the deck for maximal capitalist exploitation, chaos, subjugation, division and confusion all driven by the One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism now in its Final-Stage! Syria needs the direct military and political support of IRAN in order to actually defeat the foreign and domestic mercenaries of the United States and world imperialism! Artillery and air strikes DO cause collateral damage and ARE counter-productive when they hit domestic residents. But Syrian air strike “strategy” has been directed by the Russian Federation and was deliberately designed to try to undermine popular support for Ba’ath Socialism. Russia may also have advised that Syrian air strikes should be as destructive as possible under the pretext that it would supposedly intimidate the USA proxies, when the actual result of any unnecessary destruction they knew would be deliberately counterproductive. Propaganda exposing the USA attempt to overthrow Syria should be dropped in all areas where the proxies have actually been permitted to occupy explaining what it would really mean for Syrians and what happened in Libya. But it never will be!

The overwhelming amount of property damage in Syria is primarily due directly to the USA and its Proxy mercenary invaders, who have also been given maximum passive also active support by Russia (see below), which previously abandoned Iraq and Libya, allowing the USA to physically destroy Syria piece by piece, while Russia determinedly digs its very own Gorbachev/Stalinist, anti-Communist grave. According to the October 4, 2012 New York Times the attempt to overthrow the Syrian government had stalled and the “commanders (of the USA proxies) have given up trying to entice defectors…and others have resorted to more desperate measures: cajoling, duping, threatening and even drugging and kidnapping military men to get them to change sides, or at least stay out of the fight.” Also according to the NY Times (!), an increasing number of Syrians recognize that the USA objective in Syria is to generate the same chaos and destruction carried out by the USA in Libya. These reports apparently motivated Russia to direct the Syrian air force to target larger areas of Syria for bombardment in order to try to alienate more of the rural population and generate greater support for the USA proxy invaders. But that strategy failed and the majority of Syrians still support Ba’ath Socialism! Not USA-imposed Jihad and Sharia! AS IN LIBYA! AS IN EGYPT! (See above and below.) The USA has clumsily installed a puppet government in Libya with phony “elections” and a phony “parliament” with virtually no popular support and no army popular or otherwise to occupy their newly destroyed country. If the USA proxies/mercenaries are not defeated soon militarily in Syria the USA capitalist dictatorship with inside help from its Russian “partner” is on track to leave Syria with the same chaos and destruction! The depraved USA-directed bombing of the University of Aleppo on January 15, 2013 killing 87 people and injuring over 160, which the USA then absurdly and pathetically tried to blame on a Syrian bombs (!) or air strike (!) with a torrent of Blame The Victim Propaganda, is an expression of End-Stage Capitalism and can only be reversed with a Socialist Revolution in the United States.

Part II of the USA/Turkish F-4 Phantom Shoot-Down Provocation

Realizing that they were on the verge of complete loss militarily and as the Syrian people had united as much as possible against this obvious U.S. INVASION BY PROXY the USA ordered Turkey to initiate Part II of the USA/Turkish F-4 Phantom Shoot-Down Provocation (see below for Part I) while they have directed their proxies to carry out continuous, non-stop cross-border attacks/provocations known as a “False Flag” Provocations in order to take advantage of the Syrian attempt to re-establish control of their border. In addition, the USA ordered its mercenary proxies in Syria to fire into Jordan and so-called “Israel,” always falsely blaming “Syrian forces.” The fact that the mortar fire from Syria into Turkey does not stop—ever—indicates that it is without doubt a provocation by the USA/Turkey. According to the Turkish newspaper Yurt the mortars used to attack the Turkish town of Akcakale were NATO mortars and were provided to the so-called “Free Syrian Army” by Turkey (RT—Russian Television website), October 9, 2012). (Note that USA world capitalist media Big Lie campaign falsely alleging “Syrian Cluster Bombs” is also meant to block with these reports of USA mortars, etc. being used in False Flag Provocations.) Meanwhile Russia pretended to accept this provocation as GOOD COIN, a transparent PROVOCATION, which was obvious to many from the start (!). Russia even CONDEMNED SYRIA in the UN Security Council in the strongest possible terms along with the USA (!), while the majority of articles on the RT website ridiculously spoke of “Turkish Retaliation” in order to try to enhance the credibility of that USA provocation! Russia even instructed Syria to “APOLOGIZE TO SYRIA (!)” for what was an obvious PROVOCATION by the USA/Turkey!

And Syria foolishly COMPLIED with Russia’s opportunist bidding to apologize!!! Apology by Syria (!?) was designed by the Russian Federation as a means to have Syria falsely admit GUILT (!) for acts of provocation carried out by the USA/Turkey! Historically, the Soviet Union has also given this kind of deliberately treacherous advice repeatedly in order to sabotage the interests of “allies” of even the Pre-Gorbachev USSR! (See below.) Totally disgusting! That the daily mortaring of Turkey from Syria by USA proxies is in fact a deliberate False Flag Provocation was also confirmed by the fact that the Syrian offer to create a 6-mile buffer zone along the Turkish-Syrian border was rejected out-of-hand by Turkey/USA, due obviously to the fact that Turkey would not be able to claim that the shells were being fired by the Syrian Army, which would not be present within 6 miles of the Turkish border! Russia is thus going along with the USA 100% in this False Flag provocation and totally selling out Syria and itself help set Syria up for a USA/NATO Article 5, “No-fly Zone” with deployment of Patriot Antiaircraft Missiles on the Turkish border, a situation which it now protests because it reveals its own sell-out of Syria as too obvious!

The Russian Federation Falsely Disassociates from its USA
“Partners” with a Media-Hyped DOG AND PONY SHOW!

In an elaborately staged, media-hyped act of false disassociation from its USA “partners” Russia pretended to act so highly indignant when Turkey carried out an otherwise pointless brazen act of air piracy using USA F-16s to force a commercial Syrian passenger jet which included 17 Russian nationals traveling from Moscow to land in Turkey and falsely accused Russia of aiding the Syrians by bringing in “prohibited war materiel” and later falsely claimed “munitions” and “ammunition!” Sergei Lavrov admitted on October 12, 2012 that the plane contained radar parts! Since Syria is not being attacked by air, such parts could NEVER be construed as war materiel! But that was never the point! This little incident was a provocation organized by all 3 countries entirely to hide Russia’s role as facilitator for the United States overthrow of Syria by deliberately standing back and allowing Syria to be destroyed to a degree otherwise only achievable with a No-Fly Zone! And then helping the USA to actually impose one! Although NATO cautioned that “no one succumb to provocation,” in what was an obvious False Flag provocation, indicating NATO awareness of the attempt by USA/Turkey to start a war with Syria, imposition of a USA/NATO Article 5 “No-Fly Zone” has been implemented! USA/Turkey previously escalated their provocation by deploying USA F-16 fighter jets to the Syrian border after Syria used helicopters to annihilate USA proxies in Azmarin (Reuters and RT, October 12, 2012) There is undoubtedly a secret QUID PRO QUO behind Russia’s support for USA False Flag Provocations—undoubtedly false promises of reduced USA deployment of its European/worldwide “missile shield” being used to encircle Russia and China. Russia dream on!

The USA Provides Cluster Bombs to its Mercenary Jihadist Proxies to Use
Against Syrian Civilians and Then Uses the Big Lie Technique to Blame Syria!

On October 13, 2012 the USA mouthpiece, so-called “Human Rights Watch” started the BIG LIE claim that Syria was supposedly using cluster bomb anti-personnel weapons! (BBC) And on November 26, 2012 again the BBC falsely reported: “Syria cluster bomb attack ‘kills 10 children.’” But Syria possesses no cluster bombs! ONLY the USA and its proxy “Israel” possess and have used cluster bombs, most recently in Lebanon in 2006 where the USA/“Israel” dropped millions of cluster bombs along with regular munitions in order to try to “bomb Lebanon Back to the Stone Age” and kill as many people as possible! Even years later the USA/“Israel” refused to provide Lebanon with a detailed map of where the cluster bombs were dropped! All cluster bombs are manufactured by the United States and provided free to the “Israelis” and the USA mercenary proxies in Syria for use against civilians—for which they are primarily designed!!! A percentage of cluster bomblets are deliberately designed NOT to explode immediately upon impact, but to remain in the environment until they experience a secondary disturbance due to handling, almost always by unknowing civilians, usually children! The USA use of cluster bombs goes hand in hand with the USA-trained Death Squads in Syria. See below.

Once again, there is no “civil war” in Syria! The ridiculous claim by the so-called “International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)” that the U.S.-led attempt to overthrow the overwhelmingly popular supported Syrian government is a “civil war” is a Big Lie, which the USA and its stooges have inflated like a balloon primarily in order to try to prevent intervention by Iran as well as continue to obscure what is a USA Invasion of Syria by mercenary proxies! Note that the American Red Cross has been an arm of U.S. “intelligence” since before and during the Russian Revolution! The USA also controls the ICRC which is operated as a covert intelligence agency of the United States using its supposed “humanitarian medical mission” to gain access to intelligence targets. The USA directed its puppet ICRC to falsely declare that Syria is in a “civil war” in order: 1.) To discourage Iran from actually coming to the defense of USA proxy-invaded Syria, 2.) To cover up the USA attempt to overthrow the Syrian government and 3.) To declare that Syria (!) be subject to the Geneva Convention, to which the USA is NOT subject in any way whatsoever, in order to be able to label the entire Syrian government as supposed “war criminals” to be subject to the International Criminal Court—A CREATION OF THE UNITED STATES—to which the USA OUTLAW REGIME is not subject!! And on January 14, 2013 the USA, once again used bribery, threats and blackmail to have the governments of 55 countries demand that the United Nations Security Council refer the attempted overthrow of Syria to the International Criminal Court for a war crimes investigation primarily of the part of the Syrian government (!!!). (International Herald Tribune)

The USA has pulled all the strings of its domestic proxies in Syria from the beginning and is clearly directing each and every phase of the war and virtually every military target as well as trying to manipulate public opinion as with the UN Security Council stunt described above, in its attempt to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government—all from some “Situation Room” within the United States in Washington, D.C., just as drone attacks in Afghanistan and elsewhere are openly directed from CIA headquarter in Langley, Virginia. On September 26, 2012 the USA had its proxies organize suicide bombers to set off small bombs on the outside and just inside the perimeter fence of the Syrian General Staff Command so USA and its proxies could claim Syria was about to fall. (See: Washington Post, Sept. 26, 2012) And on November 28, 2012 the USA directed its depraved mercenary proxies to set off 2 more suicide bombs in Jaramana, a Druze and Christian suburb southeast of Damascus killing 34 and wounding 83 in an attempt to generate “a pervading sense of fear and insecurity” (BBC) and panic and maximal division and then blame Bashar Assad and Ba’ath Socialism. Capitalism must be abolished and that can only take place with a Socialist Revolution in the center of world capitalism, the United States. The formula has been for the USA proxies to into an area, for example in Damascus, and set off bombs and destroy some residential buildings with people inside and to take some photographs or footage which the USA-world media plays repeatedly to give the impression that “Gosh, Syria must be losing this war.” The Syrian army finally pushes them out and they usually escape to repeat the scenario elsewhere.

The Syrian government announced in September 2012 that it would take some time to totally eliminate the USA proxies. But by November 2012 it was clear to any objective person that Syria actually needs IRANIAN boots on the ground to help defeat the USA proxies ASAP! Prior to Russian “advice” not to send in ground forces to mop up the USA mercenary Jihadists, the Jihadists were being killed in the very same houses which they had taken over after throwing out the original local occupants. See below. During that period the Syrian Ba’ath Socialist government (!) was then hypocritically and bizarrely accused of “atrocities (?)” by USA-led world imperialism (!).” (BBC, August 28, 2012). Note that the USA/NATO killed tens of thousands of Libyans and has covered it up in the process of destroying $billions upon $billions in Libyan infrastructure in the USA/NATO “No-fly Zone” in their Quid-Pro-Quo with Russia for Libyan oil in exchange for Russian WTO membership! (See below!) The execution of the cutthroat USA Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens (No, he was NOT a “James Bond” or some kind of “nice guy!”), along with 2 private military contract killers and 1 false propagandist in Libya on September 11, 2012 apparently by an Al-Qaeda related group and the attacks on many other USA embassies and consulates worldwide over anger at the trailer to the carefully designed USA anti-Islam film, “Innocence of Muslims,” whose director was later hung out to dry, is an example of provocation collateral damage which comes home to roost and demonstrates that he who lives by the sword of imperialism dies in this case by his OWN sword wielded by the very same Islamic Fundamentalists/“rebels”—“activists” ordered by the USA to go in and execute ALL survivors of USA/NATO systematic air destruction of Libya! Obama’s bizarrely and ridiculously hypocritical 2012 speech at the General Assembly decrying “violence and extremism (!)” is in the same context as awarding Obama the Nobel Peace Prize (!) prior to the USA virtual declaration of war against the entire world and its own people—innocent civilians! Protest against the USA film is good, but because by design it is all presently being led by religion the objective and the importance of abolishing capitalism worldwide through a Socialist Revolution in the center of world capitalism, the USA, is never broached and not understood. See below.

The USA knows Syria better overall than its own proxy army and is clearly directing all military strikes and provocations against Syria, carried out in such a manner so there would appear to be a far larger proxy army than actually exists! An example was the mid-July—and continuing, relentless and escalating “bomb democracy” attacks in Damascus and then Aleppo followed by the temporary, and then virtually permanent, seizure of some border crossings, all staged to try to make it appear that Syria was under siege in a “Final Battle” hilariously but also portentously entitled (by the USA!): “Operation Damascus Volcano!” What a joke! The huge propaganda buildup pushed by the USA-controlled capitalist media was to make it appear that something BIG was happening in Damascus, when it was not. In Damascus, according to independent correspondents such as Manuel Ochsenreiter, the German journalist and magazine editor of the monthly ZUERST, the USA proxies tried to take over a few suburban neighborhoods, while “setting off bombs in as various places” and randomly “shooting dead civilians and security police” in order to try to spread panic, intimidate the population and give the false impression that the “battle” involved all of Damascus! Patrick Cockburn, UK journalist for The Independent reports the very same discrepancy between what he has seen on the ground in Syria and the fabricated news reports of the USA-dominated media. It is well known that a city is unfavorable ground for even a heavily armed minority proxy guerrilla army in areas with narrow curving side streets such as Salah al-Din in Aleppo and some areas in Damascus, and elsewhere, where they had been repeatedly surrounded and bottled up and were in fact being liquidated. But after the Syrian ground forces were pulled back from direct confrontation from the USA proxies, as apparently suggested or directed by the Russian Federation, the Jihadists flourished relatively and were able to claim they “occupied” certain primarily uncontested rural areas. (See below.) At this point it is up to the Syrian infantry to reclaim any and all ground previously taken by default by the USA proxies! The defection of Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab on August 6, 2012, an opportunist who suddenly claimed to be an Islamic Fundamentalist opposed to Ba’ath Socialism, who favors the USA overthrow of Syria and a Libya-type outcome (Oy!), will not change the situation in Syria except to serve as a false propaganda weapon! Iran’s declaration in Damascus that Syria is part of a vital regional alliance that Iran will not allow to be broken” (by the U.S.-led imperialist Fascist AXIS) is a strong declaration of support but Iran has withheld crucial direct military support! (See: BBC, August 7, 2012). Hijab’s preposterous claim that the Ba’ath Socialist government controls “only 30% of Syria” was just another super BIG LIE in a failed attempt to try to demoralize the Syrian masses and paint a false picture of the reality in Syria. (See: BBC, August 14, 2012)

From the beginning, the so-called “RED LINE” for chemical weapons use” has been part of a siege of USA false propaganda, which was temporarily or permanently shelved in January 2013, but which Russia and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) immediately took very seriously as a U.S. pretext for a USA/NATO “No-Fly Zone.” (BBC, August 22, 2012) On December 4, 2012 and also more ominously on January 8, 2013 (New York Times), the NAZI demagogue Obama threatened Syria with “consequences” if it used chemical weapons—“WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (!)”—against its own people! (Obama, when are YOU going to STOP beating your wife?!) Though the USA threat to directly invade has been shelved a limited “No-Fly Zone” has now nevertheless been implemented with patriot Missile batteries operated by USA. Germany and Nederland! Foreign invasion has been deemed necessary because the Syrian majority still supports Bashar Al-Assad 1.) BECAUSE OF Ba’ath Socialism, and 2.) Because of Syrian support for national liberation movement Hezbollah and the Palestinians, despite the resignation and defection of the traitors, Hamas chief Khaled Meshal and Prime Minister Ismail Haniya to USA/“Israel!” Read: Syrian repudiation of traitor Meshal: (New York Times, October 2-3, 2012) Both Syria and IRAN, which is the next target in this USA game of divide and conquer, must stop accepting “advice” from the Big Brother Russian Federation! Bashar Assad is too brainwashed and inexperienced to recognize the trap but Iran theoretically could reverse the entire scenario now unfolding despite its admittedly naïve and provocateurish leadership. It has become increasingly apparent that the Russian Federation has promised the USA a Syria largely reduced to rubble primarily through its control of the truly weak-willed ophthalmologist, Dr. Bashar Assad, who in practice has been willing to completely abandon the control of all the military and politics of Syria to Russia. Russian policies, which have forbidden the USA from direct invasion of Syria, have allowed a piecemeal gradual destruction of Syria. But the majority of Syrians support the full employment, free education to the highest level, no homelessness, free medical and dental, support for national liberation movements and religious and ethnic harmony (!) that has existed in Syria!



The USA Bought Off Syrian Ally Hamas Leaders with Threats and Bribes then
Directed its Stooge “Israel” to Bomb GAZA in an “8-Day War” in Order: 1.)
To Try to Restore CREDIBILITY of its Newly Bought-Off Hamas Traitors and
2.) To Try To Generate Credibility of the USA Puppet Governments of Egypt,
Turkey, Qatar, etc. who Support the USA Attempt to Overthrow Syrian Ba’ath
Socialism and 3.) To try to Manipulate Palestinians both Inside Syria, in Occupied
Palestine and in Other Countries to Support USA Mercenaries/Proxies against Syria!
4.) The USA-Puppet United Nations Upgraded Palestine to “Nonmember Observer”
Falsely Portrayed as “rebuke” to USA/“Israel” Setting Basis for Unity with Hamas!

Traitors Meshal and Haniya in alliance with OPEN USA-PUPPET dictator-boy, Sharia Constitution-Ram-Down-Your-Throat Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, who escalated the bombing of the tunnels to GAZA after his “election,” are trying to lead RECONCILIATION of HAMAS with the USA-PUPPET FATAH and the “Palestinian Authority!” With full understanding that Fatah and the so-called Palestinian Authority had no further genuine credibility or “authority” among Palestinians, the USA/“Israel” proceeded to first bribe and BUY OFF the TRAITOR Khaled Meshal of Hamas, while he was living in Syria, who promptly deserted Syria after apparently being told the bloody truth, that the Russian Federation was setting Syria up for defeat and was in charge of ALL Syrian military strategic and tactical decisions and Syrian politics and that Bashar Assad was in a daze and did not know what was happening and that Russia was in the process of handing Syria over to the USA just like Libya. Meshal immediately jumped ship and retracted all support for Ba’ath Socialist Syria and moved from Damascus to Qatar, met with USA and “Israeli”-puppet Egyptian Dictator Moslem Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi (BBC, July 19, 2012) and his old friend, U.S./“Israeli” puppet Jordan’s King Abdullah. Meshal then supposedly resigned (temporarily) as the leader of Hamas on September 23, 2012 in order to avoid challenges from Jabari. THAT was the actual reason that Hamas, which HAD represented the majority of Palestinian Sunnis, moved their offices out of Damascus, Syria! (New York Times, October 2-3, 2012)

The USA and so-called “Israel” want to have Meshal, Haniya and “Hamas” reunite on some basis with the Palestinian Authority-Fatah and help regenerate credibility of that completely discredited organization, which on November 29, 2012 was suddenly but predictably granted: ”United Nations Nonmember Observer State” status by most of the same 130 plus countries of the General Assembly which had been previously been threatened, bribed and blackmailed to sign a resolution CONDEMNING SYRIA (!) while the majority of the populations of those same countries SUPPORT Syria overwhelmingly against the USA mercenaries/proxies. The very next day USA/“Israel” OKed the construction of 3000 new homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem demonstrating that the UN vote: 1.) Looked good but was a fraud in practice and 2.) Graphically demonstrated the true futility of a “Two-State Solution!” (The only solution is One Secular State of Palestine! (See below.) HAMAS, now run by traitors, Khaled Meshal and Ismail Haniya, both of whom the USA/“Israel” has bought off, will retain little credibility once the Palestinians realize that Meshal and Haniya are bought-off USA SELLOUTS, which have recognized “Israel” in practice by signing a cease fire with “Israel,” where Hamas agrees to SUPPRESS all active resistance in GAZA against “Israel” in exchange for promising to open the border crossings to “Israel” and to USA-puppet Egypt?! The leadership of BOTH “Israel” and Egypt think Palestinians are just a problem, a problem which somehow should be eliminated! Hamas, which had NOT been part of the ongoing and relentless missile strikes against so-called “Israel” for years, which had been led by ISLAMIC JIHAD, suddenly joined with the other Islamic groups in firing rockets into “Israel” after the assassination of Jabari in order to try to buttress the credibility of its sell-out “leaders” as supposedly still being “opposed to “‘Israel’” and to try to reverse their most recent image as BETRAYERS of the CHIEF PALESTINIAN ALLY—SYRIA! The USA began the buy-out of the Palestinians in GAZA with a tiny $400 million (USA-authorized!) token gift from the emir of Qatar, who visited GAZA on October 23, 2012 in order to try to bamboozle the Palestinians into thinking Qatar, a chief USA ally against the Syrian Ba’ath Socialist government, is suddenly the friend of Palestinians!? GAZA needs well over a hundred $billion to actually start to rebuild the entire city of GAZA and environs destroyed by USA/“Israel,” not a measly $400 million to build a couple of housing complexes and a prosthetic center to deal with the limbs lost through the continuous non-stop, escalated and now temporarily halted USA-authorized “Israeli” air attacks! No amount of token monetary gifts can change the political and economic reality in GAZA!

WHAT HAPPENED? On November 14, 2012 the USA authorized so-called “Israel” to assassinate Ahmed Said Khalil al-Jabari, the head of the military wing of Hamas, by a much ballyhooed USA/“Israeli” aerial pinpoint bombing for the unstated reason that Jabari opposed Haniya and Meshal’s betrayal of HAMAS and their support for the USA attempt to overthrow Syria. Jabari had become the de facto leader of Hamas after the traitorous betrayal and defections of Meshal and Haniya to the USA/“Israel.” Hamas had not fired rockets into “Israel” for years so al-Jabari could NOT have been assassinated for THAT REASON! But Jabari apparently strongly opposed such betrayal and treachery by Meshal and Haniya and refused to abandon the original political positions of Hamas, which included SUPPORT FOR SYRIA and NO recognition of so-called “Israel.” With Jabari’s assassination Meshal and Haniya were in a position to return and reclaim “credibility (?)” in a leadership role after ridiculously claiming “victory (!?)” after the 8-Day War. After assassinating Jabari, “Israel” immediately moved to regenerate credibility for Haniya by bombing the disgraced Haniya’s vacated house (RT, November 15, 2012) “Oh, look what they did to his HOUSE!” The USA/“Israeli” Bombing of GAZA was simply one more Dog and Pony Show, a WAR OF PROVOCATION in order to manipulate and confuse the Palestinians and the World, while sacrificing the lives of over 160 Palestinians, which is NO PROBLEM for the USA/“Israeli” mass murderers! The PRIMARY PURPOSE of the USA Bombing of GAZA, which began with the admitted targeted assassination of Jabari, the CHIEF OPPONENT of the Meshal/Haniya SELLOUT of the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian Government, was designed to eliminate Jabari and to attempt to simultaneously FALSELY DISASSOCIATE the new USA-Hamas puppets, Meshal and Haniya, from their new USA/“Israel” masters and help to regenerate their credibility, both in Occupied Palestine and in SYRIA to try to reverse Palestinian support for Ba’ath Socialism and Palestinian support for Hezbollah! Simultaneously the sudden USA/“Israeli” 8-Day Bombing of GAZA began with an otherwise unexplained escalation of air strikes and reported “Israeli” troop mobilizations, supposedly under the pretext of Palestinian rocket attacks, which had been ongoing for years! The USA then directed its puppet governments of Egypt, Turkey, Qatar to travel or send emissaries so they could demagogically: “Stand with the Palestinians” and criticize “Israel” for slaughtering Palestinians! Why now all of a sudden? What a JOKE! Hopefully the majority of Palestinians won’t be fooled and will see through it.

But the USA has total contempt for the political intelligence of the Palestinian masses, just as it has total contempt for the intelligence of the USA masses, a significant percentage of which it is mobilizing to exterminate in escalating economic and then biological warfare, and believes that it can at least NEUTRALIZE Middle East-wide Palestinian support for USA-targeted Syria and hopefully manipulate the Palestinians in GAZA and in Syria to support the USA mercenaries/proxies or at least keep them CONFUSED (because a confused person cannot act!) and to generate enough popular support through the ceasefire for the newly regenerated AUTHORITY for HAMAS misleadership to be able to suppress Islamic Jihad, the main ally of Iran in GAZA, and other political opposition groups in order to reduce or eliminate the rocket attacks and eventually recognize so-called “Israel!” Dream on! This is an example of how the USA hopes to control the Middle East and Persian Gulf and implement DIVIDE AND CONQUER policies made possible through its so-called “Arab Spring” Regime Change Gambit to try to turn the Hamas masses against Ba’ath Socialist Syria, whose support for the Palestinian masses remains STEADFAST as it has always been, but Syria does not support fake leaders who betray ALL Palestinians. On November 22, 2012 USA PUPPET Mohamed Morsi, fully authorized by the USA, which pretended “concern,” issued a DICTITORIAL DECREE, in order to fire the entire Egyptian judiciary and to ram Sharia law down the throats of the Egyptian masses just like Libya was ordered to do by the USA! See below. Mohamed Elbaradei and other opposition groups forced Morsi to finally rescind his dictator’s decree but not the Moslem Brotherhood Sharia—divide and conquer—Constitution referendum on December 8, 2012. The Egyptian masses demonstrate, but to WHOM? Demonstrations must appeal directly to the Egyptian armed forces rank and file to overthrow the USA-puppet Morsi and carry out what MUST be a Socialist Revolution in Egypt!

The name “Bashar Assad” is shorthand for Ba’ath Socialism, which is the real target! The USA overall “strategy” for their Islamic Fundamentalist mercenary proxies in Syria (including Al Qaeda just like in Libya! See below) is to simply invade cities, towns and areas and take over people’s homes as their base forcing the local inhabitants to seek refuge elsewhere in public schools and other sites and openly murdering for intimidation purposes a certain number of the overwhelming majority of Syrians who support the Ba’ath Socialist government, while going about willy-nilly destroying Syrian infrastructure, while depending on the USA-controlled world capitalist media to use the Big Lie technique to label Syria as “the aggressor!” This is what has happened in Damascus and Aleppo and throughout Syria! Syrians generally hate and despise the USA and all its proxies! On August 3, 2012 for good measure the USA directed its proxies to bomb the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp, the home of 150,000 Palestinians in Damascus as a deliberate provocation and then blame the Ba’ath Socialist government for the bombing (!) to try to break Palestinian loyalty to the Syrian government and then claimed to have recruited many Palestinian youths via their false Internet propaganda! The New York Times has openly described what are USA divide and conquer attempts in Syria and Lebanon. (August 23, 2012) In line with its divide and conquer strategy in Lebanon and Syria alike, the USA tried to get its puppet Sunni sheiks in Lebanon to form “Sunni Defense Councils” to attack the overwhelmingly popular Hezbollah, but that obvious USA scheme has been opposed by even the Sunni mufti of Tripoli and northern Lebanon! (BBC, August 28, 2012)


The USA has also instructed its puppet Turkey also to absurdly accuse Syria (!) of trying to portray the USA attempt to overthrow Syria as a battle of Shiites against Sunnis (!) and accuse Ba’ath Socialist Syria of trying to instigate such a divide and conquer strategy (!) in Syria AND in neighboring countries in an attempt 1.) To try to discredit Syria and 2.) To falsely portray the USA Invasion by Proxy as a “civil war.” (See New York Times, September 11, 2012) Divide and Conquer is actually an integral part of the present USA strategy in Syria and WORLDWIDE. The (U.S.) ASSASSINATIONS BY PROXY of the Syrian Defense Minister, Deputy Defense Minister and a former Defense Minister by a suicide bomber and the arson of a security barracks on July 9th were carried out not only to generate the entirely false belief that Syria was “on the skids,” but mostly to build the morale of the U.S. proxies who the U.S. wanted to give the impression of entering Damascus and Aleppo for the “final battle,” which up to that point WAS resulting in their total liquidation! (See below). The brief capture of Syrian border crossings starting on July 19, 2012 (BBC), which in some cases has become semi-permanent, is in the same bag and has set the stage for USA Provocations used as pretexts for “No-Fly Zones.”

The USA-Puppet Turkey has repeatedly threatened to invade Syria. The staging area was to have been the heavily armed area in Turkey, the site where the Patriot Missile Batteries were installed to create a limited “No-Fly Zone,” where the USA directed its proxies to take over the Syrian checkpoint guarded by Turkey. This was apparently the site designated by the USA to launch the early October 2012 Part II of the USA/Turkish F-4 Provocation (in an accumulating list), a continuous cross-border false flag provocation. See above.

In order to harass Syria, generate panic and help undermine its economy the USA directed its mercenaries to attack the Damascus International Airport on December 7, 2012. As mentioned above, the USA proxies/mercenaries have been photographed armed with USA Stinger and Sam-7 missiles and the most modern Russian SA-14s, SA-16s, SA-18s and SA-24s —“not rifles or machine guns”—to shoot down aircraft! (New York Times, November 13, 2012) These specially trained personnel were first sent to Syria air bases such as the Abu ad Duhur and Taftanaz Air Bases and the surrounding towns, the populations of which they use as human shields as the Syrian military and air force, hamstrung by Russia, has sought to eliminate them. (See: New York Times, September 26, 2012 and November 3, 2012) A senior Russian General, Nikolai Makarov and later Sergei Lavrov have also openly accused the USA of supplying their Syria proxies with Stinger missiles, but say nothing of their own SAM series of shoulder-fired missiles they themselves have apparently supplied to the USA proxies through the USA! (BBC, October 24, 2012) But wait! The USA divide and conquer attempt to organize and heavily arm the Syrian Kurds in northern Syria to oppose the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government has run into another large contradiction, a dreadful snag, because the Kurds see Turkey as more of an enemy than Bashar Assad, who granted 300,000 Kurds Syrian citizenship in August 2013. The Kurdish Youth Committee opposes the USA proxies/Jihadists and want to maintain a secular state but with reforms which outlaw any form of discrimination. Arch Anti-Kurdish Turkey meanwhile is accusing Syrian Kurds (PYD) of helping to organize the Turkish Kurds (PKK) inside Syria, which the PYD strongly and credibly denies, while Turkey says it will support an autonomous Kurdish region……..INSIDE SYRIA! Yeah, right! NIMBY! This sounds like another potential pretext for “Turkey” to invade Syria! All this while simultaneously pushing the BIG LIE that Syria is organizing Syrian Kurds and Turkish Kurds in Syria to wage war on Turkey! …While Turkey says that it is already in a “state of war with Syria” because Turkey supports the U.S. proxies/contras!!! (See Financial Times, August 22, 2012) The USA has also tried to extend into Lebanon its proxy war attempt to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government by trying to turn the Lebanese masses against Hezbollah, a primary ally of Syria and Iran and a target of the USA and its proxy, so-called “Israel.” (New York Times, August 23, 2012) The USA is also using its proxies to herd as many Syrians in the war zones into refugee camps in neighboring countries and then to prevent them from returning to Syria when they find out they are treated like garbage just like the Palestinians are treated in neighboring countries… except in Syria!

The USA understands that to successfully pursue the overthrow of Syria requires both a “No-Fly Zone” and intimidation of IRAN! But the Russian Federation has said that a “No-Fly Zone” can not be used as part of a pretext for direct USA invasion of Syria. And Iran has a mutual defense pact with Syria dating from 2005 (!), which it recently reminded USA/Turkey of with respect to mounting threats from Turkey to invade Syria. Iran then DID NOTHING! (BBC, Aug 1, 2012), even after Iranian diplomats traveled to Damascus to reaffirm that mutual defense pact to Bashar Assad personally! (BBC, August 7, 2012) Threats by USA Leon Panetta and Ziono-NAZI stooge Netanyahu to bomb Iran are designed primarily to intimidate Iran from coming to the aid of Syria. The USA-led capitalist dictatorship plans to pick off one country after another and to rest assured that no targeted country will ACTUALLY come to the aid of another! And…it’s WORKING! Governments in the Middle East do not think in terms of statecraft but only in terms of religion and have only a very, very simplistic understanding of capitalism. It had been thought that the Russian Federation MILITARY also might not support the total, complete and final surrender of Syria to the USA and might have to be “facilitated” by duplicitous Gorbachev slimeballs such as Sergei Lavrov and Co. That also…seems to be WORKING! For false propaganda purposes the USA also obtained a nonbinding UN General Assembly Resolution condemning both Syria and the UN Security Council triple vetoes by Russia and China, which blocked the USA/UN “No Fly Zone.” To obtain that so-called “UN vote” the USA used 1.) Threats, 2.) Blackmail and 3.) Bribes against the GOVERNMENTS of ALL those 133 UN countries who voted “yes,” or “abstain,” where the overwhelming majority of the PEOPLE who inhabit those 133 countries support Ba’ath Socialist Syria against the USA Invasion by Proxy! The USA threatens every country in the world at the present time to try to force official government submission to USA dictates. (See BBC, August 3, 2012). This is End-Stage Capitalism! See below.

The Russian Federation, despite previous claims that “neither the UN, nor any other body or group of countries has the right to decide who should or should not govern a sovereign state,” agreed on June 30, 2012 (BBC) that there should be a “transitional government body (in Syria) with full executive powers.” Russia apparently wanted its supporters to believe that because “there were no preconditions to the proposed transition that dictated who should or should not be in the transitional government” that UN agreement is harmless to Syria! But it was NOT harmless to Syria! It was directly aimed at demoralizing the Syrian masses and encouraging the USA mercenaries/proxies! Simultaneously the New York Times was forced nevertheless to admit as false the Big Lie Demoralization Campaign claiming that Syria is experiencing “massive defections...the beginning of the end.” (BBC, July 12, 2012) Cashiered Brigadier Playboy General Manaf Tias, the second of 2 brigadier generals who “defected” in June and early July waited over 6 weeks before contacting the USA-operated opposition while previously turning up in Paris in playboy mode. Syrian Ambassador to Iraq, Nawaf Fares, was also NOT part of the Syrian leadership and was undoubtedly bribed and bought off to defect by the USA while serving in U.S.-invaded Iraq. Such “defections” are used by the USA to try to break the morale of the Syrian Ba’ath Socialist-led government and the overwhelming majority of the Syrian people who reject the attempted USA proxy takeover! Not even when Fares falsely claimed that Syria has used chemical weapons against the USA proxies (!!!), and claimed that the major bombings, which are being carried out across Syria by the USA using its al-Qaeda proxies, were supposedly being carried out by Bashar Assad government (!?) in order to “terrorize the Syrian people.”(!!!) Not credible!

The first part of the Big Lie is that it must be a Big Lie (see below) and today virtually everything uttered by the USA on any topic is a Big Lie. Credible motive is never a part of Big Lies—Just the baseless pronouncements of the capitalist dictatorship! The capitalists know that all wars are won and lost on morale and have tried to use a few “defections” and a barrage of Big Lies to try to break the morale of Syria and build support for their proxies, which is actually necessary in order to get them to engage in a “final battle.” Russia has encouraged the USA by backing off from their support of Syria and refusing to expose what is a USA Invasion of Syria by Proxies! That refusal remains entirely unjustified! If the truth had been told at the beginning—dream on—the situation would never have gotten to this point. In order to keep the masses deceived Russia has come to Syria’s aid by agreeing to buy all of Syrian crude oil and sell back gasoline and diesel to Syria, neutralizing USA and EU sanctions targeting Syria. (Reuters, August 3, 2012) But, while this gesture must be supported, without direct military assistance from IRAN, what this actually does in practice is to buy more time for the USA mercenary Jihadists to destroy Syria and divide and demoralize the Syrian masses.

The USA/Turkish F-4 Shoot-Down Provocation—Part I

The Shoot-Down of the Turkish F-4 U.S. Phantom by Syria on June 22, 2012 was a deliberate provocation orchestrated by the USA! The United States is pulling ALL the strings of its proxy Syrian opposition, despite any and all attempts at false disassociation. While NATO initially “Downplayed” the F-4 shoot-down provocation on June 26, 2012, NATO subsequently strongly condemned…SYRIA (!?)! “Downplaying” cannot hide the fact that it was staged as a provocation and apparent prelude to a second planned provocation which was then staged in early October 2012 being staged near the Syrian border where Turkey has brought in all sorts of heavy weapons at a spot apparently where they normally bring weapons into Syria for the USA Proxy mercenary Jihadists. The USA would require another provocation in order to be able to enact Article 5 of the NATO Charter to obtain a NO-FLY ZONE, allowing the USA to go around the normal United Nations Security Council Resolution requirement for a No-Fly Zone, which is a CODEWORD for a Non-Stop Air War by the United States. Article 5 of NATO states: “The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of United Nations…” (Today geography means less than nothing!) A “No-Fly Zone” is used to destroy the majority of a country’s infrastructure and to intimidate and demoralize the overwhelming majority of the population which supports the current government so that they will be rendered helpless against USA divide and conquer policies and subjugation and phony staged “elections” fashioned by the USA, but administered through the tiny, hated gang-banger “activist” puppet regimes as in Libya and Egypt and Tunisia! The USA has also instructed its “activists” in Syria to set up near the border with Lebanon and seize border outposts as a potential provocation so that some Syrian fire might fall inside Lebanon to try to be able to say Syria is attacking Lebanon or Turkey or some other neighboring country. And that pretext is what has been used in the USA/Turkish F-4 Shoot-Down Provocation–Part II. But the fact that mortar fire keeps on coming from Syria indicates that the USA proxies are firing the mortars as a PROVOCATION! The populations of Lebanon and ALL neighboring countries INCLUDING TURKEY strongly supports Bashar Al-Assad and the Ba’ath Socialists! This popular support for Ba’ath Socialist Syria forces Iraq to permit Iran over flights of military equipment over Iraqi territory!

Note that the USA instructed its Turkish puppet to fly a U.S.-supplied F-4 Phantom “reconnaissance” jet over Syrian territory initially in order to have it shot down by Syria as the first part of what was initially planned as a 2-part provocation as we predicted in June 2012. (See above.) The F-4 “reconnaissance” plane was carrying no spy gear BECAUSE ITS PURPOSE WAS NOT RECONNAISSANCE! IT’S PURPOSE WAS PROVOCATION! The pilots of its U.S./Turkish plane, who did not realize their lives were to be sacrificed if necessary, were told that they would be “conducting a test of Syrian Air Defenses,” (BBC, June 22, 2012) the very same pretext Richard Nixon apparently used when he spoke to the Korean Pilot of the 1983 Korean Airliner in Anchorage, Alaska the takeoff point for that Provocation, which was designed to discredit domestic Communist Party-led opposition to placement of U.S. First-Strike Pershing II nuclear missiles in Europe 10 minutes from Moscow. See below! The “Turkish” F-4 flew under 100 meters for most of its trip into Syrian airspace causing it to suddenly pop up on radar in a move designed to elicit the shoot down. The wreckage of the F-4 was found in Syrian waters! (PressTV, June 25, 2012) Russia screamed its complicity in this USA provocation by “insisting” that the shoot down was not a provocation…by SYRIA!!!! Whaaaaa? A TOTAL COVER-UP for the benefit of the USA regime change attempt! Putin then visited “Israel” in an apparent show of support for the USA/“Israel” in the Syrian Regime Change Attempt in order to leave no doubt as to Russian loyalties! With “friends” like Rissia Syria and Iran may need no enemies! Russia has become totally self-destructive. Its present opportunism threatens the sovereignty of the Russian Federation itself as they “walk the diplomatic tightrope…off the cliff!” The truth is that the overwhelming majority of world opinion understands the USA attempt to overthrow the Syrian government as Online comment reveals! Cutting the water supply for parts of Allepo by USA proxies on September 8, 2012 was carried out as yet another mass provocation to try to turn the Syrian masses against thr Ba’ath Socialist government/.

”THE “HOULA MASSACRE,” Haswiya Massacre and “TREMSEH MASSACRE” EXPLAINED: The Russian Federation also needlessly set up Syria to take the blame for the Houla Massacre Provocation by directing Syria to merely DENY and lament the Houla Massacre and the Qusair Massacre of 13 factory workers on June 1, 2012 as monstrous atrocities merely! Only 37 people died in Tremseh. All but 2 were U.S. proxies! See below. But Russia has not allowed Syria go on the political offensive and TALK ABOUT MOTIVE or the direct UNITED STATES Role in ORGANIZING the Death Squads which began their work with the Houla Massacre-Provocation! Even after the detailed Syrian government investigation and report, see below, which left no doubt that only the Americans had the resources, the motive and the long history of such death squad provocations (see below), Russia directed Syria to REMAIN SILENT and instead to accuse “the opposition” in general, “terrorists” or “the West” but not to mention the USA! On January 18, 2013 the USA directed its proxies, Jihadists, mercenaries to carry out the HASWIYA MASSACRE, burning to death over 100 Syrians in their houses and stabbing those who tried to escape with knives. See above and BBC, which tried to blame it on Syria!! Earlier on January 7, 2013 the USA directed its mercenary death squads to carry out lesser massacres in Qinis town of Edlib countryside and Tasneen Village in Homs countryside. But Syria has NO MOTIVE whatsoever to carry out such MASS PROVOCATIONS, but the United States and its domestic proxies DO have OVERWHELMING MOTIVE! Assad must explain it! When Assad just denies “Syrian involvement” and says “We are in a state of war but let’s everybody be friends” and refrains from any discussion of motive the Americans LOLROF while the U.S.-controlled world capitalist media shriek in unison: “Assad Denies It! How dare he deny it!” Oy! Instructing Assad to deny death squad attacks without explaining precisely who did do it—the USA—and why (see below) and how it was designed to give the false appearance of “civil war” and to try to make Assad look in the brainwashed American mind e.g., like a guilty bloodthirsty fool! While Vladimir V. Putin & Co CONCURRED with the Americans and so-called “Friends of Syria” in FALSELY claiming in June 2012 (!), that he thought “We are seeing nascent elements of a civil war today!” That is a Big Lie and Putin knows it is a Big Lie! Although Putin stated: “…we do not support either party from which a threat of civil war emanates,” (New York Times, June 1, 2012) while knowing full well that any threat of the appearance of a “civil war” comes ONLY from the USA-sponsored mostly foreign mercenary proxy Jihad terrorists trying to instigate one. Putin’s statement only meant that Russia would never officially support the U.S.-sponsored domestic death squad proxies. Unofficially Russia supports USA Death Squads in Syria 100% as revealed by what they say and what they don’t say and what Russia does and what Russia does NOT do! Such limpid statements of betrayal, “We are neutral” from Russia have encouraged the USA and its UN puppets to constantly UP THE ANTE ON SYRIA with increased U.S. and EU sanctions, threats, provocations, massacres and a media barrage of Big Lies in order to try to “pressure the Russians” to support a UN Security Council vote for UN sanctions and a No-fly Zone, while simultaneously trying to build public pressure and stage provocations to go around the Security Council for a NATO No-Fly Zone to be combined with a U.S.-sponsored invasion.

That is why the U.S. directed Turkey to send a spy plane into Syria as a provocation to be shot down! But Secretary of War Leon Panetta stated that a no-fly zone in Syria would be “difficult to implement (meaning it would be in total violation of the United Nations Charter!), and is not on the front burner.”(Associated Press, August 14, 2012) and the US ambassador to Turkey also acknowledged there were “serious legal and practical obstacles to such a (no-fly zone) idea.” (Reuters, August 20, 2012). Russia stated: “any attempt to use humanitarian concerns as a pretext to establish no-fly zones or security zones on the ground in Syria ‘for military purposes’ was unacceptable.” (Sky News, August 18, 2012) By January 5, 2013 the USA Obama administration/NATO installed Patriot Missile Antiaircraft batteries in Turkey to begin the NATO Article 5 a No-Fly Zone! Germany and Holland also installed some Patriot Missiles, which they had obtained from the USA. There were huge demonstration in Turkey against the Patriot Missiles installation by the USA puppet Erdogan. On November 29, 2012 the USA used CYBERWARFARE in order to INTIMIDATE and DEMORALIZE SYRIA and shut down all Internet and phone service in Syria nationwide and close the Syrian airport, which the USA mercenaries have attacked, and to shut down all Syrian day-to-day commerce and industry as part of the USA economic war sanctions. (New York Times, November 29, 2012)

The RT (Russian TV) website documents multiple previous U.S preparations to institute a “No-Fly Zone” and invasion of Syria outside the auspices of the United Nations, both with a “Libya Lite No-Fly Zone” (RT, through Debkafile—see below, Jun 17, 2012) followed by possible direct U.S. invasion and/or by training their Syrian proxy contras in Turkey and “10,000 Libyan” U.S. proxies in Jordan. (RT, February 29, 2012). If neither Iran not Russia intervenes militarily at some level if it becomes necessary that is tantamount to directly handing over Syria to the United States. Note that on August 22, 2012 RT (Russian Television) apparently blocked the United Front Against Racism and Capitalism-Imperialism ISP address from connecting to RT! This is pure Stalinism! False pronouncements by U.S. puppet Ban Ki-Moon that a “civil war” supposedly already exists in Syria, is just another repetition of the same Big Lie designed to falsely “justify” direct U.S. or USA-backed invasion! When, on or around June 11, 2012 the Syrian government discovered that the U.S. was planning yet another large death squad attack on the city of Haffa (Haffeh) and simultaneously began its GROUND encirclement and broadcast it on Syrian media the U.S.-controlled world media screamed: “Syria is planning another massacre of innocent civilians and won’t allow UN observers!” Meaning those observers from countries which had just expelled Syrian diplomats! Three days later Syrian TV reported that (the U.S.-sponsored death squad forces) were driven out of Haffeh (meaning they had escaped). (RTE News, June 14, 2012) If Syria could have prevented its escape they could have captured a large U.S.-sponsored death squad.

As thoroughly documented below, the threat of a civil war does NOT emanate from the Syrian government, which has for generations has maintained a remarkably harmonious balance between the multiple religious and ethnic factions in Syria, while the USA has for decades repeatedly tried to overthrow the Syrian government using every conceivable means of Divide and Conquer Strategy and Tactics! (See below.) Putin could have said, “We are seeing an artificial attempt to set religions and ethnic factions against one another in Syria of which the Houla Massacre/Provocation and the subsequent death squad massacres are prime examples!” The June 4th declaration by the so-called “Free Syrian Army” that they had abandoned a ceasefire initiative was totally ignored while U.S. PUPPETS Ban Ki Moon & Kofi Annan stood shoulder to shoulder hypocritically blaming “the violence” on Bashar Al Assad (?!) for not adhering to the ceasefire (!) and refusing to order the Syrian army “to retire to barracks” and turn over Syria to the USA! like a good little boy! The UN “leadership” has lost ALL credibility long ago!

Syrian Death Squad Attacks Have ALL Been Organized by the USA!

Both Putin & Co. and Bashar Al-Assad could have pointed out that John Negroponte’s understudy, Robert Stephen Ford was appointed US Ambassador to Syria less than 2 months before the beginning of the armed coup d’etat/ regime change attempt in Syria in January 2011. U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Stephen Ford worked closely with John Negroponte, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq who, beginning in 2004 implemented the so-called “Salvador Option for Iraq,” which was modeled on US covert death squad operations in Central America. The “Salvador Option” is a “terrorist model” of mass killings by US sponsored death squads first applied in El Salvador and resulted in an estimated 75,000 deaths. The “Salvador Option for Syria” began in earnest with the “Houla Massacre!” Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford personally organized the U.S.–NATO sponsored death squads and integrated them into the U.S.-sponsored so-called “Free Syrian Army” opposition forces as documented by the facts on the ground. In Iraq the objective was the same as in Syria: Divide and Conquer where multiple Sunni on Shia and Shia on Sunni bombings and other atrocities were organized by the United States in order to weaken the resistance movement against the United States Invasion of Iraq. See: Global Research, The U.S.-controlled world capitalist media is using the Big Lie technique (see below) to falsely repeat over and over and over again that the death squad attacks are being carried out by the so-called “Shabiha,” Syrian militia made up largely of Alawites, the same as Bashar Al-Assad, and are wantonly with no credible motive (!) supposedly “seeking out Sunnis to massacre.” (BBC, June 8, 2012) This Big Lie is used by the U.S. and its UN puppets, AND HAS ALSO BEEN REPEATED BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION to falsely claim that there is a “growing civil war or threat of a civil war in Syria.” The Big Lie technique is on full display in Syria just as it was in Libya!

Assad could easily explain that in Syria the U.S.-backed mercenary Proxies are ROUTINELY directed by their USA social networking masters to target “innocent civilians” in mass provocations, for example by herding adults and families with children together as HUMAN SHIELDS into apartment buildings and then firing at Syrian government forces with heavy U.S. anti-tank weapons from those apartment buildings, while threatening tenants not to flee, while THEY LEAVE to avoid the “slaughter of innocent civilians!” The U.S. supplies its Syrian death squad proxies with the most sophisticated anti-tank weapons (9K114-2 Metis-M and Kornet E) according to DEBKAFILE an Israeli online site. Simultaneously Assad could explain that the USA uses its Al Qaeda proxies/provocateurs (see below) and others to set off HUGE BOMBS in Syrian cities and then fire into the air to try to generate panic and chaos and give the false impression that “Syria is losing control of its country.” Assad could point out that on May 28, 2012 the U.S. directed their proxy gang-bangers to dress up as Syrian Army and Militia and commit atrocities by systematically going into houses in Houla, Syria and mass murdering everyone including children. On June 6th the USA proxy death squad “activists” directly connected to the U.S.-organized so-called “Local Co-ordination Committees” and the U.S.-organized so-called “Syrian National Council” in the UK gave a repeat performance and slaughtered an entire village of 86 people in Hama with knives (!) and then tried to blame Bashar Assad (BBC), who had no motive whatsoever! USA! USA!

The so-called “Tremseh Massacre” on the other hand was simply a highly successful Syrian military operation surgically targeting the USA mercenary proxies, which the USA and UN tried to first falsely portray in a Big Lie as a “civilian massacre!” Local people, who the USA proxies had pushed out of their homes, informed the Syrian forces precisely in which houses the USA proxies were hiding! On July 15, 2012 Syria accused Kofi Annan of “rushed” comments adding that “there were NO heavy weapons, only troop carriers and small arms,” and that there were “armed clashes, not a “massacre, with only 37 recorded deaths--far short of the 200 or so deaths (USA mercenary proxies) had suggested” (BBC, July 15, 2012). After dozens of the captured USA proxies were paraded on Syrian TV with large amounts of weapons and ammunition the BBC and New York Times, etc, were forced to retract their early Big Lie rubbish claims that “Syria’s Shabiha had slaughtered an entire village with knives.” But the NY Times completely omitted the report, which appeared on the BBC, that dozens of USA proxies were captured and paraded on Syrian TV!! The deliberately false first report of a “massacre” was intended to generate confusion and many people only hear the first report of an incident and retain THAT in their minds. The actual massacres in Syria are ALL carried out by U.S. trained and U.S.-sponsored death squads, and there are no exceptions to this for reasons provided above and herein. Even though the BBC finally reported the partial truth USA murderess (Hahaha) Hillary Clinton, a depraved exponent of the Big and little Lie, accused Syria of “deliberately massacring civilians in Tremseh (Huh?)” (July 14, 2012), and USA-puppet Kofi Anna insisted he was still “shocked and appalled” (BY WHAT—THE BIG LIE THAT HE WAS A PART OF?) Meanwhile, Russia the tar baby, he don’t say nutin’! These sorts of actions have USA! USA! USA written all over them! And the overwhelming majority of people in the world know it already—SO SAY IT!!! These are typical United States Provocations! In Latin America, the Mideast, Persian Gulf and WORLDWIDE! We are all supposed to believe the United States, which murdered 2 million people in Vietnam and 2 million people in Iraq (see below) and tens of thousand of people in Libya is suddenly the “good guy” as it has tried to overthrow yet another country with death squads in multiple mass provocations, being subjectively assisted by the Russian Federation at multiple points playing stupid and instructing the state leaders of the most recently targeted countries to also play stupid! Genuine Diplomats must also consider self-preservation when conditions fundamentally change!

Without the ongoing roundup and liquidation of the USA proxies in Damascus, Aleppo and elsewhere as described above, the FAILURE by the Russian Federation to have fully exposed the “Houla Massacre” of entire families and the Qusair Massacre of 13 factory workers and the massacre of 78 in Hama province—and the planned death squad massacres to come—as hideous clumsy PROVOCATIONS orchestrated on direct order and detailed instruction by the United States, the only ones with the MOTIVE, the history and the combined means to organize such DEATH SQUAD ATTACKS and the Deliberate Sabotage of Syria by the Russian Federation will ultimately create a “catastrophic scenario” far greater than a mere nebulous “arc of instability” as clumsily alleged by the Russian Federation and its confused puppet Bashar Assad! The actual result will be to dig the grave of the Russian Federation itself! See below! Can you dig it? THEY DUG IT! This sellout-betrayal by the Russian Federation opened the door for the USA-puppet United Nations to declare inter alia the OFFICIAL BIG LIE that the Syrian Ba’ath Socialist government carried out the Houla Massacre! (BBC, August 15, 2012) Assad could also have explained that the “Houla Massacre” was also designed to try to manipulate and instigate violent sectarian division, WHICH DOES NOT EXIST IN SYRIA (THIS POINT MUST BE REPEATED OFTEN WITH COMPLETE EXPLANATION!) The overwhelming majority of the Syrian people are not allowing themselves to be so manipulated by USA-orchestrated provocations!

The earlier shrieks and squeals of Hillary Clinton for Russia to “harden its position on Syria,” meaning to vote for a “No-Fly Zone” and not to supply new Mi-25 attack helicopters to Syria was based on another BIG LIE, which the Pentagon admitted was a lie, because the helicopters had been supplied to Syria many years ago in the 1990s right after the 1988 Gorbachev surrender (see below) and were simply the return of refurbished Mi-24 helicopters sent to Russia for repairs! (BBC, June 13 and 15, 2012) Hillary Clinton’s Big Lie is designed to cover up the fact that the U.S. continues to funnel heavy weapons to its Syrian proxies through Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Hillary’s Big Lie is also designed to counter growing pressure for Russia to fundamentally REVERSE its traitorous, sellout position, which would be in the best interest of Syria, the Mideast, Russia and entire world. But THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! The bizarre claim that the majority-supported Bashar government recruited 8-yr. old boys for human shields is just one more textbook front page Big Lie. (New York Times, June 13, 2012) The false claim that Russian ships were about to evacuate the port of Tartus was to demoralize Syria as if Russia had ALREADY OFFICIALLY “given up” on Syria. On June 18, 2012 the USA directed the UK to stop the Russian cargo ship MV Alaed on its way to Syria with the refurbished Soviet Mi-24 helicopters by removing the ship’s insurance coverage (BBC, June 18m 2012) putting the ball squarely in the Russian court! USA SAYS, “NO, NO!” Instead of saying, “So what, we don’t need insurance in this matter, Russia REFUSED to deliver those helicopters to Syria by either another land route, another ship or with the Ruslan, the world’s largest cargo plane as part of its traitorous position, while giving the GREEN LIGHT to the USA—and RUSSIAN (!)—arming of the USA mercenary proxies with Russian Sam-7s and the most modern Russian SA-14s, SA-16s, SA-18s and SA-24s!

Bashar Al-Assad should have explained that the U.S.-sponsored death squad attacks 1.) give the FALSE IMPRESSION that “violent sectarian division” DOES exist in Syria when it most certainly DOES NOT and is thereby: 2.) An attempt to generate such violent sectarian division where none has recently existed, although the U.S. did instigate it previously in the early 1980s! The facts on the ground in Syria indicate that the U.S. has attempted to overthrow Syria, by using death squads to carry out mass provocations by having people posing as Alawites mass murder primarily Sunnis (!) in Houla and elsewhere and is an clear example of DIVIDE AND CONQUER tactics and strategy routinely used by the USA in overthrowing countries! In Syria some U.S.-sponsored death squad attacks have been combined with a sophisticated devious attempt to partially “cover up” the massacres afterward, in order to try to make it appear that the attack was coming from the Syrian government! Immediately following the “Houla Massacre” Provocation the U.S./UK basically bragged in a round about way that the Houla Massacre/Provocation was only a larger example of what they have been doing ever since they began their attempt to overthrow Syria in early 2011! They basically explained how they have made every effort to set Sunnis against Alawites, Shias and Christians so that they could falsely claim “civil war in Syria,” but then were forced to admit that the Syrian Army is majority Sunni!!! Oops, a slight contradiction! (BBC, May 31, 2012) Sergei Lavrov and Putin and Medvedev all come off as supposedly trying to be so “fair” and even-handed but by so doing in the light of the glaring reality of escalated U.S. provocations and wanton mass murder of civilians in Syria they are all traitors not only to Syria, but also to Russia itself! The Russian argument for such “Lavrovian diplomacy” is supposedly to do only what appears to be “necessary” at each point in time. But this is a lie on its face! Russia is working hand in glove to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government. Every action taken by the U.S. and mercenaries/proxies in Syria is also based on the opportunist “diplomacy” of the Russian Federation.

Russian Federation “diplomacy”—read opportunism—was also questioned with the announcement that the U.S.-backed so-called “Free Syrian Army” death squads had formally abandoned any pretense to the UN/Kofi Annan June 2012 Ceasefire and that an army of 12,000 (?) U.S. mercenary proxies, the so-called “Syrian Rebels Front” has been organized as an invasion force in Turkey to try to overthrow Syria. (BBC, June 4, 2012) Russia’s failure to thoroughly explain “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion and Provocation by Proxy has allowed the USA to continue to use that weapon of manipulation rather than stop it in a practical sense by maximally discrediting it and ridiculing it as a weapon of manipulation, which is controlled and directed by U.S. imperialism. Russia’s domestic response to the USA-“Facebook”-Assisted attempt to undermine the Russian Federation has been to pass new arbitrary and oppressive laws and crack down on the “leaders” such as Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny and Sergei Udaltsov. These people are not “leaders.” They are just USA proxies in Moscow, where the entire show has been run from the U.S. Embassy by the U.S. Ambassador, Michael McFaul, just like in Syria, where the departure of US Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford has necessitated that the entire Syrian operation be run directly from Washington! The same exact scenario! Cracking down with no real explanation and without expulsion of. the U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, the real leader of the U.S.-backed Russian opposition, just builds more “opposition!” After the re-election of Obama US Ambassador McFaul who is THE POINT MAN in leading the opposition to Putin movement in Russia, was suddenly HONORED on multiple Russian television stations! Russia actually believes that the USA will not implement the U.S. First-Strike so-called “Nuclear Missile Shield,” which the U.S. is placing in Romania and Poland within striking distance of Moscow in order to try to force a Second Russian Surrender and turn Russia into a complete U.S. puppet. Simultaneously the USA is intensifying economic sanctions against Russia with the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act, which blacklists all Russian businessmen the USA says is guilty of human rights violations by blocking visas and use of USA banking system. Right after Michael McFaul was honored on Russian TV the USA dropped its campaign to unseat Putin…temporarily. See above. Russia must not be lulled by this!

Syria’s Explanation of the Houla Massacre:

On May 31, 2012 the BBC and Reuters reported: “Brigadier General Qassem Jamal Suleiman, who headed the Syrian government's commission of inquiry into the massacre, said hundreds of rebel gunmen carried out the slaughter after 600 to 800 armed men launched a coordinated attack on five security checkpoints, while armed men from outside Houla murdered the families. He said that many of the victims were relatives of a member of parliament. (!) He told a news conference that the aim had been to implicate the government and to ignite sectarian strife in Syria. ‘Government forces did not enter the area where the massacre occurred, not before the massacre and not after it,’ he said. He said the victims had been families ‘who refused to oppose the government and were at odds with the armed groups.’ ‘The aim of these armed groups is to bring foreign military intervention against the country in any form and way,’ he added.” Targeting their own enemies within the Syrian population which support the Bashar Al-Assad government, “enemies” which constitute the majority of the people in Syria, could be interpreted as an attempt to kill 2 birds with the same stone in this USA-directed Houla Massacre provocation. But the USA-backed proxies, so-called “pro-democracy activists”—read mass murderers—had no other choice! They belong to an ever-diminishing minority, not the majority! This report was effectively blipped in the media and the BBC removed it entirely from their website, while it can still be found online under “Syria crisis: Assad denies role in Houla massacre.” This report was also immediately denied by the United States, which intends to carry out many more similar death squad provocations using its proxy/Jihadist/mercenary death squads highly trained by Robert Stephen Ford. Note that after the report by Syria no country cancelled expulsion of Syrian diplomats! On August 15, 2012 the USA-puppet United Nations officially accused the Syrian Ba’asth Socialist government of carrying out the Houla Massacre/USA Death Squad Attack (!). Russia supported that provocation by its silence!

Russia should instead have stated up front: 1.) That Syria is a popularly supported allied government of the Russian Federation (But Russia knows THAT is a BIG LIE!) and that the U.S.-backed and U.S.-armed proxy mercenary Jihadists form a tiny MINORITY and that there has been no proof to the contrary! 2.) That the U.S. is leaving Russia no option and that “all cards are now on the table” in any attempt to overthrow the still OVERWHELMINGLY MAJORITY SUPPORTED Syrian government. (Dream on!) Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy should be repeatedly exposed in relentless fashion at every opportunity stressing the artificial mechanism of the “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy where a MINORITY is organized to try to overthrow a popularly supported MAJORITY government, pointing out: 3.) that the U.S.-directed coup d’etat/regime change attempt in Syria also targets Iran, Hezbollah, the Palestinians and RUSSIA! Appropriate political defense should always be made for all five, drawing attention to the fact that false re-circulated IAEA “WMD” Claims and U.S./“Israeli” threats of bombing Iran are being used primarily to INTIMIDATE Iran in order to try to first prevent Iran from IMMEDIATELY coming to Syria’s aid before the USA mercenary Jihadists destroy more Syrian infrastructure and occupy more territory! Russia should be prepared to give up its ill-gotten WTO membership because it will be meaningless with the Magnitsky Economic Sanctions and a USA/NATO Missile Shield where the USA has “vowed not to back down!”

The so-called “Arab Spring” has also been designated the “Quick Fix” by the Obama regime. The “Quick Fix” also applies to targeting a significant percentage of its very own domestic U.S. population economically for extermination through gradually increasing and then sharply escalating economic war causing economic impoverishment, which will be escalated after initial demagogy following the staged OBAMA RE-ELECTION. Using the false pretext of “economic deficit and budget crisis” the capitalist dictatorship will escalate economic SANCTIONS on its own domestic population of INNOCENT HELPLESS UNORGANIZED CIVILIANS (!) with the so-called “the Budget Deal” pretext of “Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff!” The “budget deficit” was deliberately and artificially created and has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH “GREED” or any personal foibles of capitalism and is actually a Targeted Depression aimed at the Working Class, Blacks and Poor primarily. Both internationally and domestically the U.S. capitalist dictatorship graphically demonstrates that capitalism has reached its Final Stage of: Permanent War and State Terrorism. The United States has now been FORCED to resort to its new strategy of “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy, not because it is so “clever,” but because the MORALE of its OWN mercenary armies everywhere is at an ALL TIME LOW and the MORALE of the entire capitalist dictatorship in Washington, D.C. is at an ALL TIME LOW! Lower than in Viet Nam, and is actually an ideal time to begin to re-organize a Communist Party, which calls for mutiny. Mutiny ended the Vietnam War in 1975! Mutiny is the Pre-Condition to ALL Social Change. Mutiny saves lives!


Invasion by Proxy can be used almost everywhere whenever a direct invasion is not possible and can be used to create mass provocations as in Syria and in the Russian Federation and elsewhere, and it also costs so very little in comparison with paying for one full-scale invasion after another! The United States is presently using “social networking” websites in virtually every country in the world in order to create division or to fan the flames of division and to create provocations in order to manipulate public opinion and build organized support for U.S. imperialist policies. In fact, courses in “social networking” are now given and REQUIRED in every U.S. Embassy worldwide to help achieve these manipulative objectives! U.S. embassies work closely with the U.S. NGOs, (so-called “Non-Governmental Organizations”) and so-called “human rights groups” in coordinated attempts to overthrow governments. But in order to actually overthrow a government a U.N. Security Council No-Fly Zone Resolution is normally required and it does not work well once the targeted government is overthrown because there is no reliable occupying army, for example as in Libya! But the U.S. capitalist dictatorship actually prefers the total chaos, for example, which exists now in Libya as a price for the Libyan oil and where there was previously a government opposed to U.S. imperialism! The rock bottom morale of the U.S. military and the widespread radiation poisoning of the environment in Iraq by the U.S. use of DEPLETED URANIUM for munitions and armor shielding has poisoned the environment in Iraq increasing the cancer rate astronomically and made Iraq actually uninhabitable, forcing the U.S. to withdraw most forces from Iraq. The U.S. simultaneously announced that it intends to increase its military presence with its remaining forces in Kuwait and elsewhere in the Gulf and even Australia, to more than 40,000 troops (New York Times, Oct. 30, 2011) as a threat to Liberation Movements fighting U.S. puppet regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and as a back-up threat to regimes targeted for U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Proxy Invasion/Provocation. The USA also threaten the People’s Republic of China at every oppotunity—a long-range target for U.S. regime change, where the U.S. is currently involved in DOZENS of different divide and conquer provocations from Tianamen Square to Tibet to Falun Gong!

The U.S.-Led Proxy Invasions of Libya, Syria and other countries are carried out under cover of a RELENTLESS FALSE PROPAGANDA DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN consisting of two parts: 1.) THE FALSE PRETEXT OF “PROTECTING INNOCENT CIVILIANS, “STOP THE KILLING” and “PREVENTING A HUMANITARIAN CATASTROPHE” (complete with the clumsily contrived media-hyped Big Lies and preposterous false claims e.g. of Libyan, and then Syrian (!), “anti-personnel cluster bombs and rockets” or “Syrian massacres”)! This is combined with RIDICULING, VILIFICATION, EXCORIATION and REVILING of the countries’ leaders in the U.S.-dominated world capitalist media! But even after the U.S. proxy gang-banger “rebel army,” numbering LESS than 10,000 (!) finally entered Tripoli on August 21, 2011 with its U.S./NATO Special forces MINDERS and afterward, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi is still revered by the overwhelming majority of the Libyan population even in death! He will always be popular in Libya! No Wonder! UNDER QADDAFI LIBYA HAD THE HIGHEST LIVING STANDARD IN ALL AFRICA! Libya had the highest per capita income, best health care, education and housing. That has ALL ENDED NOW! At no point was Qaddafi ever regarded as a “hated dictator” or “tyrant!” Worldwide Qaddafi was thought to be eccentric and he was. Within Libya and Africa Qaddafi was REVERED, but also correctly deemed to be eccentric, but NEVER EVER a “dictator” or “tyrant” as falsely portrayed by the U.S-dominated world media in a clumsy multipart Big Lie of commission and OMISSION, which continues, to try to justify their bloodthirsty war to steal Libya’s oil! The U.S. Invasion of Libya was carried out with a Bush-style SHOCK AND AWE AIR CAMPAIGN, which lasted for over six months. The “rebel” gang-bangers were finally able to enter Tripoli only after 7,459 U.S./NATO bombing sorties (New York Times, August 22, 2011), or 10,000 bombing sorties according to the BBC (October 20, 2011!), had flattened the ENTIRE country! On August 31st the U.S. capitalist dictatorship and its puppet/proxy so-called: “TNC/rebel army” decided NOT to send UN peacekeepers, etc. at least early on or maybe ever (!), not because the “rebel” gang-bangers were incapable of forming a functioning government, which they most certainly are NOT due to geographic, secular and religious divisions, not to mention incompetence, but because the U.S. has directed those proxies to carry out MASS EXECUTIONS of Qaddafi forces and armed loyalists! They do not want any independent U.N. eyewitnesses to their atrocities, which they freely and falsely attribute to…Qaddafi, who they hypocritically and ridiculously labeled an “international outlaw!” See below. The purpose of this mass murder is to INTIMIDATE the overwhelming majority of Libyans who supported and STILL support Qaddafi!

Photographs of executed Qaddafi loyalists, so-labeled, being buried in a mass grave with giant earthmovers appeared in the New York Times, October 27, 2011! On October 20, 2011 Qaddafi was brutally tortured and assassinated on direct U.S. orders with U.S./NATO assistance and guidance, all later absurdly denied! Hillary Clinton cackled: “We came, we saw, he died, Hahaha! (youtube, October 24, 2011). Assassination of world leaders who resist U.S. invasions is the new openly stated U.S. policy! The U.S. proxy Libyan gang-bangers “rebels” over the entire 6 months revealed themselves to be mostly common criminals and began to sack Tripoli after totally sacking virtually every city and town which supported Qaddafi, which was and remains the overwhelming majority of Libya! But shortly after entering Tripoli the U.S.-proxy gang-bangers were quickly redirected to Sirte and Bani Walid, Qaddafi towns which they also sacked totally! The BBC admitted on December 12, 2011 that whole towns in Libya (e.g. Tawergha, etc.) had been emptied out of ALL its inhabitants, almost all of whom supported and still do support Qaddafi even in death (!), preventing their return in the face of the total gang rape of their country by the U.S.-backed heavily armed TINY MINORITY of proxy gang-bangers! Toward the end the (Qaddafi) Libyan government also distributed weapons to as much of the population as possible, something a hated dictator would NEVER have done! If the Libyan people have also received some training in their use the defense of Libya will hopefully continue as a guerilla war, which in that case is almost a forgone conclusion. By January 25, 2012 it was reported that the U.S./U.N.-backed gang-bangers had been “expelled” from Bani Walid while the gang-bangers were holding and systematically torturing 8,500 Qaddafi supporters at “almost 60 centers,” while the UN feigned “concern.” (BBC, January 25, 2012) Three days after the U.S.-directed assassination of Qaddafi Hillary Clinton announced the U.S. had appropriated $40 million to try to buy back the SAM-7 surface to air missiles, which hopefully were taken by Qaddafi supporters, and also to try to bribe those whom Qaddafi had armed into returning their weapons to the U.S. invader and its gang-banger proxy! During the entire 6-month U.S. Proxy Invasion the so-called “rebels”/gang-bangers did virtually nothing except to run in after the bombing, which was called in primarily by U.S., British and French Special Forces “blending in” with the gang-bangers, to take possession of the flattened “targets” and immediately EXECUTE ALL the wounded! (New York Times, August 23, 2011 and BBC, January 18, 2012!)) Few prisoners were taken!

In response to Qaddafi’s arming the masses, the “rebel”-gang-bangers in turn systematically tried to round up those civilians in Tripoli with the Qaddafi-distributed weapons (Reuters, August 27, 2011) and then as formally documented in the October 27, 2011 New York Times above, summarily execute them en masse. But then STILL blame Qaddafi!? The Big Lies are as relentless as they are absurd and in Syria even more fantastic as well! The reason Qaddafi is still popular and will continue to remain popular even after his assassination—forever--is because it was Qaddafi who overthrew the truly hated and truly despised U.S. puppet King Idris in 1969 and for the first time united Libya and gave the people of Libya a secure future, which now no longer exists in Libya or in the United States, where the world capitalist dictatorship is now is in the process of waging a war of extermination against its very own people and worldwide to solve the “overpopulation problem” though Social Darwinism. (See below!) After ordering the assassination of Qaddafi the U.S directed its gang-banger TNC “rebels in Libya set aside a national holiday to honor (!) the hated and despised former U.S. puppet King Idris (!!!), showing complete and utter contempt for the Libyan people who almost unanimously hated Idris! 2.) In a further open demonstration that Qaddafi was revered in Libya is the fact that the U.S. ordered that he be buried in an unmarked grave way out in the desert so that his grave would not become a shrine (!), for the same stated reason that the U.S. dumped Bin Laden’s mutilated body in the ocean! See: Materialist Analysis of the Bin Laden Assassination and Trade Center Attack-Provocation. Militias loyal to Qaddafi are reportedly still fighting the unanimously hated, newly-installed U.S. Proxy Coup D’etat mercenary, gang-banger “TNC government” in Ragdalein, Libya and elsewhere! (New York Times April 4, 2012))

As a second part of their disinformation campaign the U.S. attempts to generates MAXIMAL CONFUSION surrounding all aspects of the U.S. role in these Proxy Invasions. That is combined with false DENIAL of the actual U.S. objectives, for example: 1.) STEALING LIBYAN OIL and 2.) Trying to Undermine the Syrian-Iran relationship and the Syrian/Iran-supported national liberation movements of Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon! CONFUSION becomes a prime objective of the capitalists’ media and educational system in order to cover up escalating U.S. political crimes. A confused person cannot act because he or she does know what to think. This helps neutralize opposition to capitalism-imperialism at all levels. Simultaneously the U.S. dictatorship denies that there is any war at all! “War? What War?” “The U.S. only protects innocent civilians!” “What bombing?” “That’s NATO! Not the U.S.!” “The U.S. only protects innocent civilians!” “Declaration of War?!” “What Constitution?” (Article 1, Sec. 8(11)! “This is just a STO (Standard Training Operation)!” Note the so-called “War Powers Act” was simply a previous attempt to supplant the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 8(11)! The U.S. dictatorship’s fake domestic “opposition” (e.g. International Action Center, Ramsey Clark, etc.) goes along with all the lies BIG and small, backing the U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Proxy Invasion of Yemen and calling the “Facebook”-Assisted, U.S.-orchestrated coup d’etat and regime change in Egypt and the proxy invasions of Syria & Yemen “revolutions” while pretending the unconstitutional War Powers Act, not the Constitution, defines U.S. war policy!

The Obama Regime is thus using the same Orwellian, falsely-designated “Preventive War Doctrine” as George Bush II did in lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq and on March 28, 2011, the demagogue Obama sounded just like Bush: “I refused to wait for the images of SLAUGHTER and MASS GRAVES before taking action.” Compare George Bush on October 22, 2002 as part of the deliberate and later proved-false “weapons of mass destruction” propaganda campaign to try to get the U.S. masses to accept the U.S. invasion of Iraq: “Facing clear (DELIBERATELY FAKED) evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.” Between that date and for months right up to the March 19, 2003 U.S. Invasion of Iraq, the entire Bush Regime pushed the same Big Lie trumpeted in the media, but later exposed in detail as deliberately fraudulent. The media pushed that Big Lie relentlessly precisely the same way it does now with Iran and with the United Nations IAEA having been totally taken over falsely claiming that “Iran is building a nuclear bomb!” Today the Obama Regime uses the Preventive War Doctrine based on multiple Big Lies much more frequently than the Bush Regime ever did as it wages war against one country after another using “Facebook” and other so-called “social networking sites” to organize and arm a tiny minority of the population and then direct them to commit provocations by attacking their government. The sticking point is the REQUIRED U.N. Security Council Resolution, which directly or indirectly calls for regime change. If the U.S. fails to obtain a U.N. Security Council Resolution the U.S. can not legally invade using the Libyan model, but must try to go around the United Nations by recruiting, for example, the Arab League, which is COMPLETELY OPPOSED by the Arab Street, to try to organize some sort of armed invasion of Syria while continuing to use its tiny “Facebook”-Organized gang-banger “opposition” to carry out relentless unending provocations in what is actually a U.S.-organized COUP D’ETAT attempt—NOT A “CIVIL WAR” and NOT AN “UPRISING”! Russia’s Sergei Lavrov finally stated that the U.S./NATO’s “ultimatums will not work” in trying to ram through Security Council demands for regime change in Syria and neither will waging economic war through sanctions, or encouraging (the U.S. backed gang-bangers) to continue to attack Syrian forces “instead of promoting dialogue” or calling for armed foreign invasion of Syria, calling it “geopolitical engineering, which will spread conflict.” Lavrov further stated: “Change in the Arab world must not be achieved by misleading the international community or manipulating the Security Council.” (WSJ, March 13, 2012)

The Definition of The Big Lie and Class Analysis of the Media

First, it is crucial to define and explain the Big Lie Technique which is used on virtually all topics by the capitalist media and educational system and most of the Internet, now almost entirely controlled, monitored and censored by “Facebook” and other “social networking” websites, WHICH CAN REMOVE ANY POST to which they have access!! (BBC, January 26, 2012) There are 2 parts to the Big Lie: 1.) The first part of the Big Lie is that the lie must be BIG, because most people only tell little lies and are entirely unprepared for a Big Lie. 2.) The second part of the Big Lie Technique is to repeat that lie over and over again relentlessly from every media source and “educational” source including textbooks, films and Internet until it is accepted as truth or accepted at least as partly true, when it is most invariably entirely false. In addition, lies may be lies of commission or important lies of omission. Both are unacceptable. The MEDIA, including the medical and science media is simply a privatized arm of the U.S. dictatorship’s “intelligence community,” an actual army of legions of well over a hundred thousand professional liars, when the so-called “think tanks” are included, which controls every point on the political spectrum and every academic discipline as a special type of political propaganda police agency, and includes even so-called “comedians” working in service to the capitalist dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires. The U.S. media is very similar to Blackwater, Dyncorp, Custer Battles, Aegis and Triple Canopy, etc., the armed military contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, except that the media has ALWAYS been privatized.

“Protecting Innocent Civilians” and “Preventing a Humanitarian Disaster” are the kind of FALSE PROPAGANDA and Big Lies straight out of the George Orwell novel: “1984” where there was a new language called Newspeak! Inscribed on the central pyramid in the main square in the book were 3 slogans for the new society: “War is Peace” “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.” The novel “1984” was written in 1948, which was the original title, but the publisher required that Orwell change the date to the “future” date of 1984 so people would not think that world had already arrived! But it had arrived and here is Obama still telling us that WAR IS PEACE! This is also known as BRAINWASHING by use of the BIG LIE TECHNIQUE. The daily U.S./NATO air strikes against Libya with Tomahawk Cruise Missiles and fighter jet bombing attacks actually KILLED HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT LIBYANS EVERY DAY and there were hundreds of air strikes DAILY by the U.S./NATO! The U.S. dictatorship brazenly denies virtually all “collateral damage” and printed their false reports and false reports of the proxy “rebels” instead. U.S. media “reported” bizarrely false claims that Qaddafi was “just taking already dead bodies out of morgues and placing them around (!)” to make it “appear as if (their Proxy) Rebels killed them!” (New York Times, March 23, 2011)

The capitalists do manipulate Fundamentalist Islam for their own purposes whenever possible, which is most of the time, but also want to block and head off the growing Islamic Fundamentalist movement and actual independent Islamic political control in their effort to try to overthrow the governments of as many countries as possible in the Mideast, Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. For example in Egypt the U.S. has taken over the top leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood from within so that it can be integrated into a phony "electoral democracy." When the Brotherhood objected to the total takeover and change of the constitution by the military (BBC, November 17, 2011) the USA dictatorship was forced to use its “Facebook” weapon once again to organize more protests to force the Egyptian military to stage the phony, sham “presidential elections” of capitalism, (BBC, November 27, 2011), which were “won” by U.S.- puppet Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Morsi. And on July14th Hillary “Cut-throat” Clinton visited Egypt and declared USA support for him and “civilian rule” of the Egyptian capitalist dictatorship, where the Working Class has no representation just like in the USA! The Egyptian military leadership was then ordered to retire by the USA when they were told that Morsi had an important role to play for the USA! The USA has installed Islamic Fundamentalist regimes such as the Islamic Brotherhood, which it controls primarily with phony capitalist “elections,” in all the Middle East and Persian Gulf countries targeted by the USA-orchestrated, so-called “Arab Spring” regime change gambit. The USA-Puppet Morsi immediately declared his opposition to the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government and its support for Hezbollah and Hamas! Morsi also helped so-called “Israel” enforce the USA/“Israel” blockade of GAZA (!), which escalated when after he was “elected,” while ludicrously claiming he supports “Palestinians!” Right! The USA/“Israel” then used REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY to try to manipulate the Islamic masses by publicly begging their puppet, Morsi “NOT TO ATTEND” the August 26, 2012 meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Iran to try to make him appear to be “independent” in order to generate credibility for his assigned mission! (Uncle Remus’ Brer Rabbit begged Brer Bear: “Whatever you do please, please don’t throw me in the briar patch!) Morsi then viciously attacked Syria, ala the USA, for simply defending itself against the USA Invasion by Mercenary Proxies, falsely labeling Ba’ath Socialist Syria as “oppressors” and the “Facebook”-Assisted USA Proxy Invasion a “revolution”(?!) to try to legitimize the overthrow of yet another government by the USA!

If Islam did not exist it would have to be invented!

The capitalists have a saying: “If Islam did not exist it would have to be invented, because it is perfect for: 1.) The manipulation necessary to orchestrate worldwide provocations 2) Thus creating a pretext for the “War on Terror” in order to generate a MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF CRISIS in order to keep capitalism in its Final Stage of Permanent War and State Terrorism 3.) Installing “moderate (Islamic)” governments through phony USA-orchestrated “Arab Spring” Regime Change “elections,” which assure that such governments will always be reactionary and that the Working Class will never ever be represented, much less able to organize! The November 22, 2012 DECREE by USA PUPPET Mohamed Morsi giving him sweeping powers and completely opposed by Mohamed Elbaradei and other opposition groups was authorized by the USA to enforce USA interests and actual decisions regarding “Egypt’s policies.” (See above.) In enacting their long-planned multi-country Regime Change and Proxy Invasion Gambit the U.S. capitalist dictatorship and its media use the Big Lie Technique in every conceivable way. Be advised that "democracy" under capitalism is nothing but a codeword and a euphemism for capitalist dictatorship and enslavement. "Elections" are the Number One Primary Weapon of Deception of the U.S.-led world capitalist dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires. “Freedom” under capitalism only means freedom for the capitalists to exploit and super-exploit the Working Class in their system of WAGE SLAVERY where all surplus value and profits are STOLEN from the Workers! (See below.) Voting in any capitalist election means that you believe in the Number One Big Lie of Capitalism—that capitalism can be reformed. But capitalism CANNOT be reformed because of its Blind (now) One-Way Dynamic, which is completely independent of the WILLS of the capitalists and their politicians. That dynamic, or development sequence, leads to Fascism, barbarism and finally the end of civilization, and now with the advent of the Runaway Greenhouse Effect, the end of ALL LIFE ON EARTH! Even a Second Russian Surrender (see below) will not prevent this—ONLY a Socialist Revolution in the USA! That is why whoever “wins” in a capitalist "election," you and I lose! CAPITALISM OFFERS A WORLD WITH NO FUTURE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN!

The U.S./”NATO” Goal Was to Take Over Libya, Steal its Oil and Try to Subjugate
Its People with Phony Staged Sham “Elections” like in Iraq and the United States!
Note that if Russia Genuinely Abandons Syria AT ANY POINT Now or in the Future
That Means Russia is Abandoning Iran, the Palestinians, Hezbollah and also RUSSIA!

Despite the fact that Qaddafi agreed to give up his nuclear weapons program in the fall of 2003 and then did so to remove economic sanctions that was not enough for the U.S. and NATO Principals who wanted to steal Libyan oil! Their formula is to vilify and excoriate their enemies relentlessly and try to build popular support for their mass murders, atrocities and non-stop invasions, coup d’etats and provocations around the world which are increasing logarithmically with the help of their new Internet organizing weapons, “Facebook” and the other “social networking” websites. The U.S. imperialists have openly stated that they fully intend to continue to do the very same thing with Syria that they did with Libya! The economic sanctions of war imposed on Syria by the U.S.-puppet Arab League, Turkey, and the U.S.-puppet “Gulf Corporation Council” do not represent the will of the Arab people, the overwhelming majority of which in ALL Arab countries OPPOSE the U.S.-backed “Facebook”-Assisted Coup D’etats and Invasions by Proxy and OPPOSE ALL POLICIES OF THEIR U.S.-OPERATED PUPPET REGIMES including the withdrawal of all ambassadors to Syria and expulsion of all Syrian Ambassadors from these U.S. comprador/puppet Arab regimes.

The U.S., totally drunk with its Russian Federation Quid Pro Quo SUCCESS in overthrowing the overwhelmingly popularly supported Qaddafi Libyan Government with a TEENY WEENY minority of less than 10,000 proxies/mercenaries (!) backed by U.S. air supremacy, is trying to sell 4 Big Lies, while hypocritically arming its Syrian Proxy mercenaries in the attempted overthrow of the Syrian Government: 1.) The overthrow of the Syrian Government is “Inevitable (!),” which it is NOT, not by a long shot! 2.) That the daily death tolls are to be attributed PRIMARILY to the Syrian Assad Government, when the body count is actually due to U.S. ORDERS for its Syrian Jihad proxies to mount as many open military confrontations as possible as a CONTINUOUS PROVOCATION in order to maximally increase the “martyr” body count and is another example of BLAME THE VICTIM. 3.) Big Lie No.3—That there is a supposed “Civil War” in Syria, which is a TOTAL Big Lie! It is an attempted coup d’etat and overthrow of the Syrian government, NOT a “popular uprising!” 4.) The Syrian government is “losing control of its country,” which is not true at all! The U.S. began to set off huge bombs as provocations in central Syrian cities and blamed the Syrian government. (exactly as in Libya—see below!) The U.S. is once again trying to use a minority to overthrow a majority-supported government, but it may not work this time! The Russian Federation STILL REFUSES TO EXPOSE WHAT IS HAPPENING, opportunistically eager now to retain its new World Trade Organization Member status and looking for other Quid Pro Quos (!), while digging its own grave! The U.S will not EVER stop its Syria adventure completely unless Iran honors its 2005 Mutual Defense Pact with Syria! And it appears that it will NOT! Hamas, before its leadership defected to the USA/“Israel” in 2012 won the January 26, 2006 election in Occupied Palestine with 57% of the vote and was no “terrorist” organization. Hezbollah, which is SUPPORTED by ALL 17 factions in Lebanon is also NOT a “terrorist organization” but IS the only force which defended Lebanon from the 2006 U.S./“Israeli” War Against Lebanon and defeated the U.S./“Israeli” army on the ground when it invaded Lebanon! Hezbollah, with money from Iran and Syria, largely rebuilt Lebanon from virtual totally destruction after the 2006 War! The U.S. dictatorship is now making the same sort of pronouncements against Syria and Iran, which were made by the Bush Regime about Lebanon as they discussed “the Birth Pangs of a New Middle East” when Kindasleezy Rice and others spoke of using their “Israeli” Proxy to bomb Lebanon “back to the Stone Age” in the 2006 War! In that war the United States/“Israel” used MILLIONS (!) of anti-personnel cluster bomblets in Lebanon and GAZA and also white phosphorus bombs in GAZA, which are now causing an astronomical increase in birth defects there.

On July 15, 2011, as an admission of U.S. failure up to that point to overthrow Qaddafi because of his overwhelming majority popular support, and after it became clear that the tiny U.S.-backed, so-called “Rebel” TNC proxy gang-banger army in Libya was blocked on all fronts, the U.S. and their NATO imperialist bootlickers officially “recognized” their tiny proxy army of 10,000 murderers, lumpenized Islamic Fundamentalist mercenaries and its supposed leadership of usurper wannabes, the so-called “transitional national council (TNC),” as the supposed “legitimate authority” of Libya (!) and even agreed in principle to hand over $30 Billion of the $180 Billion, which the U.S. straight out STOLE from Libya (See below!) to these mostly-to-be-discarded (!) proxies! The U.S. backed Jihadists were still blocked at this point despite 7,459-plus U.S./NATO bombing runs as of August 22, 2011, or according to the BBC, October 30, 2011, it was 10,000 air sorties!, which were to continue until October 31, 2011, and which destroyed virtually ALL Libyan infrastructure worth hundreds of $ billions. To make it look acceptable the U.S. had the so-called “United Nations,” now a virtual U.S. puppet, with the exception of the Security Council, turn over a tiny amount of that stolen money to their vicious proxies! Note: the Russian Federation hypocritically “refused” to recognize the TNC Rebels then 1.) in order to falsely disassociate Russia from its Quid Pro Quo betrayal of Libya in the U.N., which KNOWINGLY gave the Green Light for the U.S. Proxy Invasion and to further speed Qaddafi’s overthrow in order to give the Americans the Libyan OIL, absurdly claimed: “Russia does not want to take sides in a ‘Civil War’”(Huh?!), which the U.S./NATO Invasion by Proxy and Coup D’etat in Libya most certainly WAS NOT, in order to at least try to give credibility to that Big Lie! Opportunist lies later came back to bite the Russian Federation as the U.S. launched a full-scale “Facebook”-Assisted Provocation Against United Russia and Putin in December 2011 in order to destabilize and soften it up in order to try to force a Second Russian Surrender! But because of strengthening of Russian laws against subversion by USA and agreeing to turn over Syria to USA on Russia’s terms, the USA has temporarily suspended its campaign to overthrow the Russian Federation. (See above.) Supposed Russian “Foreign Minister,” Sergei Lavrov then took to falsely labeling the U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Proxy Invasion of Syria “a civil war.” As an additional reason given by the Russian Federation for vetoing the U.S.-written U.N. “Arab League” February 4, 2012 Resolution calling for direct regime change in Syria Lavrov stated that Russia “will not take sides in a civil war,” which later could directly lead to abandoning Syria…and Iran…and finally the Russian Federation itself. Such treacherous “diplomatic” pronouncements simply ENCOURAGE the US! See below! Such a false pretext has been part of the basis for Russia abandoning arms shipments to Syria for purposes of self-defense from the U.S.-backed and led attempted overthrow of that country. The consequences of such opportunism—not “diplomacy”—led to Libya!

The Chicken Comes Home to Roost as the U.S. Uses its “Facebook” Weapon to
Organize Fascist-Led, Pro-Khodorkovskyite Demonstrations Throughout Russia!

Russian Prime Minister, now President, Putin’s whereabouts are monitored 24-7 by U.S. capitalism-imperialism. When Putin showed up at a mixed martial arts bout in Moscow on November 21, 2011 and very stupidly congratulated the Russian winner (!) in a genuinely unsportsmanlike gesture the U.S. “Facebook,” which is now attached to virtually all websites worldwide, immediately organized a booing session of Putin. When the Russian media foolishly and opportunistically tried to falsely claim that the crowd was booing the American loser that made things doubly worse and the tiny minority of “Facebook fans,” (read: a tiny minority of mostly wealthy mostly highly paid Workers actually—not “middle class” as falsely claimed by the capitalist media.) but with no class identity, with mentalities and character no different whatsoever from their Libyan and Syrian counterparts), started screaming for “democracy” and “freedom” and “Revolution” and “Russia without Putin” (meaning a Russia led by a U.S. puppet!) and attacking “Russian corruption,” meaning the restoration of most of the social programs for the Working Class which had been suspended in the first days of the Soviet Surrender (see below). The USA seeks a regime change in the Russian Federation, meaning a counter-revolution led by U.S. stalking horse EX-billionaire Cheney/Bush ally Khodorkovsky and his slimy U.S.-backed, media-hyped Russian Nationalist NAZI-like stooge Aleksei Navalny and fake “leftist” Sergei Udaltsov!? There is never a word from this U.S.-backed and U.S.-led “opposition to Putin/Medvedev” about the USA-instigated “Arab Spring,” worldwide mass murder/multiple wars and invasions, or the USA First-Strike so-called “Nuclear Missile Shield,” which the USA is placing in Romania and Poland, or the USA Program of Domestic Population Reduction/Extermination targeting its own people (innocent civilians!) through escalating economic impoverishment and Biological Warfare!

There is never a call from these U.S.-backed stooges in Moscow to the U.S. Working Class to RISE UP AND ORGANIZE A SOCIALIST REVOLUTION in the center of World Capitalism!! Note: “middle class” is restricted to small business owners, doctors, lawyers and the capitalists’ bureaucracy and servants. “Facebook” and other “social networking” websites have been busy for over a year organizing “Regime Change” in the Russian Federation by attacking Putin/Medvedev’s political party, the overwhelmingly supported United Russia. Through unanswered attacks the U.S., using “Facebook,” caused United Russia’s support to drop from 64% to under 50% in the December 2011 Parliamentary Elections (!) despite well-documented ballot box stuffing by United Russia, which would have been entirely unnecessary if the Russian Federation has simply explained “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion and Provocation by Proxy as orchestrated by the USA, as explained herein. In March 4, 2012, after U.S. meddling in Russian elections was finally exposed, the Russian Presidential Election was won by Putin with almost 64% of the vote countrywide, except in the Moscow Region where it was below 50%, in a 100% free and fair election (!) In response to Putins’s installation of 91,700 video cameras (!) at polling places the U.S./Navalny organized what they called “carousel voting,” where THEY—not Putin—paid groups of “young men” (undoubtedly U.S.-backed gang-bangers, some of the same ones attending the anti-Putin demonstrations!) to supposedly vote 4 or more times at different polling spots…but for anti-Putin candidates!!!!! (The strength of that U.S./Navalny organization was the reason why Putin came in below 50% in Moscow!) GOLOS—a U.S.-State Department & USAID/NED funded NGO (with ZERO CREDIBILITY by that fact alone!)—falsely reported “fraud!” (Whaa?) The Russian people simply found out about the USA.-“Fakebook”-Khodorkovsky/Navalny-GOLOS-NGOs’ attempt to take over Russia. But the U.S. will never quit and has tried to organize “anti-Putin candidates” in outlying regions contesting the mayoralties of numerous Russian cities! To its credit the Russian Federation has expelled USAID citing “documented meddling in Russian politics (e.g. through funding GOLOS) and attempts to undermine Russia’s sovereignty.” (New York Times, September 20, 2012)

The Russian Federation Must Expose the U.S. “Facebook” and Other So-called “Social Networking”
Websites as U.S. Propaganda Weapons Which Organize a Minority to try to Overthrow the Majority!

If the Russian Federation would simply expose the U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy for what it actually is, as done herein, that would help to disarm U.S. imperialism of its most important NEW “FACEBOOK” WEAPON! But forget it! Genuine anti-Communism of the Russian Federation prevents such self-preservation! What happened in Libya and what is happening in Syria despite the diplomacy and elsewhere would also have to be explained! That’s easy, but for Putin too much trouble?! Why be on the defensive when they could easily go on the offensive? U.S. meddling in the Russian elections was explained on multiple basis however and that led to a victory by Putin! Russia, which produces the very best computer hackers and computer security experts in the entire world was for a year unable to control its own Internet or domestic security against this new false propaganda threat, which it could easily have done. BUT IT HAS NOT YET SIMULTANEOUSLY exposed the “Facebook” mechanism completely! Putin, Medvedev and Lavrov have remained silent against their own best interests, the interests of the Russian Federation and the entire world! Just name calling and clumsily blocking so-called “social networking” sites or arresting and fining U.S. stooges just digs the Russian Federation in deeper allowing the U.S. and the U.S.-backed network of genuinely Fascist false propagandists to hypocritically claim the right to “free speech,” while the U.S. blocks this writer and others from getting writings onto the almost totally censored U.S. Internet, where only Twitter-style peanut gallery type comments are permitted. The 2-year prison terms dealt out to the U.S.-instigated, so-called “Pussy Riot” Provocation in the “Christ the Savior Cathedral” (BBC, August 17, 2012) only functioned as the second leg of that provocation knowing Putin’s personality profile has repeatedly demonstrated that he does not understand how to respond to USA provocations. The U.S. on the other hand makes Putin look tame with the hypocritically 10-yr sentence for 72-year old lawyer Lynne Stewart for a speech in total violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the crazed NAZI-like pursuit of Holocaust Survivor Roman Polanski 32 years after a sex crime where the victim forgave him!

By April 2, 2012 It was Apparent to U.S. Imperialism that Syria Had Turned
The Tide Against the U.S.-Backed “Facebook”-Assisted Coup D’Etat Attempt and
That an Escalation was Needed in Bomb Provocations and Death Squad Provocations!

In a last ditch effort to resolve the issue with diplomacy Russia and China supported the non-binding U.N. Security Council “Presidential Statement” as a delaying tactic, endorsing a ceasefire by both the U.S.-mercenary Jihadist proxies in Syria and the Syrian Government. But the tiny U.S.-backed proxy invasion force trying to overthrow the majority-supported Syrian Government NEVER agreed to a cease-fire and escalated their armed military attacks. In order to DELIBERATELY UNDERMINE the so-called UN Peace Plan which was fronted by U.S. STOOGE Kofi Annan the U.S. proxies in Syria have been being promised all sorts of support by who else but the United States, and the allied/proxy so-called “Friends of Syria (FOS).” The FOS promises of military support and invasions of Syria by proxy armies from Turkey and elsewhere are strong encouragement NOT to support any UN peace plan! While this might have provided Syria with the needed time to identify, isolate and crush the U.S.-instigated Coup D’Etat attempt, the U.S. instead organized its Mercenary Proxies to INTENSIFY the military attack against Syria military forces, killing 89 including 57 troops on June 2nd and to carry out MASSIVE BOMB PROVOCATIONS AND MASS MURDER PROVOCATIONS such as the “Houla Massacre/Provocation.” In order to save face the U.S. and its puppet, the so-called “Syrian National Council (SNC),” which the U.S. ridiculously but officially recognized (!) as the supposed “legitimate representative of Syrians (Huh?),” denounced Ba’ath Socialist Syria and promised to pay “salaries” to their mercenary proxies, the so-called “Free Syrian Army (!)” to continue to try to overthrow the Syrian government! (BBC, April 1, 2012) While the U.S. and its NATO and FOS allies denounce Syria for not “withdrawing to barracks” (!) in order to let the U.S. MERCENARY MINORITY take over Syria!!!!!!! But that may not happen! (See above!)

While 69 of 70 GOVERNMENTS at the Turkish conference supported the ongoing Syrian coup d’etat attempt, THEIR PEOPLE UNANIMOUSLY OPPOSE IT! The same goes for the more recent meeting in Qatar to reorganize the “Syrian opposition,” and put Non-Fundamentalists to head the new phony “National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.” In April the BBC openly admitted: “The Syrian government says it is close to ending the uprising” and quoted the Syrian Foreign Ministry: “the battle to topple the state is over.” (April 1, 2012) On April 4, 2012 the Russian Federation’s Lavrov announced: “Even if the Syrian opposition were armed to the teeth, it would not be able to beat the government’s forces.” (New York Times, April 4, 2012) But this was an excuse not to come to the direct military aid of Syria and to discourage Iran from putting boots on the ground in Syria to annihilate the USA mercenary proxies. “Lavrov warned there would be ‘slaughter for many years’ if Western and Arab states intervened militarily and supplied weapons” to their proxies. (BBC, April 4, 2012) And THAT has been the PURPOSE of the Russian Federation all along, to allow TIME FOR THE USA TO PHYSICALLY DESTROY SYRIA TO THE DEGREE OF A NO-FLY ZONE! Russian failure to take a firm position against the U.S.-backed Coup D’Etat attempt even by exposing what it really is has permitted the U.S. to proceed in physically destroying of a large part of Syria, which is a part of the standard USA formula used in overthrowing and subjugating countries. The U.S. hypocritically initially denounced Syria (!) for not instituting a ceasefire on April 9, 2012, while urging its mercenary proxies in Syria to keep fighting via its phony so-called “Friends of Syria” meetings in Turkey and Hillary Clinton directly promised salary payments and indirectly promised heavier arms (see below) and threatened invasions by U.S. proxies such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. The U.S. hypocritically even refused to sign a written guarantee not to fund its proxies or to direct its proxies to sign a written guarantee to end attacks as requested by Syria, and then excoriated Syria in a propaganda barrage for continuing to defend itself against what are U.S. attacks to overthrow its government! If the U.S. mercenary proxies had adhered to the April 15th ceasefire that would have allowed them to be more easily isolated and identified so in no cases did the USA proxies EVER adhere to any ceasefire. And the USA had no intention of directing its proxies to implement any ceasefire proposed by its UN puppet Lakhdar Brahimi during the Moslem Holidays of Eid al-Adha.

The United States Even Used a Provocation to Make it Appear like the U.S.
Was Backing Off from its Support of Arming its Proxy Mercenaries in Syria!

On April 28, 2012 Lebanon seized and confiscated a U.S.-directed “Libyan” ship, the Lutfallah II, carrying light, medium and heavy weapons supposedly to re-supply the U.S.-backed proxy gang-bangers in Syria. (BBC, April 28, 2012) But the government of Lebanon, which is still run by the United States despite the loyalty of the masses to Hezbollah, confiscated the shipment! It is very likely that the “weapons ship,” which was carrying a measly 3 partially filled containers of a few boxes of weapons-reduced from the original 12 containers to be shipped—was seized and confiscated also on U.S. orders as a deliberate false provocation in order to make it appear as if the U.S. was backing off its Syria/Iran Invasion and Overthrow objectives because of the growing confrontation with the former Soviet Union—the Russian Federation—which could genuinely lead to war which could go nuclear. These maneuvers of End-Stage Capitalism apparently represent double-dealing diplomacy! Only a change in the fundamental Russian position with the United States can change the present world situation where the U.S. thinks nothing can stop it from taking over the entire world!

The U.S. Proxy War/Coup D’Etat Attempt Being Carried Out Against Syria is
Actually Also Targets Iran! Both Countries Support Hezbollah which Forms
The Real Political Leadership of Lebanon with the Palestinian Majority!
The U.S. and Its Mercenary Syrian Proxies are Using Religious and Ethnic
DIVIDE AND CONQUER Strategy against Syria, Hezbollah and the Palestinians!

The U.S. revealed on the front page of the New York Times (April 6, 2012) how it has carried out a campaign of systematic Divide and Conquer while carrying out its attempted Coup D’Etat in Syria and is using its “Facebook”-organized proxy mercenaries to try to assist this strategy. The first part of the U.S. strategy is to falsely portray the Syrian government’s defense against the U.S./“Israeli”-backed Coup D’Etat/“Regime Change” as a “sectarian battle to destroy Sunni Islam!” The U.S. mercenary proxies in Syria, who falsely claim to be “revolutionaries,” have denounced Hezbollah (!) in those precise terms as an enemy for supporting the Syrian government!? Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, actually took the bait and initially attributed GOOD FAITH (!) to the U.S.-backed gang-banger coup d’etat/Regime Change attempt and called for the Syrian government and the U.S./“Israeli”-backed gang-bangers to BOTH lay down their weapons rather than denouncing the latter as frauds and real enemies of Islam WHO ARE ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK OF THE U.S. IN ORDER TO DESTROY HEZBOLLAH AND THE PALESTINIAN LEADERSHIP while trying to end Ba’ath Socialism. The U.S. is simultaneously trying to divide Palestinians living in Syria by having their proxies kill both Fatah and Hamas aligned Palestinians while blaming the Palestinians themselves in order to get them to fight each other rather than support the Syrian government which has given them both refuge and actively supports Hamas against the USA/“Israel”/Fatah puppets in Occupied Palestine! (New York Times, July 1, 2012) This attempted regime change could be immediately reversed if Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah and Hamas would simply expose the fact that the United States—not “the West”—has organized the entire attempted Coup D’Etat/Regime Change and that the so-called “activists/protestors” are nothing but U.S. proxies and DO NOT REPRESENT ISLAM IN ANY WAY—ONLY THE INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES! In an attempt to further the Big Lie of “civil war” in Syria the United States has directed its armed proxy gang-bangers to round up and force/herd thousands of Syrians, most of them against their will, across the border into Lebanon and Turkey as supposed “refugees.” In Lebanon the U.S. has organized armed gangs in Tripoli to try to terrorize and intimidate the people of Lebanon to support the U.S.-backed proxy mercenaries in Syria and in Al Bireh, Syria they have even killed a Sunni Iman in their efforts to try to create division and armed provocations in Lebanon where the overwhelming majority support the Assad government. (See: BBC, June 2 and 4, 2012)

The Syrian government must make it clear to the entire world that there is no “civil war” in Syria and that there is NO “UPRISING” but what is happening is that the U.S. has organized a minority supported coup d’etat attempt! Such false conceptions of “civil war” and “uprising” and even “revolution” are promulgated at every opportunity by the United Nations and even the Russian Federation and are deliberately designed to further encourage that U.S.-backed coup d’etat/regime change attempt, while Russia tries to deny that its position encourages the United States! If Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah had chosen that path, which is the only politically correct and pragmatically correct and only TRUTHFUL path. Neither Bashar al-Assad nor Hassan Nasrallah understand this at any practical level and actually fall for the U.S.-orchestrated religious and ethnic Divide and Conquer strategy hook, line and sinker because they are not Communists and do not understand simple capitalist statecraft. They do not understand class analysis—the materialist analysis—of what the U.S. is doing or why! Everything is understood PRIMARILY in terms of religion! The USA wants to abolish the near full employment, the no-homelessness, free education to the highest level and the free medical and dental which exists today in Syria under the Ba’ath Socialist Party and which also existed in Iraq under the Ba’ath Socialist Party (!) and which also existed under Qaddafi in Libya! The U.S. has thus targeted both Syria and Iran in order 1.) to end their support for the two national liberation movements, Hezbollah and Hamas and 2.) to eliminate Syria’s socialist attainments and 3.) to steal Syria’s oil! The U.S. gang-banger proxies claim they are “fighting for their rights.” They mean THE “RIGHT” (?!) of the United States to abolish the rights of the Syrian people to full employment, free education to the highest level, no homelessness and free medical and dental, rights which the U.S. does not have in its own totally subjugated and brainwashed country! The rights of the Syrian people exceed the rights of U.S. citizens, who have NONE of the above-mentioned social attainments! The glaring lie of “civil war” and “uprising” is hyped by the U.S. and its ever-growing network of intimidated and threatened “supporting governments,” whose actions do not represent the will of their own people who overwhelmingly support the Ba’ath Socialist Syrian government against the USA and the Jihadist/Sharia minority!! It was later confirmed that the USA and “Israel” had been able to bribe and buy off the TRAITOR Khaled Meshal who moved to Qatar, met with USA and “Israeli”-puppet Mohamed Morsi (BBC, July 19, 2012) and U.S./“Israeli” puppet Jordan’s King Abdullah and finally resigned as the leader of Hamas on September 23, 2012 and THAT was the reason that Hamas, which represents Palestinian Sunnis had moved their offices out of Damascus, Syria! (New York Times, October 2-3, 2012) The USA and so-called “Israel” want Meshal to unite with the hugely discredited Mahmoud Abbas as the leader of Fatah and the so-called “Palestinian Authority,” who was given supposed increased authority by granting Palestine Nonmember Observer State status at the UN on November 29, 2012.

The U.S. has used its “FACEBOOK” and Twitter Internet “social organizing” weapons to maximally instigate and organize an attempt to try to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Regime led by Bashar al-Assad and carry out a coup d’etat in Syria, end the Syrian/Iran alliance and crush Palestinian leadership and Hezbollah and be right on the doorstep of the Russian Federation with the MOMENTUM to force a Second Russian Surrender! See below! The problem with all of the Mideast regimes is that there is no genuine Communist, meaning Marxist-Engels-Leninist, leadership anywhere! Communist leadership would INSTANTLY expose the Bush/Obama Regime Change Gambit for what it is, an attempt to take over the entire Mideast in virtually ONE BLOW beginning by recruiting a tiny percentage of the masses with false promises, which can NEVER be realized under capitalism. The U.S. uses Al-Qaeda and other independent Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist organizations as in Libya, Syria and Yemen as the initial MUSCLE for their comparatively small proxy “rebel armies.” The reason for that is that capitalism is now in its Final Stage of Permanent War and State Terrorism, of which the present Regime Change/Proxy War Gambit is just one part. Human need does not enter that equation! Proper Communist leadership would expose the fact that the U.S.-Orchestrated Regime Change/Proxy War Gambit is designed as a means to take over the Mideast and Gulf States more completely and steal the oil and ALL natural resources from the Mideast and Central Asia. And to give the people NOTHING in return! Just like in the United States, where the U.S. has opened a war of extermination against its very own people—innocent civilians—using economic warfare, biological warfare and psychological warfare. The U.S. has now lost all credibility and all legitimacy to rule and all right to sovereignty in the United States OR ANYWHERE ELSE!

Syria Could Have Stopped the U.S.-“Facebook”-Backed Invasion
By Proxy Much Earlier by Simply Exposing it Completely!

In order to cover up the U.S. Proxy Invasion of Syria the New York Times reported that Syria was not only fighting against (U.S.-backed and U.S.-armed “protesters”) but “also killing their own security agents who would not fire on unarmed protesters.” While this certainly may have occurred to some extent, what is happening in Syria has not been reported truthfully and it is not due whatsoever to the fact that Assad will not allow U.S.-controlled media into Syria because the U.S. imperialist media is there anyway and have gotten themselves killed! The truth is that because Bashar al-Assad is such a total opportunist and more importantly such an anti-Communist that he acts like a deer caught in the head lights and did not know how to properly respond to the “Facebook”-organized U.S. Proxy Invasion and forced Coup D’etat attempt which is now coming to a close. For all this time Assad appeared to be just saying and doing what he had been told by the Russian Federation! For example, on July 7, 2011 the compromised Assad government even allowed U.S. and French Ambassadors to brazenly travel to the city of Hama to officially lead anti-government protests organized by U.S. organizing weapon “Facebook” and other social networking sites (CNN), something that the United States would NEVER EVER PERMIT!! Assad’s proper course of action should have been to arrest U.S. Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford and French Ambassador Eric Chevallier on the spot, handcuff and perp-walk them just as in the U.S. and put them into the dock immediately. The world (U.S.-dominated) media should have been invited into Syria to witness public reading of the crimes of these agent provocateur “diplomats” including revelation of complete U.S./EU Political Motives, with these provocateur “ambassadors” sitting there in orange jumpsuits the entire time, exposed not as diplomats but common spies stripped of all vestiges of “diplomatic immunity,“ who would then be deported immediately in their jumpsuits setting the precedent! It would then be correct to sever all relations with these International Outlaw Countries who must be hereafter so labeled for interfering in Syria’s internal affairs and the internal affairs of countless other countries, a violation of the Fundamental Principle of International Law. Severing diplomatic relations for a period of time would have been far better than maintaining them at a point where they were entirely counter-productive! To say the least!

But instead Syria chose NOT to arrest them and then called in these same U.S. and French supposed “ambassadors” supposedly to “condemn them” (!?) (New York Times, July 12, 2011, and then apparently facilitated attacks on the despised U.S. and French Embassies in Damascus, which then gave the U.S. the golden opportunity to “condemn” Syria! In this instance only the condemning of Syria is ever mentioned in the U.S.-dominated world media. Putting these spies in the dock and reading them their crimes and the crimes and motives of the United States (e.g. Attempting to undermine Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Occupied Palestine and severing Syrian unity with Iran), and then breaking off International Relations properly humiliates and ridicules the U.S., exposing the entire process for the whole world to clearly see because that is CRUCIAL and the media would be forced to cover that chain of events! A line in the sand would be drawn and a new precedent would be set. Instead Syria predictably chose the opportunist route! Disgusting! The U.S.-instigated, organized and maximally encouraged demonstrations in Hama (July 31, 2011) in order to take advantage of Ramadan, was designed to set in motion the exact same Russian-backed and China-backed U.N. resolution followed by sanctions, as in Libya. But on October 5, 2011 Russia and China, Brazil, South Africa and India resisted any U.N. resolution “condemning Syria” for crushing the U.S.-organized Proxy Invasion and coup d’etat attempt. Nevertheless the U.S. and the E.U. imposed THEIR own maximal economic sanctions, froze all Syrian financial accounts just like with Libya, while the United Nations, now virtually a U.S. puppet, hypocritically recommended that the Syrian leadership should be referred to the U.S. puppet so-called “International (Fraudulent) Criminal Court” (to which the U.S. is NOT subject by Bush Decree!) for “crimes against humanity” (absurd!) as the U.S. Proxy War against Syria proceeds but on a more delayed schedule! All this was followed on October 12th by a huge Demonstration in Damascus of over 1 million Syrians in support of Bashar al-Assad and thanking Russia and China for not going against Syria in the United Nations! That huge demonstration showed very clearly that Assad has the necessary mass support of the Syrian people and exposes the attempted U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Coup D’Etat and Invasion by Proxy for what it is, an attempt to use a minority to overthrow another government still strongly supported by the majority. On October 24, 2011 the U.S. and France both withdrew their ambassador to Syria and Syria withdrew its ambassadors to the U.S. and France! (Fox News) This is a very clear demonstration that Assad missed a golden opportunity to take action, which would have put a correct interpretation on events in Syria if it had arrested those ambassadors and followed the above recommendation, a recommendation published widely on the Internet and which it had received directly from the United Front Against Racism and Capitalism-Imperialism in plenty of time to implement! It is highly likely that the Russian Federation once more provided “poor guidance,” apparently setting up Syria for the U.S., which would tally with their treacherous United Nations vote turning which was carried out in order to turn Libyan oil over to the U.S. and EU in exchange for being made a WTO Member! The “Houla Massacre” on May 28, 2012 was an obvious, transparent provocation carried out at the direction of the United States as described on the first pages of this analysis. Think MOTIVE and HISTORY!

How difficult would it be for these regimes to use their own media to precisely explain this manipulation to the masses? Does Assad truly believe that “Ignorance is strength?” While Assad sometimes mentions “a foreign conspiracy” or “foreign terrorists” or “Al Qaeda terrorist gangs” or “the West” he usually alleges that it is merely an “Israeli conspiracy to bring down Syria.” Right!? Sure! Or at other times he just blames: “saboteurs.” (!) But he never says who is running the show! Although Assad later began to mention the USA he NEVER reveals that they are ALL U.S.-BACKED and U.S.-DIRECTED terrorists! Bashar al-Assad even refuses to reveal the fact that so-called “Israel” itself is nothing but a U.S. PROXY and receives all direction and authority from the U.S. from whom “Israel” constantly falsely disassociates with all sorts of contrived (even military) actions! This cover-up is due to Assad’s self-destructing opportunism and is documented by his own history and that of his father Hafez. The U.S. Proxy Invasion of Syria DEPENDS 100% on the opportunism of Bashar al-Assad!! For the U.S. they think it’s the next best thing to already running the Syrian government! Bashar al-Assad has so far made the PERFECT punching bag! Only after the understanding with the Russian Federation that the USA overthrow of Syria would set off one of the largest military confrontations in history did the USA finally threw in the towel and allow its proxies to begin to be rounded up in Damascus and Aleppo. (See above.) The message found at is the present Syrian position.

The U.S. “Facebook”-Organized Proxy Invasion of Syria had two stages. Because Bashar al-Assad has played such an incompetent and total opportunist role, and DESPITE the fact that Syria has played a contradictory positive and progressive role in the Middle East by arming both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Occupied Palestine and is an ally of Iran, the United States has been able to use “Facebook” and its other social networking weapons and phony “human rights groups” and its phony “non-governmental organizations” to first organize and then ARM a small group of opposition “protesters,” the core of whom are Islamic Fundamentalist similar to al-Qaeda, as in the Libyan model, who are then instructed to go and attack Syrian government forces. When Syria fought back as any government would do and arrested and took reprisals against those directly involved the U.S.-dominated world media immediately screamed: “Syria is killing its own people,” “He’s killing innocent civilians” exactly as they did with Libya and used that to organize the “opposition activists” more widely in Syria through Facebook and other “social networking” Internet organizing weapons. This publicity and direct encouragement from the United States and NATO was used in turn to organize much larger peaceful demonstrations in Hama, Homs and elsewhere, for example, which the Syrian government at first allowed to proceed until the U.S. directed its core of armed provocateurs interspersed among the unarmed demonstrators to fire on Syrian security forces, which fell for the bait and fired back killing both armed and unarmed “protestors” thus increasing the number of those opposed to the Syrian government. But the majority of Syrians figured out who was behind it all—the USA!

At NO point did the Syrian government EVER use its potentially most effective weapon—THE TRUTH—and explain to the Syrian masses precisely HOW and WHY they, and others in other countries, are being systematically manipulated, and that they should not allow themselves to be so manipulated by the Facebook “social networking” websites to do the bidding of the United States and its proxy, so-called “Israel” and the E.U. And at no point does the Syrian government explain the actual MOTIVES of the U.S. and its proxy, so-called “Israel.” Bashar al-Assad never precisely explains why the U.S. and E.U. want to overthrow the Syrian government, bizarrely and opportunistically fearing to take a position against its own enemies! The Bashar al-Assad government and Syrian masses will all suffer the consequences such a dishonest, anti-Communist response!

When the U.S. first authorized its proxy so-called “Israel” to assassinate Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005 the Bashar al-Assad government played the absolute fool and went along with it 100% acting the part of “guilty party!” Instead of explaining the assassination of Rafik Hariri in all detail as a typical U.S./“Israeli” provocation by assassination, which was designed as an attempt to generate anti-Syrian and anti-Hezbollah sentiment, Syria actually played the part of “guilt party” (!) and IMMEDIATELY withdrew all its forces from Lebanon on April 26, 2005, thus weakening Lebanon and exposing it to the planned U.S./“Israeli” bombing campaign and Invasion of Lebanon which started on July 13, 2006. The Russian Federation may also have been behind that disastrous decision! “Israel” followed the “decent interval” rule and used the routine kidnapping of an Israeli soldier as the pretext! Hezbollah saved the day at that time but Syria remains totally self-defeatingly silent and in opportunist collusion with the U.S. and “Israel” on ALL these matters. The simplest truths are never explained! The false indictment of 4 Hezbollah Ministers on June 30, 2011 by the U.S.-puppet “United Nations Tribunal” in what was the U.S./“Israeli” Assassination of Hariri (!) is being used to try to provide a pretext for yet another U.S./“Israeli” Invasion of Lebanon and as an excuse to label Hezbollah and the Lebanonese government as a supposed “International Outlaw,” which must then supposedly be targeted with ever-increasing sanctions in the standard U.S. imperialist formula to try to force Lebanon to turn over the totally innocent Hezbollah Ministers! (New York Times, July 12, 2011). They know that 99% of Americans and a similar number of Europeans can’t follow Middle Eastern politics or even their own! For a more comprehensive coverage of Lebanon and Hezbollah see: Materialist Analysis of the Middle East and Occupied Palestine. Syrian “activists” who were armed by the U.S./NATO in Jisr al-Shughour, Syria (BBC News, June 6, 2011) and elsewhere and the armed Yemeni “Rebels” are all committed anti-Communists and anti-Socialists and in practice support and wish to join new U.S. puppet governments. They care nothing for and do not identify with the Palestinians or oppressed minorities unlike the Syrian government, which despite its bizarre rank opportunism, does in fact support oppressed Arabic minorities!

The U.S. has been trying to overthrow the al-Assad family and the Ba’ath Socialist Party for decades just like Qaddafi, and install a comprador (puppet) regime and has instigated many previous “uprisings” in 1980 even before the Soviet Surrender by Gorbachev in 1988! See below. Prior to this point the multiple religious and ethnic groups and minorities in Syria have all lived in relative harmony just like in Yugoslavia, but since that 1988 Soviet Surrender the U.S. has been using those differences in an ever escalating attempt to try to divide and conquer Syria just like in Libya, Yugoslavia, etc.! Note that Syria was previously allied with the Soviet Union and that Russia has a naval base currently being upgraded at the Syrian port of Tartus in the eastern Mediterranean. On September 6, 2007 the U.S. used its “Israel” proxy to brazenly bomb Syria with totally unsubstantiated claims that Syria was building nuclear weapons! Those Syrians who follow the U.S.-led and backed so-called “protesters/activists” are chasing an illusion and the genuinely FALSE PROMISES of U.S.-led capitalism, precisely as has occurred in Egypt! The cat is out of the bag: the Egyptian people were used by the United States to carry out Regime Change, but are getting little in return except “elections,” which suddenly pacified the naïve Egyptian protesters and were won by the Islamic Brotherhood, now U.S. stooges, which will set the stage for much sharper division and threat to minorities as planned by the U.S. divide and conquer schemes. (New York Times, December 3, 2011) Early on THE UNITED STATES THREATENED TO CARRY OUT AN AIR WAR AGAINST SYRIA as soon as a couple of weeks after overthrowing the Qaddafi government in Libya. (Yahoo News, March 25, 2011) But the three United Nations VETOS by the Russian Federation and China on October 5, 2011 and again on February 5, 2012 and on July 19, 2012 of the draft Security Council Resolutions condemning Syria for defending itself against the U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Attempted Coup D’etat and Invasion by Proxy slowed, and finally helped block, the capitalists efforts to overthrow the Syrian government! The U.S. has instructed Turkey to begin to send its RF-4 reconnaissance spy planes over Syrian territory as a deliberate provocation for Syria to shoot down (BBC, June 22, 2012) in order to try to mobilize popular support for NATO to call for a “No Fly Zone” over Syria. The explanation of the Damascus and Aleppo defeat of the main body of the USA proxies is explained above.

The Huge Libyan Oil Reserves: The Primary Motivation for the U.S. Proxy Invasion!

In Libya the actual U.S. target is Libyan oil reserves which total 60 billion barrels, the largest in Africa and natural gas supplies of 1,500 billion cubic meters all with minimal extraction costs, all of which capitalism intends to put into the atmosphere! But until August 24th even with Total Air Supremacy the U.S. cutthroats and their NATO imperialist boot-lickers were NOT able to suppress the Qaddafi forces outright. It was not until the U.S., using aerial surveillance, was able to prevent the Qaddafi forces from reinforcing Zawiyah the key oil refinery town did the Libyan forces cease most direct confrontation with the U.S. proxies. It is a fact that the U.S. proxy “rebels,” gang-bangers ARE truly hated and despised by the overwhelming majority of Libyans. Not Qaddafi! Yet the New York Times (April 21, 2011) described the so-called Libyan “rebels” in falsely heroic, glowing terms, “rebels” who are documented, in bloodthirsty videos with hyperlinks provided below, to be murderous cutthroats! (!) Videos hyper-linked below show crowds of Libyan Rebels actually executing, BEHEADING and mutilating those in the Qaddifi Army who had surrendered just like they later assassinated Qaddafi! (See: Videos of the brutal torture/assassination of Qaddafi on direct U.S. orders were all over the Internet! Bin Laden was also brutally assassinated and mutilated, and the body in death was so gory the U.S. refused to show their trophy! Remember, the word “democracy” under capitalism is simply a codeword, a euphemism for submission to U.S. capitalist dictatorship and enslavement! Will the gang-banger “TNC” be the new government of Libya? Not likely! The U.S./”NATO” are orchestrating EVERYTHING which happens in Libya! Note also that the U.S. recently revealed it had discovered over $1 trillion in “untapped mineral deposits” in Afghanistan, “enough to fundamentally alter…the Afghan War,” meaning the U.S. will NEVER leave Afghanistan either (!), despite ALL claims to the contrary! (front page: New York Times, June 10, 2010)

United States ordered its Newly-Installed Libyan Regime to Impose
Sharia Islamic Law and later Ordered its Egyptian Puppet Morse to
Adopt a New Constitution Based upon Islamic Fundamentalist Sharia Law
In Both Cases to Intimidate and Divide the Masses and Create Chaos!

U.S. Murderer Colin Powell once said: “If you invade it, you own it! Pottery House Rules!” At present however U.S./NATO has no occupying military force and the situation in Libya is described as chaos! It is a fact that the masses still support Qaddafi even in death! The Libyan people and the majority of people in the Middle East truly hate and despise the United States, NATO and its proxies, e.g. the Transitional National Council (TNC) USA mercenary proxy invaders! They do not hate Qaddafi! Even in death! No matter how many lies are told! If the Libyan masses, which Qaddafi partially armed, properly organize themselves in a proper guerrilla war and begin to annihilate the U.S. proxy “TNC rebels” it would be possible to carry out a Socialist Revolution in Libya. This possibility may force the U.S. to bring in U.N. “Peacekeepers” (War is Peace!) but only after as many as possible of those Qaddafi armed are mass murdered! The U.S. may elect to bring in Blackwater armed military contractors and others, which after a point outnumbered the regular U.S. mercenary army (“volunteer” is a euphemism) in Iraq. Blackwater, etc. will probably be brought in any case to protect the oil companies while the U.S. & EU steal Libyan oil! In this situation with Libyan infrastructure totally destroyed by the U.S./“NATO” and their leader and government all systematically assassinated or imprisoned (now claimed to be 8,500!) and the country overrun by U.S. “rebel” gang-bangers, U.S.-led world capitalism announced they will stage “elections” (!) to install (a U.S. puppet regime) of “democracy” in 8 months! On October 23rd the U.S. puppet “transitional leader,” Mustafa Abdul Jalil, one of Qaddafi’s previous foreign ministers, announced that “Libya is an Islamic State” and “Islamic Sharia law would be the ‘basic source’ of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified!” before kneeling down to pray, which he never did before! (Associated Press, October 23, 2011) Sharia Law is being implemented in Libya for three reasons: 1.) To intimidate the Libyan masses, religious minorities and women the overwhelming majority of whom supported Qaddafi and who lived under a secular, Arab nationalist, but western-style legal system. 2.) To persecute religious minorities and set them against one another in the new domestic system of Divide and Conquer as done now in Iraq and Egypt with USA-puppet Morsi and already in areas of Syria temporarily controlled by U.S.-backed and armed “peaceful protesters,” and 3.) To appear to assuage the now marginalized Islamic Fundamentalist so-called “rebels” gang-bangers, who assisted the U.S. and NATO Special Services in executing all those who survived the U.S./NATO air strikes and who helped destroy Libya and now terrorize, torture, rob and murder its citizens, the overwhelming majority of whom STILL support Qaddafi and oppose the U.S.-backed coup d’etat!

Using the Minority to Overthrow the Majority—
The Technique of the “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy: The
Takeover of Libya and the Planned Takeover of Syria, etc. Explained:

The U.S. has organized their Proxy “rebel mervenary proxy armies” in Libya and Syria and elsewhere using FACEBOOK and other so-called “social networking” sites and then armed them. The “rebel army” in Libya, for example, never numbered more than 10,000 USA proxies, of PRO-U.S../anti-Qaddafi FANATICS and ISLAMIC TERRORISTS (for real!) and IS GENUINELY HATED BY THE LIBYAN MASSES AND DOES NOT IN ANY WAY REPRESENT THE ACTUAL MAJORITY OPINION OF THE LIBYAN MASSES the overwhelming majority of which supported Qaddafi! (This is why even after the U.S. and NATO HAD TOTALLY destroyed the Libyan infrastructure with their non-stop bombing campaign their Invasion By Proxy was still at a stalemate!) After the U.S. organizes its proxies through “Facebook” and arms them they are then instructed to attack their own government forces in the initial provocation. When the targeted government fights back and kills the domestic U.S. proxy provocateurs the U.S.-led media and FACEBOOK and TWITTER, etc. all scream: “He’s killing his own people!” “He’s killing innocent civilians!” “Impose economic sanctions!” “The protests are escalating into a civil war!” The U.S. “Facebook” then organizes larger demonstrations and has their armed provocateurs interspersed among the masses of unarmed demonstrators. From the demonstration the armed provocateurs are instructed once again to fire on the government forces. The targeted government, which is counted on never ever to act in its own best interests by simply revealing what is actually going on to the masses—namely The Truth, fires back killing both armed and unarmed demonstrators! This recruits more opposition and this cycle is repeated! The first part applies mostly to what happened in Libya and the second part where the government foolishly fired into crowds and demonstrations, mostly to Syria. (See below.) The U.S. “Facebook” and media scream! This is followed by U.S. & European economic sanctions, and in countries which do not have a Russian Federation Naval Port and strategic importance to progressive forces throughout the Middle East, UN Security Council condemnation, UN sanctions followed by a UN-backed “No-Fly Zone.” U.S. Invasion by Proxy has begun! The U.S. sets up a MINORITY government-in-waiting! Invasion of the Body Snatchers! But this scenario will not succeed in Syria!

Fake “Facebook and Twitter Revolutions” are U.S. Orchestrated Attempts
At Regime Change and a Cover for U.S. Proxy Wars and Coup D’Etats!

Because the situation has in fact deteriorated to such a degree for the United States in the Mideast and elsewhere due to rising organized, militant Islamic Fundamentalism provoked by multiple U.S. Wars and aggression, for example in Afghanistan, where the Taliban has completely pushed the U.S. out of large geographic areas causing the morale of U.S. armed forces to PLUMIT, the U.S. dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires, using their new organizing weapon “Facebook,” has organized a campaign of Mideast-wide and Gulf states-wide REGIME CHANGE and provocation. These extend worldwide even to the Russian Federation itself and Belarus, the former Republic of the USSR, which retains all social programs of the Soviet Union (!), and is being carried out simultaneously against multiple regimes to try to counterbalance U.S. defeats elsewhere and build back rock bottom morale throughout the U.S. government. The U.S. is attempting to tweak many of their puppet comprador regimes to make them more manageable, such as Egypt and Tunisia, while opening proxy wars against other nation states which possess huge natural resources and/or which oppose U.S. imperialist domination such as Libya and Syria! A Comprador Regime is a nation state with a government ostensibly led by native citizens but really controlled by large imperialist countries. The U.S-led world capitalist dictatorship is also targeting Iran, the PRC and Cuba! The U.S. capitalist dictatorship is using its Internet organizing weapons such as FACEBOOK, Twitter, etc. to help instigate, manipulate and organize the regime changes sought by the U.S. capitalist dictatorship. (THAT is why Time magazine made the twerp CEO of FACEBOOK Zuckerberg the “Man of the Year.”)

Here is a news report showing how it is actually done: “The Facebook group: Syrian Revolution 2011 (!), which has more than 100,000 “FANS’ (!) urged Syrians to take to the streets on Friday.” (New York Times, April 1, 2011) But there are NO and there were NO ”revolutions” whatsoever going on in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Syria or elsewhere at the present time unfortunately! A genuine revolution in today’s world with an international Working Class is a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION and involves a CHANGE IN PROPERTY RELATIONS. It means getting rid of the imperialist dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires, first and foremost in the United States, the very ones organizing the present regime changes! This is obviously not happening in ANY of the countries with so-called “Facebook and Twitter Revolutions!” The primary objectives of this orchestrated Regime Change and Proxy Invasion Gambit is to try to increase the CONTROL of those U.S. comprador regimes by trying to substitute the sham “elections” of “democratic capitalism” (An Oxymoron!) and false promises of “democratic reforms” for the sometimes very unpopular U.S.-backed strong men who have been in power, many of them for over 30 years, and to overthrow governments in order to steal their oil and natural resources such as Libya or deemed enemies and opposed to the U.S. political “interests,” such as Syria. But the truth is that under capitalism no candidate in any “election” can deliver what the masses really want and really need: a new economic-political-social system based on human need not private profit—Socialism! The reason for this is that capitalism cannot be turned into Socialism because of its (now) One-Way Dynamic or Development Sequence! “Elections” under capitalism keep the false hope of change for the better alive and are designed to perpetuate that false hope, where the only permitted organized “opposition” to Fascist Democrats are Fascist Republican (Both virtual NAZIS!) and the Working Class has no representation! The primary weapon of deception of U.S. capitalism IS the Presidential “election” and ALL elections by extension. There are no exceptions! The reason for this is that “elections” perpetuate the Number One Big Lie of Capitalism—That capitalism can be reformed. But capitalism can’t be reformed because of its ONE-WAY DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCE or DYNAMIC! (See below!) Note that Syria, even though it backs Hezbollah and Hamas, was a chief torture destination for the Bush and Obama Regimes, where U.S. kidnap victims were brought in the “Extraordinary Rendition Foreign-Based Torture Program” prior to the attempted Regime Change in Syria.

In Syria the U.S. also organized and armed an initially tiny core of “protesters” come “activists” (!), but more recently identified as Islamic Terrorists/Gang-bangers, the very same as in Libya, plus a minority of army defectors to form the self-styled “Free Syrian Army” to supply the muscle and has pledged to continue their Proxy War against the Syrian government INDEFINITELY! Though the Russian Federation and China have VETOED ALL U.N. Regime Change Resolutions they both still refuse even to expose the U.S. “Facebook” weapon which uses a minority to try to overthrow the majority! Syrian government reforms are totally irrelevant one way or the other and are simply used as a PRETEXT to continue the U.S. “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy. Any hypothetical anti-Assad party would be defeated DECISIVELY in any election and THAT is why the U.S.-backed gang-bangers just attack even promised constitutional reforms, saying: “Assad would never institute reforms,” because they know they would lose out that way also. The “reforms” sought by the USA and its proxies are an END of Ba’ath Socialism and support for Hezbollah and Hamas! The US wants some sort of a Libya-style Arab League-backed U.S./NATO No-Fly Zone where the minority can overthrow the majority! The U.S. uses the same Big Lie in Syria that they did in Libya: that they are “defending innocent Libyan and Syrian civilians.” In Libya (and now presumably Syria) the U.S./NATO provided Special Forces officers to control DOCUMENTED Libyan Al-Qaeda “rebel” leadership! The so-called “rebels” were documented to have a mid-level leadership composed of Al-Qaeda although their top leaders were both former foreign ministers under Qaddafi: Mustafa Abdul Jalil and Abdul Fatah Younis, who was assassinated/sacrificed as a provocation by the USA on July 28, 2011 to create a pretext to remove uncontrollable Al-Qaeda personnel (see below), Others included Abdel-Hakim al Hasidi and CIA-man Khalifa Haftar, former head of LNA, appointed chief “rebel” Commander March 17, 2011! (CNN, April 4, 2011) The Libyan branch of Al Qaeda represents a continuum with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, the elite of the Harabi tribe, and the so-called “Transitional National Council,” a concoction of the Obama Regime and NATO, all overlap for all practical purposes. The REASON that the U.S. used Al-Qaeda in Libya (See below.) and other Islamic Fundamentalist groups to provide the muscle for their multiple proxy invasions in Mideast and Gulf States is because the Al-Qaeda basic belief structure holds that all existing Arab and Moslem governments are illegitimate and should be overthrown, because they do not represent the caliphate which Al-Qaeda claims is described by the Koran. See:, which also contains the West Point Study (Admission!) documenting Al-Qaeda leadership. (Note: Webster G. Tarpley, the source of this document on the Internet, was a Lyndon Larouche Fascist stooge and remains a member of the U.S. “intelligence community” motivated by anti-Communism and is a false conspiracy disinformation specialist e.g. on the 911 Provocation, Global Warming, etc. But be aware that the so-called "intelligence community" also often has various open Fascists, closet Fascists, or various right-wing groups release correct politically sensitive information so that the U.S. fake "left" will have a pretext not to report it to their duped membership. For example, Coup D'Etat in America, containing the tramp photos and overlays which both line up positively identifying Nixon’s so-called “Watergate Burglars” as the so-called “Dealey Plaza Tramps,” the triggermen in the JFK assassination, was eventually turned over to the ultra-right in order to try to discredit the claim and the information by source.)

The U.S. Had Younis Assassinated as a Provocation to Create a Pretext
To Begin Removal of Al-Qaeda from the Libyan “Rebel Army” Leadership!

Then on August 5, 2011, lo and behold, events revealed that the assassination of Abdul Fatah Younis on July 28th was actually orchestrated as a U.S-manipulated provocation by fanning the rumors that Younis was still loyal to Qaddafi in order to provide a pretext for yet another newly concocted group, the so-called “Coalition for the Revolution (?) of the 17th of February” (read: Coup D’Etat!), described as “An influential group of lawyers and judges” (!) to demand resignations from those deemed “responsible for the assassination,” and “to eliminate secular divisions” in the leadership. The resignations included a virtual boatload of Al-Qaeda and Islamic Fundamentalist leaders from the so-called “Rebel Army” and so-called “Transitional National Council.” And on August 8, 2011 (BBC) Mustafa Abdul Jalil, who had moved into an unchallenged leadership position following these resignations, dismissed his entire Executive Committee, which eliminated even more Al-Qaeda leaders! This new “Coalition” (sound familiar?) also demanded a consolidation of all Islamic Fundamentalist-led “rebel militias.” (New York Times, August 5, 2011) Though it did not occur this almost sounded like preparation for another “Night of the Long Knives” situation, where Hitler got rid of the leadership of the Sturm Abteilung (SA), which the NAZIs used to organize a significant percentage of the intimidated and manipulated German Working Class in order to help bring Hitler to power (after all the Communists had been arrested!) and then decided to discard as a potential threat in a single night of mass murder at the request of and carried out by both the Reichswehr and the Schutzstaffel (SS)! During their proxy invasion the U.S. also simultaneously openly admitted to having a wide network of CIA agents in Libya! They called in the air strikes! In addition, note that the CIA was the source of any and all “weapons of mass destruction” and “anti-personnel cluster bombs” fired in Libya. The U.S. possesses those weapons! Libya did NOT! Grad rockets (and Scud missiles yet!) are TOTALLY PRIMITIVE in comparison to the U.S. “Hellfire” Missile or Tomahawk Cruise Missile and no more “anti-personnel” than other high explosive weapons! The U.S./“Israel” is documented to have used anti-personnel cluster bombs including white phosphorus (!) in attacking both Lebanon and GAZA! (See below and the George Bush-style LIBYAN WMD Big Lie report in the NY Times, April 16, 2011) Note that in their “FACEBOOK”-Organized Regime Change in Yemen the United States and NATO also admitted to employing known terrorists OTHER THAN THEMSELVES (!). Sheik Abdul Majid al-Zindani, who they first tried to sugarcoat and anoint as a “spiritual leader,” they were forced to admit in their flagship newspaper is actually a “specially designated global terrorist.” (New York Times, May 27, 2011) Zindani is the chief ally of the Ahmar brothers who led the U.S.- directed coup d’etat which overthrew the government of Yemen President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who the U.S. tried to assassinate, but then granted “amnesty!” (Guardian, November 23, 2011) The U.S. fake “left” United Action Center and Workers World Party run by war criminal Ramsey Clark, who signed off on the Martin Luther King assassination when he was Attorney General under Lyndon Johnson, organized demonstrations supporting U.S.-backed Regime Change in Yemen and calling for the execution of Saleh the former head of state! WBAI radio/Amy Goodman supported U.S. overthrow of both Qaddafi and now the popularly supported Bashar Assad Ba’ ath Socialist Party Syrian government. On May 11, 2012 “United For Peace and Justice” held a conference supporting U.S.-backed overthrow of Assad and by extension Hezbollah and Hamas! The U.S. fake “left” has now become an open arm of U.S. imperialism!

Qaddafi and Libya, unlike the United States (see below!), had no history of ever waging war against its own population and there is no evidence whatsoever that Qaddafi had ever done so. His anti-imperialist history and anti-IMF, anti-U.S. economic imperialism investment policies all the way up to the point when the U.S. began its move against Libya, make it is highly unlikely that Qaddafi would EVER have waged war against his own general population, but only against that INSIGNIFICANT MINORITY organized and manipulated as the so-called “rebel army” by the United States, the CIA, FACEBOOK, NATO, the phony so-called “human rights groups” and so called “Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), all false fronts to assist governmental overthrow. A high percentage of the so-called “rebel army” were Al-Qaeda and other Islamic Fundamentalist fanatics (see above!). These have been forced U.S. Proxy Wars, Coup D’etats or ongoing attempts in Libya, Syria and Yemen, for example, NOT “civil wars.” What the United States did to Libya on a daily basis it did to Iraq and continues to do to Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries it has invaded: 1.) First it destroys the infrastructure of the country! 2.) Then it carries out a systematic divide and conquer strategy so that the people, the country and the cities are maximally divided in every conceivable way, religiously, ethnically, and even physically! In Baghdad huge cement blocks wall off whole sections of the city and line all main highways in the city similar to, but much worse than the Apartheid Prison Wall in Occupied Palestine. The full employment, free education to the highest level, no homelessness and free medical and dental which existed in Iraq and Iraq are all ABOLISHED! The U.S. is not simply an “occupier” of Iraq, it is still an active INVADER in the continuing Non-Stop U.S. War of Murder and Plunder Against Iraq even as it “leaves!” The U.S. has installed a stooge, puppet, proxy (comprador) government in Iraq to continue its invasion and the oil companies and private contractors are there to plunder! The U.S. regime reveals by its words and actions that it has total contempt for the intelligence of its own people!!! The U.S. capitalist dictatorship is waging war NOT just against multiple countries around the world one after the other, but also is waging a genuine war of extermination and population reduction against its very own population through a campaign of DELIBERATE ECONOMIC SABOTAGE of the U.S. and world economy targeting the Working Class and the Poor, which the capitalists hypocritically designate their “economic downturn,” (?) which it’s not, biological warfare and psychological warfare and has now lost all credibility and legitimacy to rule and all right to sovereignty here in the United States! OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD!

Meanwhile, on a daily basis the mass murdering U.S. calmly bombs innocent civilians willy-nilly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere with drone bombers firing “Hellfire Missiles,” warships firing Tomahawk Cruise Missiles on whomever they want and the U.S./“NATO” dropped 1000 lb “Blockbuster” bombs on Tripoli and all over Libya, and continue to shoot people dead in the street everywhere and anywhere and whenever they want! Assassination of world leaders deemed “enemies,” on a growing list, is now openly admitted U.S. state policy! “Protecting Innocent Civilians” and Preventing a Humanitarian Disaster!” THAT’S A HOT ONE! Another Big Lie run to the limit! Everywhere! See below! The capitalist media called Qaddafi “crazy” for saying that the so-called “Rebels” were being led by Al-Qaeda. But “NATO's top commander, U.S. Navy Adm. James Stavridis, (disingenuously covering himself) stated (what was a well-known fact throughout the U.S./NATO command) that officials had seen ‘flickers’ of possible Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah involvement within the rebel forces” way back in March!! (Associated Press, March 30, 2011) More than “flickers!” (And please note that Al-Qaeda is NOT Hezbollah and that this part was undoubtedly added falsely to try to discredit Hezbollah by equating it to, and associating it with, Al-Qaeda!) See below. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton similarly covered herself when she stated that she was “supremely (her malapropism problem!) cautious about arming the rebels because of the unknowns of who they were and whether they might have links to Al Qaeda.” (New York Times, April 1, 2011) DUH! Obama, Hillary Clinton and NATO know very well that they are using Al-Qaeda just as Bush and Clinton did with the 911 Trade Center Provocation! (See below.) U.S. “recognition” of the TNC Rebels on July 15, 2011 was done partly to try to cover up the fact that the TNC was largely Al Qaeda, which the U.S. was already in the process of eliminating from the TNC! Qaddafi on the other hand had become such a total opportunist that until June 11, 2011 he refused to acknowledge that the Invasion of Libya was being LED by U.S./NATO forces in order to steal Libya’s oil, and had delusionally kept calling Obama “his brother.” (!) Meanwhile, the U.S. openly stated the obvious that it was trying to assassinate Qaddafi by bombing. (Reuters, June 10, 2011). In an attempt to inflame world opinion the U.S. directed its puppet “International Criminal Court (ICC) to also falsely charge Libya with “political rape!” Omitted entirely was all mention that Qaddafi’s Security Team was entirely made up of WOMEN and Qaddafi’s role, alone among all Arab leaders, in highly respecting women and assuring that women get better treatment in Libya than in all other Arab countries!!! Islam treats women as baby factories and otherwise as human garbage! But not Qaddafi! The U.S./NATO bombed every square inch of Libya so that reinforcements from Tripoli were not able to even reach nearby towns to squash the U.S. gang-banger “rebels!” The populations of Sirte and Bani Walid including those who left and those who remained supported Qaddafi and a large percentage of the population was armed in addition to the regular Qaddafi forces, not all of whom died at the hands of the imperialist proxies. The towns and all of Libya was systematically flattened by U.S./“NATO” TOTAL AIR SUPREMACY (!) bombing the country FLAT and the TNC/”Rebel proxies/mercenaries ran in and executed the wounded and screamed “VICTORY!” Disgusting from start to finish!

Freezing Libyan Funds was Designed to Block Libya’s Move
To Break World Bank and IMF Stranglehold on Africa!
The United States Wages War of Economic Imperialism
Not just Against Libya but ALL of Africa!

The U.S. admitted that Libya had $ billions inside Libya if necessary to pay for all defense against the U.S./NATO Air War and “Facebook”-organized Proxy Invasion. The primary purpose of the United States and European Union in “Freezing” (STEALING) $150 billion of Libyan Sovereign Wealth Funds invested on five continents and in 25 African countries was to prevent African countries from escaping control by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the primary weapons of economic imperialism! By freezing these Libyan assets, the U.S.-led world capitalist dictatorship also prevented African countries from becoming independent from U.S./European satellite propaganda networks, and which would have saved hundreds of millions of dollars per annum. The Freeze of Libyan Sovereign Wealth Funds by the U.S. and EU also forced 14 African countries to continue using the CFA franc issued by France as a means to control its former colonies. See: Il Manifesto (Italy), April 22, 2011. Handing over $30 Billion or even $150 Billion to their puppet TNC/“government” will not change these facts because any government recognized by the U.S. fully supports IMF-WB Policies in subjugating Africa!

Qaddafi Made Some Errors But Was Still Overwhelmingly
Supported in Libya When Finally Assassinated on U.S. Orders!

Despite the fact that Libya had the highest living standard in Africa (!) it has to be acknowledged that Qaddafi made several large mistakes. Qaddafi’s primary errors were: 1.) He invited the capitalist oil companies back into Libya and 2.) He promised (not “threatened” the term used by the capitalist media) but did not follow through on his pledge to redirect more of the oil money to the Libyan people. Hugo Chavez on the other hand actually has redirected the majority of the oil wealth to the Working Class and the Poor of Venezuela and he has no problem whatsoever with popularity except among the rich. Chavez is hugely popular despite unrelenting U.S.-directed false media propaganda campaigns directed against him and non-stop provocations. 3.) Qaddafi also made the mistake of not watching his back. Any LEGITIMATE grievances which the Libyan people had will NOT be improved one iota with the U.S. INVASION and Coup D’Etat and a take-over by the oil companies and private contractors and the installation of a puppet government. While there are tribes and geographic division in Libya, which the U.S. has used to overthrow Qaddafi, the overthrow of the hated U.S puppet King Idris by Qaddafi actually united Libyans in 1969 and gave them a future for the first time. The capitalist regime works to maintain racial, ethnic, religious, national, age, sex and sexual preference division in the United States and elsewhere. Division on every conceivable basis is the U.S. objective while falsely denying it to the rooftops as the supposed “greatest danger:” “WE don’t want what happened in Iraq (which was instigated and orchestrated on all levels by the U.S.), to happen in Libya!” When the U.S. left Iraq in Dec 2011 they instructed their puppet al-Maliki SHIITE-led government to issue Big Lie “terrorist—death squad” charges against the senior SUNNI Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashemi, as a carefully planned provocation to set up a basis for pervasive and long-lasting division! The entire Sunni Arab political block, al-Iraqiyya, then boycotted parliament and U.S.-puppet Shiite al-Maliki then dismissed all the Sunni politicians from Parliament! Then on September 9, 2012 al-Hashemi, a diplomat only, was falsely found “guilty (!) in absentia” of “running death squads targeting Shias and security forces. (?)” A Perfect Divide and Conquer Provocation, which the U.S. capitalist dictatorship has tried to turn into a science! This provides a long-time basis for Shia on Sunni and Sunni on Shia “violence.” The U.S. is now being invited back by its puppet Maliki as so-called “trainers!” Aren’t they clever and aren’t we all so nice and stupid?

After the Russians gave the Green Light for the U.S. to invade Libya by Domestic Proxy the oil companies and the United States immediately bought off ALL the Libyan ambassadors, some individuals in the Libyan armed forces and on March 31, 2011 bought off the Foreign Minister, Moussa Koussa and on the very next day Ali Abdessalam Treki, a former foreign minister and U.N. General Assembly President was also bought off. Both took anti-Qaddafi positions. Buying off diplomats is Standard Operating Procedure for the U.S.! Using the same exact tactics the U.S. bought off “several high-ranking Syrian military figures.” (BBC, June 25, 2012) The U.S. also controls the militaries of virtually all of its Mideast allies and also attempts to make inroads into the militaries of its enemies. But they mostly failed in Libya! The U.S. and NATO were given the green light to invade Libya by the Russian and the PRC abstentions, which are exactly the same as a “YES” in the March 17, 2011 U.N. vote, beginning with a “no fly zone,” when it looked like the initial U.S.-directed coup d’etat attempt starting in Bengazi was about to fail miserably! The U.S. capitalist dictatorship also instructed 11 puppet members of the 22-member Arab League, to make a “special request” to the U.S. and NATO and the United Nations to please, please come invade Libya, beginning with a “no-fly zone,” because it was obvious the U.S. proxy “rebel gang-banger army” was collapsing. After the U.S. had “successfully” carried out its Proxy Invasion of Libya and had Qaddafi brutally assassinated, it instructed its so-called “Arab League” which does not represent either Arabs or their interests, to vote now unanimously to impose economic sanctions on Syria (BBC, Nov. 14) against the wishes of the vast majority of the Arab world (the Arab Street), which oppose virtually ALL decisions of their U.S. puppet regimes. The U.S. Proxy Invasions of Libya, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere are more glaring demonstration that Capitalism is in its Final Stage designated: Permanent War and State Terrorism. The “War on Terror” is the pretext used to maintain capitalism in its final stage. Capitalism is fundamentally based on war, mass murder, crime and subjugation to steal new resources and markets in order to increase private profits. The combination of: 1.) a total absence of any genuine Communist Party or organized Working Class in Islamic countries and 2.) U.S. control of the military in many countries through training of their officer corps often in the United States and direct supply of war materiel and money to those militaries and proxies, is how the U.S. is able to buy off and bribe the militaries and ensure that under no circumstances should the social unrest which capitalism has created get organized in the correct direction of a Socialist Revolution. While all religions are inherently reactionary, U.S. capitalism depends on Islam the most reactionary of all religions and the easiest to manipulate. Because there is no genuine Communist Party in Islamic countries, just as in the U.S. and European countries at present, social unrest created naturally by capitalism through exploitation and super-exploitation of the Working Class, is organized through “Facebook” and “Twitter,” etc. to perform the bidding of U.S.-led world capitalism, their very exploiters!

The United States is the Leader of NATO!
The U.S. Is NATO! Libya Was a U.S./”NATO” WAR!
OBAMATALK is Nothing but Nonstop Big Lies on Every Topic!

The U.S. dictatorship intermittently attempted to generate maximal confusion and denial with a smoke and mirrors campaign stating that it was “turning over operations in Libya to NATO,” while it continued its very own NON-STOP BOMBING! What a joke! The U.S. IS the LEADER of NATO! The U.S. is NATO! Period! Libya was and still is a U.S./“NATO” campaign! According to the BBC on October 30, 2011, “With the help of America's massive military machine, NATO managed to sustain the Libya operation.” So it was actually the U.S. from early on when it was openly admitted that “NATO Special Forces” were “providing leadership and training” of the U.S. proxy “rebel” gang-banger army on the ground. (Associated Press, March 29, 2011). The U.S. simultaneously issued the brazen falsely denial: “of having any contact with (their tiny) ‘rebel’ army, (numbering less than 10,000!), because that would mean the U.S. and NATO had ‘intervened.’” “Intervene” is Orwellian NEWSPEAK for INVADE! By March 20, 2011 Qaddafi’s forces had the U.S./NATO proxy “rebels” on the run again and the U.S. capitalist dictatorship was openly discussing full-scale invasion or “arming the rebels,” which they HAD DONE ALREADY, but by July 2011 they were at an impasse with Qaddafi threatening reprisals in Europe for what the U.S./NATO had done to destroy Libya! The murderous capitalist dictatorship first openly discussed where THEY were going to PUT QADDAFI after THEY overthrew him! Totally bizarre warmongers who later openly declared their intention to assassinate Qaddafi (Reuters, June 10, 2011) merely stating the obvious, which they had hypocritically denied while relentlessly attempting to assassinate him with air bombardment! (Note: the U.S. policy of assassination of leaders extends not just to Osama Bin Laden but to leaders of ALL countries targeted for “Facebook”-organized REGIME CHANGE and Coup D’etat who resist! U.S./NATO also attempted to assassinate their former stooge Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of Yemen with a “sophisticated precision-guided weapon” severely wounding him (New York Times, June 4, 2011) and forcing his November 23, 2011 resignation! Now the new U.S. puppet regimes in Yemen and Egypt are calling for the execution of both Saleh and Mubarak! These calls are actually coming from the United States because the U.S. does NOT like to have living and breathing reminders of what it has done.

The Green Light Provided by the Russian Federation’s United Nations Vote for
The U.S./NATO Proxy Invasion of Libya Has Ended Up on Russia’s Doorstep!

The Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Germany, India and Brazil ALL VOTED FOR THE U.S./NATO INVASION OF LIBYA by “abstaining” in the U.N. Security Council vote for the so-called “No-Fly Zone.” Russia and China received huge concessions from the United States in what was a clear and obvious QUID PRO QUO, where the Russian Federation was guaranteed to be made a member of the World Trade Organization which occurred on December 17, 2011 in exchange for handing over to the U.S. and E.U. all of Libyan oil! The U.S. is simultaneously using its “Facebook” Weapon to attempt to organize the beginnings of a Proxy Invasion of the Russian Federation itself with provocations (see above)! The above Quid Pro Quo held despite Russia’s (and the PRC’s) October 4, 2011 and February 4, 2012 U.N. vetoes of resolutions directed against Syria! But the Russian Federation had given the GREEN LIGHT TO EVERYTHING previously as it pretended to be upset about the brutal torture/assassination of Qaddafi and pretended they did not know the consequences of their Libyan UN Vote, namely ABSTAIN MEANS YES! Putin/Medyedev are foolishly still following the opportunist Gorbachev (Stalinist) formula of SURRENDER, falsely believing that in accepting an onerous temporary “agreement” they are “buying time” as Lenin once actually did in WWI with Germany. After signing the 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk they later made up all their losses. While Gorbachev did indeed appear to buy some time they are presently courting disaster not only for the Russian Federation but for the entire world as their “Green Light” has maximally encouraged U.S.-led imperialism, which has inevitably ended up once again on their doorstep! Time’s up! There is no more time to buy and no matter what the U.S. promises the One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism is operant! UN “diplomacy” has become just another weapon for U.S. imperialism to begin the process of Regime Change in multiple countries and can be supported only if the result thwarts that process!

The U.S believes that it has NOTHING TO LOSE—except for actually starting a nuclear war—that it cannot really prevent (!), and which, short of a Second Russian Surrender (!), can ONLY be prevented by a Socialist Revolution in the United States! The U.S. continues to push their so-called “European Missile Shield,” which is simply a transparent ruse to place First Strike Missiles again within striking distance of Moscow in order to try to force a Second Russian Surrender and turn Russia into a complete U.S. puppet! The U.S. wants ALL Russian natural resources and states: “ We will not in any way limit or change our deployment (of the nuclear-first-strike missile shield) plans in Europe,” where Poland and (now) Romania have agreed to “host” the First-Strike Missiles and radar! (November 23, 2011, Deutsche Welle) Russia previously announced that it will station Russian nuclear missiles on its EU borders in Kaliningrad and other areas, which are aimed at U.S. missile defense sites, and stated it would also “opt out” of the 2010 New START nuclear arms reduction treaty and future arms control talks! (BBC, November 23, 2011) The U.S. pretends that was all “Russian pre-election rhetoric,” but any New Cold War will be on the basis of LAUNCH ON WARNING—NOT MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION (MAD) as the previous Cold War was up until November 1983 and the stationing of Pershing II First Strike Nuclear Missiles in Germany 10 minutes from Moscow, which forced the Soviet Surrender in 1988, after Gorbachev lined up key sectors of the Soviet government! The U.S. dictatorship is assuming the Russian Federation will not permit another Cold War on a Launch On Warning basis. Obama bizarrely and disrespectfully ignored the above Russian statements as he did on March 25, 2012 (BBC) stating that he expects Russia to go along with New Start reductions and ignore the First Strike Nuclear Missiles once again to be placed on its borders under the “Missile Shield” pretext! The very next day Obama told Medvedev that “he would have more “flexibility” with the so-called “Missile Shield” after the (rigged) U.S. presidential “election,” (where Romney knows that his role is to assist Obama with anti-Russian remarks and to lose the 2012 “election” precisely for the same reasons as McCain did in 2008—see below!). Note that Romney’s selection of fellow NAZI Paul D. Ryan was to try to provide “left cover” for Obama’s economic policies of economic warfare against the Workers! As the election has approached Romney has escalated his deliberate self-sabotage with his remarks and actions!

Obama’s “message to Putin” as well as Romney’s criticism of Obama for promising “flexibility” on the “missile shield” is primarily aimed at U.S. voters to manipulate liberals to vote for Obama and also to try to encourage Russia to continue to betray Syria with QUID PRO QUO promise of toning down the “missile shield” just as they did with Libya in exchange for WTO Membership! But the One-Way Dynamic of capitalism will force the U.S. to push some form of “missile shield” which will genuinely threaten the Russian Federation for the same reasons that the U.S. installed Pershing II first Strike Nuclear Missiles in Germany 10 minutes from Moscow in Nov 1983 following the Korean Airliner Shootdown Provocation. At one point the Russian Federation in a show of opportunism virtually turned over the operation of Russian Television (RT) to the United States more or less on a day-to-day basis where Associated Press reports were used to cover many sensitive issues! That traitorous complacency has simply encouraged U.S. imperialism! Another face slap was reported in Izvestia: the United States SHOT DOWN the Russian space probe to Mars, Phobos Grunt launched on November 9, 2011, and according to the Russian Federation, evidently ALL Russian Mars probes since the 1980s with anti-satellite weapons using “very powerful (directed) radar” beams located in Alaska! (See: New York Times, January 11, 2012) These U.S. “capabilities” were also undoubtedly the reason for the failure of the April 13, 2012 North Korean rocket launch, which was then used as the pretext to ridicule North Korean technology while imposing new economic sanctions against North Korea! With the Russian Federation supposedly “backed into a corner” and a military confrontation a real possibility by the Russian military, the U.S. has apparently promised a course reversal on the “Missile Shield.” But this may prove entirely unlikely even if Russia continues to sabotage Syria in its ongoing Syrian Dog and Pony Show with the USA! But the actual U.S. missile shield itself may have actually already have been sabotaged. USA indicated that censors on its SM-3 missile to be used in their adventure “lost calibration” in tests making it impossible to provide valid data to identify warheads and decoys. Making them useless! (New York Times, May 19, 2012 and Tech Online Edition, December 3, 2004) Russia would be making a very large mistake if they were to accept this sort of assurance that the U.S. “missile shield” represents no threat.

By 2007 National Public Radio Reported the U.S. Capitalist
Dictatorship had Already Caused the Deaths of 1.2 Million
Iraqis! Today that Number is Close to 2 Million Dead Iraqis!

“Stop the Killing! Stop the Killing,” the U.S. hypocrites scream at Syria! The United States also hypocritically vilified Saddam Hussein as the “Butcher of Baghdad” and the war-mongering Reagan regime which invaded Lebanon, Grenada and ran multiple Proxy Wars in Latin America and around the world while carrying out a runaway nuclear arms race against the USSR, ludicrously labeled Qaddafi the “Mad Dog of the Middle East.” But Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi are small potatoes compared to Barack Obama and George Bush, their predecessors and successors. The real Butchers of Baghdad and Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere have been the Bush, Clinton and Obama Regimes and U.S.-led world capitalism-imperialism, which caused the deaths of over 1.2 million Iraqis already by September 19, 2007 (!), since the start of the U.S. invasion in 2003, according to a blipped report on National Public Radio Online, “Survey Puts Iraqi War Dead Above One Million.” Day to Day NPR Radio Program, Previously the English Medical journal The Lancet (October 11, 2006) reported the death of over 655,000 Iraqis since the start of the U.S. Invasion, “an increase which would not have occurred without the 2001 U.S. Invasion.” By 2012 when the U.S. falsely claimed to have “left Iraq” that figure was certainly at over 2 (two) million dead Iraqis! NOW in 2011-2012 the U.S. uses “Facebook,” etc. to encourage their “U.S. armed-to-the-teeth “proxy activist” CANNON FODDER to go attack the Syrian Ba’ath Socialist forces of Bashar al-Assad falsely assuring them: “the U.N. and Arab League support you!!!” THEY MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT!!!!!!! THE MASSES—the overwhelming majority from the 137 countries which voted “yes” and the people from the 17 countries which voted “abstain” (the same as “yes”) in the non-binding February 16, 2012 UN General Assembly resolution condemning Syria support Syria, which is defending its still overwhelmingly popularly supported government (!) against an OVERTHROW by a MINORITY of U.S.-armed and U.S.-directed and U.S. media-hyped gang-bangers. In Syria the U.S.-backed and U.S.-directed Gang-Bangers routinely use innocent civilians and herd adults and families with children together as HUMAN SHIELDS by firing heavy weapons at Syrian government forces from apartment buildings, while threatening tenants not to flee, while THEY LEAVE to avoid the slaughter!!!!! Simultaneously the USA directed their gang-bangers on May 28, 2012 to dress up as Syrian Army and Militia and commit atrocities by systematically going into houses and mass murdering everyone including children. Al Qaeda also massacres Syrian civilians through huge bomb provocations to try to discredit the Syrian government. (BBC, May 26, 2012) Some “uprising!” This is a CLEAR ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW Syrian Ba’ath Socialism by U.S.-Led Imperialism! The masses of those 137 countries OPPOSED the UN votes by “their” U.S. puppet (comprador) regimes to condemn Syria. Those 137 governments (!) have been threatened, blackmailed and bribed by the United States to get that “politically useful” but non-binding U.N. General Assembly vote condemning Syria! Such is the present state of the world! Only the governments themselves “support” the U.S.! The U.S. mass murderers of the world are fooling VERY FEW except a percentage of their OWN brainwashed population. We are supposed to believe the U.S. government which murdered 2 million people in Vietnam and 2 million people in Iraq is suddenly the “good guy” as it tries to overthrow yet another country!

Libyan Deaths Caused by the U.S./NATO “NO-FLY ZONE and well over 7,500 to
10,000 Bombing Sorties (BBC !) Were Covered Up but Numbered into Tens of Thousands!

The United States has been after Libyan oil for over 40 years (!) and realized that now was the time to take it while they are taking it in Iraq and everywhere else! “Protecting Innocent Civilians.” What a clumsy Big Lie pronounced with such grandiloquent pretentiousness and tyrannical puffery always with plastic false smiles and/or phony posed stern expressions! The haughty poseur and Fascist purse-lipped twerp Barack Obama makes no decisions himself except regarding his bodily functions and not always about that either, and is merely the front man for economic and political decisions made mostly by consensus of the largest capitalists and “intelligence community!” Regarding U.S. domestic statecraft, it should be noted that con man/demagogue Obama works closely, hand in glove with the Republicans and Tea Bags who provide him with his “left” cover, meaning a form of political deception and manipulation where they falsely and almost comically denounce Obama as a “Socialist” or a “radical” in order to provide him the necessary support he needs from among the traditional brainwashed Democratic party constituencies, so that HE and his fellow Fascists, proto-Fascists and Bonapartists are able to move the entire political spectrum ever closer to the right and harden the capitalist dictatorship. Left cover was used very effectively with the so-called “Budge Deficit” and in getting rid of the Payroll Tax in order to undermine the Social Security Trust Fund! In both cases Obama, Tea Bags and the Republicans falsely declared they were in “political gridlock!” There was no “gridlock” with the “Budget Deficit” or “Obama payroll tax cut”—a Social Darwinist tactic designed to undermine the Social Security Trust Fund NOT to help falsely designated “middle class “workers” (an oxymoron!),” or “help a (non-existent) fragile economic recovery” or anything else! This was all staged and in accordance with the (now) One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism explained below. The capitalist dictatorship is staging yet another ridiculous sham presidential “election” in 2012 to keep the Fascist Obama in power by pitting him against a group of equally Fascist/NAZI, widely hated, laughable incompetents, crazy and even highly despised opponents of the “religious-right.” Openly racist, sermonizing, pink slime-eating Elmer Gantry type Republicans such as Rick Perry proudly adorned his Texas property with a huge “Niggerhead” sign! (The Atlantic Wire, October 2, 2011) But it appears that the dictatorship just decided to use Perry temporarily in order to bring out the Black vote for Fascist Obama and even after Obama leaves office after 2 terms he and his Fascist programs will all be attacked on a false racial basis! And no one will ever reverse them because the Republicans and Democrats both represent ONLY the capitalist class! From the beginning the U.S. dictatorship clearly preferred to go with Willard Mitt Romney not Fig Newton Leroy Gingrich or Richard Sanatarium! The reason was that Romney knows that his role is to take a fall for Obama, to lose in the same way that McCain knew his role was to lose the election in 2008. Newt Gingrich and the others however are not in confidence on this scenario and would have to be steered to defeat by the media and external provocations. Mitt Romney understands that the capitalist dictatorship can much more easily implement the warmongering and population reduction policies of End-Stage Capitalism—which severely limit or abolish the function of social programs, which is to keep Working Class and the Poor alive—with a Democratic constituency! The outcome of ALL Presidential elections has been determined in advance between the candidates ever since Watergate except for 2000 and 2004 where the Democrats won both elections despite their best efforts to lose, but then permitted what were actually coup d’etats. Bush was a usurper and was never the “president!” of the United States. His entire regime was illegal on its face. All elections under capitalism are illegal because the Working Class is not represented. “Pluralism” simply means multiple parties all of which ONLY represent capitalism never the workers!

The United States—NOT Libya—Blew up the Pan Am Flight 103 Lockerbie Airliner
As a Provocation Directed Against Libya to (Falsely) Justify Economic Sanctions
Designed to Weaken and Ultimately Overthrow the then Highly Popular Leader!

On April 30, 2011 the U.S. tried to assassinate Qaddafi with aerial bombing, killing his youngest son and 3 grandchildren! Twenty-five years earlier on April 15, 1986 Ronald Reagan murdered his daughter and almost killed Qaddafi himself. (On August 26the the U.S. began a propaganda campaign that the daughter is still alive in order to try to discredit Qaddafi, take the focus off that earlier assassination attempt and the present decision to assassinate Qaddafi. The U.S. order was carried out on October 20, 2011!) After that first assassination attempt on Qaddafi the United States—NOT QADDAFI—NOT LIBYA—brought down the Lockerbie jet airliner (Pan Am Flight 103) on December 21, 1988 with a bomb as a MASS PROVOCATION killing 243 passengers sacrificed as part of an escalating war against Libya and Qaddafi in order to take control of Libyan oil. THINK MOTIVE! The Lockerbie Airliner Provocation has been used ever since as the pretext to wage a never-ending media onslaught against Qaddafi and Libya, combined with years and years of ECONOMIC SANCTIONS. Finally in 2000 Qaddafi, who had by then become a total opportunist, decided, with that person’s agreement, to frame up a very high-ranking scapegoat, bdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi, the former Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies in Tripoli (!), who apparently agreed to the frame-up, and as a highly motivated Libyan patriot, agreed to go to jail as part of the strategy of having the economic sanctions completely lifted. Later Ulrich Lumpert, the Mebo AG engineer who testified to the validity of the Lockerbie bomb timer, admitted in an affidavit to lying in court and stealing that timer from his employer after the attack whereupon it was planted. The case itself was ridiculous from start to finish. See:

The Scottish government with the support of British Petroleum, who knew the whole thing was a total farce, and under direct pressure from Qaddafi, later freed Megrahi in August 2009 on compassionate grounds for medical reasons. British Petroleum wanted access to and concessions from Libya, which they received! In late August 2011 Megraphi was found at home in Tripoli in a partial coma with his family on oxygen and an IV, not eating, with no physician or medicines or telephone or advice, according to his brother, Khaled. (BBC, August 28, 2011) Neither Qaddafi nor the U.S. nor its proxy “TNC/rebels” wanted Megrahi to reveal what really happened so he was apparently left to die, which he finally did on May 20, 2012. The U.S. proxy “TNC/rebels” used Megraphi for falsely legitimizing propaganda, declaring that THEY, unlike Qaddafi, would not turn over any Libyan including Megraphi to be extradited! After Megrahi’s death the U.S.-backed gang-bangers stooges promised to “investigate”—meaning concoct—all the crimes” of Qaddafi after U.S. and British pressure (BBC, May 20, 2012) to try to pin the bombing, which had been carried out by the United States, directly on Qaddafi! Qaddafi, “that fuzzy-headed tyrant (BBC)” was found guilty from very early in his tenure in power of inflicting on his subject population the highest standard of living in all Africa in addition to: 1.) full employment, 2.) free education to the highest level, 3. no homelessness and 4. ) free medical and dental all paid for on oil revenues and was assassinated on direct U.S. orders! The U.S. has a long history of blowing up airliners and sinking ships and then blaming the victim in order to create a pretext to start wars and invade countries. On June 23, 1985 the U.S. blew up Air India Flight 182 after Rajiv Ghandhi told Ronald Reagan during his visit to the U.S that he had no intention of becoming a political ally of the U.S. and taking a position against the USSR, India’s long-time ally and loyal friend! The Soviet Union had taught India how to feed itself rather than to remain mostly dependent on importing grain from the United States, Great Britain and other imperialist powers where early newsreels recorded airplanes dropping bags of rice on the heads of the Poor in outlying areas in India! THINK MOTIVE! The Air India bombing occurred shortly after that refusal to turn against the USSR. Later, Rajiv Ghandhi was assassinated outright on May 21, 1991 by the U.S., which is the only country which had the actual MOTIVE, which was to set a precedent and intimidate any others who would thumb their nose at the United States. The U.S. is also the only country which had the so-called “intelligence,” the spying capability and technical capability to know precisely where the extremely popular Rajiv Ghandhi would be to the minute and hour in rural India in order to allow the transportation of the Tamil Tiger assassin/suicide bomber Thenmozhi Rajaratnam to the tiny obscure village, Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu state!

The United Nations so-called “secretary general” Ban Ki-MOON, just like Kofi
Annan Before Him, Reveals Himself as Nothing But a United States STOOGE!

As an open declaration of his status the so-called “secretary general” of the United Nations U.S. Puppet from the Beginning, Ban Ki-moon, an undisputed “Moonie,” acted as an hysterical warmongering mouthpiece for his United States master in accusing Syria, which is fighting a U.S./E.U Coup D’etat-Proxy Takeover of his country of “waging war against its own people” by using heavy weapons to fire into civilian areas in Homs. But Ban Ki-Moonie knows the TRUTH—that the U.S. backed and armed the U.S.-backed gang-bangers were actually using innocent civilians as human shields! And as far as firing heavy weapons into civilian areas, Ban Ki-Moonie acts like he has never heard of the Battle of the Kursk Salient where the U.S.S.R. pushed the NAZIs back from Kursk all the way to Berlin where, in addition to many other towns and cities, similar NAZIs also took refuge in “civilian neighborhoods.” Ban Ki-Moonie statements have prejudiced the entire UN-Arab league observer mission to spew lies of the U.S. bent on overthrowing Bashir al-Assad in order to get at Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran and to take over Syrian Oil! On December 14, 2011 the U.S.A.-puppet UN “Human Rights” Commissioner Navi Pillay recommended that the entire Assad government be recommended to the International Criminal Court (!) for killing “anti-government protesters,” (!) a disingenuous Big Lie as the situation has become totally ridiculous. The U.S. doesn’t even recognize the (ICC) court! But the truth is that by interfering in the internal affairs of Syria, Iran and numerous other countries and by encouraging the overthrow of those governments and many more as the dutiful puppets of the USA, which they are, these pathetically depraved criminals Moon, Pillay and Amos, should all be arrested on the spot and tried for war crimes and violating that number one rule of diplomacy, while actually trying to help carry out a brazen coup d’etat for U.S.-led world imperialism!

The U.S. armed-stooge gang-bangers proxies in Syria have called for “international intervention” outside the United Nations framework and claimed they will push the issue after rounding up and executing an entire posse of children, which they falsely then blamed on the Assad government. Blame the victim! (BBC, May 26, 2012) On January 5, 2012 BBC reported that the U.S. puppet, so-called “Syrian National Council” stooge, Burhan Ghalioun, demanded (!) that “western powers” (U.S.) establish “safe areas in Syria with a NO FLY ZONE” because “the Arab League Monitors have failed to stop the violence—(initiated by the U.S. proxies)—and (thus) have failed!” (!?) The U.S. actually expects to be able to use their minority of gang-bangers in Syria to overthrow the majority supported Syrian government! Dream on! Meanwhile as early as January 2012 the U.S. directed that escalation of its terrorist PROVOCATION bombings be carried out right in the center of Damascus and later in Allepo targeting the Ba’ath Socialist Party (RT, May 11, 2012)], “which had until recently been so sheltered from uprisings,” (New York Times—with a cutsy wink and nod!) in order to try to sow chaos and then unofficially blamed Syria itself (blame the victim!), the position they told their gang-banger proxies to falsely allege, for supposedly carrying out bombings on themselves (!), while on May 26, 2012 UN stooge, Ban Ki Moon trumpeted another Big Lie: “This regime is losing control of part of its country!” (BBC) See also New York Times, Jan 7, 2012) The realization that the Arab League “sanctions,” not imposed until much later, were opposed and unanimously rejected by the Arab Street and Arab masses in assisting the U.S./“Israel” in trying to overthrow the overwhelmingly popularly supported Syrian government forced the Arab League and its monitors to initially appear to back off the U.S. position. This resulted in the U.S. decision to order the slaughter of some their own Arab League Monitors/puppets (!) and killing of a famous French journalist being escorted, along with 14 other journalists, by the so-called “Free Army” on January 10, 2012, and then had the audacity to blame “the Syrian authorities” from preventing the provocation grenade attack by their own proxies!!! Gilles Jacquier was one of their OWN nonentities! But Syria Is not going to turn out like Libya and has shown the limits of Invasion By Proxy, which are very real. The multiple attacks on the UN monitors by the U.S. Syrian proxies in May 2012 have completely discredited the attempt to overthrow the Ba’ath Socialist Assad government and may have been so-designed at some level.

Instead of simply denouncing what is happening in Syria for what it is, the Russian Federation (Sergei Lavrov) has falsely stated from the beginning that there is a “civil war in Syria” (the Russian olive branch to the U.S.), LYING through his teeth like a trooper just like he did with Libya! NOTE that Syria is not engaged in any “civil war!” It is a U.S.-backed attempted Regime Change and Coup D’Etat! On that same day the Russian military (Gen. Nikolai Makarov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces) stated: “Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear,” warning: “risks of Russia being pulled into local conflicts have ‘risen sharply.’” Makarov added: “Under certain conditions, local and regional conflicts may develop into a full-scale war involving nuclear weapons,” stating that NATO’s plans to offer membership to Georgia and the Ukraine directly threatened Russia’s security.” (New York Times, November 18, 2011) (the Russian claw full of arrows!) This sounded like Stalinist pleading and telling U.S.-led world imperialism that they can invade the whole world using their new “Facebook” Weapon to organize a minority to overthrow the overwhelming majority anywhere they want, but PLEASE DON’T TOUCH RUSSIA!” Right, Fat chance! They are right there, kid! You sound ridiculous! Then the U.S. announced that it “would stop sharing data on non-nuclear military forces in Europe.” (BBC, November 22, 2011) Makarov later stated that talks with the U.S. and NATO on the “Missile Shield” had reached a dead end and announced that “a decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens.” (BBC, May 3, 2012) This was followed by the U.S./NATO announcement that was going to spend $4 billion to upgrade its nuclear arsenal with precision-guided nuclear gravity bombs. (RT, May 11, 2012) This entire escalation is yet another very ominous demonstration of the One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism. Capitalism has indeed reached its Final Stage: Permanent War and State Terrorism! (Note: U.S. citizens should break ALL actual connections to ALL so-called “social networking” sites, which are just a cover for SPYING on users and helping to MONITOR and CENSOR the U.S. Internet as well as help U.S. capitalism organize and carry out Proxy Invasions, Coup D’etat attempts and provocations in a constantly increasing number of countries! Expose “Facebook” and ALL so-called “social networking” websites politically. Let’s do everything possible to take them over or entirely discredit them!

The U.S. Escalates its Economic Sanctions of War Against Iran and the Entire
World by: 1.) Targeting Iran’s Central Bank and 2.) Ordering Iran to be Expelled
From the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)!

The U.S. capitalist dictatorship passed legislation known as the Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Human Rights Act which dictated to the entire world by ORDERING the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) to expel Iran and thus prevent that country from carrying out virtually ANY international economic transactions whatsoever, which SWIFT complied with on March 17, 2012 (!) on the ridiculously false pretext of Iran’s enrichment of uranium to 20% (nuclear weapons require above 95%!) but primarily because of Iran’s support for Hezbollah and Hamas, (New York Times, March 17, 2012) both of which are overwhelmingly supported in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, respectively, which the U.S. capitalism now in its Final Stage of Permanent War and State Terrorism, falsely and hypocritically labels “terrorist.” The declaration by the EU on April 14, 2012 that talks with Iran were “constructive and useful” and that Iran had “the right to a peaceful nuclear program” supposedly indicated that the U.S.-led world capitalist dictatorship had begun a process of pulling back from its ongoing and escalating war against Iran apparently because of consequences which threaten capitalism. If the US/EU had not taken this new course the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China would have no choice but to speak out against such arbitrary sanctions of economic war and possibly reveal that they would be forced to set up an alternate Russian/Chinese Interbank Financial Telecommunications “Society,” with the stated goal of neutralizing U.S/E.U.-led economic war, and which acts as a clearing house for all countries and companies which do business with the Iran Central Bank and where all countries are invited to do business. The USA planted the false hope that all the economic sanctions against Iran could be reversed as a result of the nuclear talks held under UN auspices where UN representatives acknowledged Iran’s right to peaceful use of nuclear energy. This was apparently done to try to encourage the Russian Federation to accept a Quid Pro Quo and desert Syria and was in fact later totally discarded by the USA! (New York Times, June 7, 2012) It took some time but it appears that Russia later agreed to some kind of Quid Pro Quo by labeling the USA/Turkish False Flag Provocation of October 2012 “a Syrian mistake” and ordering Syria to apologize in what was a transparent provocation to obtain a possible NATO Article 5 “No-Fly Zone.” (See above.) In addition, USA/EU economic war against Iran has caused the Iran rial to lose a third of its value. (BBC. October 6, 2012)

The U.S. Capitalist Dictatorship Pulls Out ALL the Stops in Its False
Propaganda BIG LIES and: 1.) Preposterously Blamed SHIITE IRAN, and
HEZBOLLAH for Supposedly “Working with SUNNI Al Qaeda (!) in Planning the
911 Attack (!) and 2.) Renewed Clumsily Concocted 2009 WMD Nuclear Accusations!”

Because the U.S. capitalist dictatorship has no respect whatsoever for the intelligence of its own people, who it refers to as “the children,” it has launched yet another totally absurd Big Lie campaign falsely asserting in a lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court (!), which it uses to try to increase the credibility of the absurd Big Lie, that Iran (!) and Hezbollah of Lebanon (!) supposedly “helped plan the 911 attacks!!!” (New York Times, May 20, 2011). In addition to the more heavily publicized Big Lie by the Bush Regime, which falsely claimed that Iraq possessed “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” the Bush Regime also falsely claimed that Saddam Hussein and “Iraq worked with Al Qaeda in planning the 911 Attack.” (!) The Big Lie is based on the fabrications of 2 defectors from the Iranian “intelligence service” who have undoubtedly received money and promises by the U.S. dictatorship. That Big Lie also employed the very same technique used to furnish false “evidence” on jailed high-ranking mobsters or political operatives by placing a “snitch” in the same cell. (Even the media designation “snitch” is used to convey false credibility to undercover operatives by making it seem that the snitch had been brought into confidence by the target.) After a period of time the “snitch” is removed and makes false claims against the targeted high profile Big Shot, while the “snitch” usually has any charges against him/her reduced or dropped entirely or even receives a promotion! While this technique has long been recognized and totally discredited as a way to “build a case” in the criminal law most people are not aware that the very same technique is also used in domestic and international politics, as it is now being used by the U.S. dictatorship as part of the attempt to build a case for falsely discrediting the Iranian government. Continuing to pile one Big Lie upon another the U.S. has offered a $10 billion reward for “a Syrian (!?) al-Qaeda terrorist-financier” supposedly working with Iran. (BBC, December 22, 2011)

Simultaneously the U.S. announced that it had stepped up its economic warfare (“sanctions”) against Iran and also Venezuela (!) for delivering refined oil to Iran! (New York Times, May 25, 2011) These false charges are being used as part of the huge disinformation campaign to set the stage for the possible bombing of Iran using either its proxy “Israel,” most likely, or bombing Iran themselves. It is possible that the U.S. may have already bombed Iran in destroying the Bid Ganeh military base, thought by most to be the work of the “Israeli” Mossad. The U.S. Today is a complete outlaw state at war with most of the world and has been very successfully using bribes and threats in instituting economic sanctions and “No Fly Zones” such as in Iraq and Libya and wants to overthrow the governments of both Syria and Iran as part of their Regime Change Gambit throughout the Mideast and Gulf states. The truth is that Al Qaeda is a fundamentalist SUNNI Islamic sect and has repeatedly denounced Iran which is led by SHIITE Islam. Although Iran also supports SUNNI Hamas in Occupied Palestine, the much larger Hezbollah is an extremely popular SHIITE-led Social Service Movement in Lebanon and is supported by the overwhelming majority of the general Shiites, Sunnis and even some in the Christian population and many in all the 17 other religious sects of Lebanon and is composed of Lebanese—not Iranians. Hezbollah runs hospitals, schools and supports virtually all of the social services in southern Lebanon from construction to picking up the garbage and even paying the bills, including $10,000.00 paid to each of the 15,000 Lebanese families whose home or apartment was destroyed by the 2006 U.S./“Israeli” Invasion of Lebanon, which followed that U.S. declared attempt to bomb Lebanon “back to the Stone Age” using its “Israeli” proxies. Hezbollah also has a self-defense guerilla army, NOT a “terrorist army,” which is made up of Lebanese SHIITE civilians. Hezbollah prevents the U.S./“Israel” from controlling Lebanon! That is why the U.S. continues to try to discredit and destroy it and one of the main reasons it wants to overthrow the governments of Iran and Syria! The Oct 11th false U.S. claim of Iran “plotting to assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S.” was simply one more provocation to set stage for renewing and increasing economic sanctions, which are an act of WAR!

U.S./“Israel” Wages Overt Military, Economic and False Propaganda
“WMD” War Against Iran— It’s Just Like IRAQ—déjà vu All Over Again!
The Russian Federation and China Have Refused to Support U.S. Sanctions
Against Iran For Patently False Re-circulated Nuclear Weapon (WMD) Claims!

The Russian Federation and China both refused to support the patently false re-circulated 2009 “report” accusing Iran of developing an “implosion warhead” for use on the Shahab-3 Missile. The report was first issued in 2009 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and was immediately refuted by Mohamed ElBaradei the IAEA Director General (!) on the eve of his retirement. ElBaradei “call(ed) the threat from Iran ‘hyped’ and said there was no evidence that the Islamic republic will soon have nuclear weapons.” (The Australian, September 2, 2009). But since his retirement in November 2009 the IAEA, which had been infiltrated at that point hence the report, has now been totally taken over and turned into a false propaganda weapon of the U.S. According to the New York Times, November 9, 2011, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told Interfax news agency: “The World community will see all additional sanctions against Iran as an instrument for regime change in Tehran. This approach is unacceptable to us, and the Russian side does not intend to consider such a proposal." The Russian Foreign Ministry later issued another statement characterizing the report as “a compilation of well-known facts that have intentionally been given political intonation," stating further that the authors of the (totally concocted) WMD report “resort to assumptions and suspicions, and juggle information with the purpose of creating the impression that the Iranian nuclear program has a military component.” Russian lawmaker Igor Barinov of United Russia compared the U.S.-dominated world media-hyped IAEA “report” submitted by its new “director” (U.S. puppet/goon) Yukiya Amano, “who oversaw (its) production and content, …to the (proved deliberately fraudulent) intelligence reports promulgated by the Bush administration in the prelude to the 2003 Iraq invasion, which asserted that” Iraq was developing “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” The Russian Federation, correctly interpreted the re-issued false report as signaling a possibly imminent full-scale bombing attack on Iran by the U.S./“Israel” and “warned” against such an attack, saying it would be “a catastrophe” (duh!)! But Russia appeared to object at that time for all the wrong reasons, stating that it would: “increase Sunni-Shiite division” and a cause a “chain reaction.” (BBC, January 18, 2012) But Sunni-Shiite division is a chief U.S. Divide and Conquer OBJECTIVE throughout the Mideast and bombing Iran would NOT cause such division OR a “chain reaction” although it could unite the entire Mideast more solidly against the U.S./“Israel.”

The New York Times claimed that the Russian position on the (phony) re-circulated IAEA report “signaled the Kremlin departure from the ‘cooperation on Iran’ that was a hallmark of the ‘reset’ in relations with the United States.” (Emphasis added. Did they mean Libya?) Meaning that the Russian position indicated that they would NOT continue to provide a rubber stamp in the UN Security Council as they had previously with their UN Security Council “abstention,” which gave the Green Light to the U.S. to invade Libya with a “No-Fly Zone.” (Note that the U.S. was at no point operating in good faith regarding a “reset” in its relations with the Russian Federation. Even the little RED reset button gift that Fascist Hillary Clinton gave Sergei Lavrov on March 7, 2009 had “OVERCHARGE” written on the button—not “reset.” But there was no “translation error,” but simply one more U.S. provocation indicating that the U.S. intended to move forward in aggression not in peace!) As mentioned Russia’s GREEN LIGHT ABSTENTION in the U.N. Libya vote was simply a criminal Quid Pro Quo to be finally admitted to the World Trade Organization, which occurred on December 17, 2011 (BBC) in exchange for handing over Libyan oil to the United States! China, one of Iran’s main trading partners also does not support more sanctions against Iran and also refused to limit oil imports from Iran! Robert Kelly, nuclear scientist and a former director and inspector for the IAEA, stated: "(The phony re-circulated IAEA report) is certainly old news; it's really quite stunning how little new information is in there." (Christian Science Monitor, Nov. 9, 2011) The U.S. goal is to try to provide a pretext for its proxy, so-called “Israel” to bomb Iran first and foremost in order to: 1.) Discourage Iran from providing military support to Syria if the U.S. persists in its “Facebook”-Assisted Invasion by Proxy and 2.) Try for a Regime Change in Iran and STEAL IRAN’S OIL, the same as with Iraq and Libya, which is much less likely, and then only in that case to 3.) Eliminate the Hamas and Hezbollah-led revolutionary national liberation struggles! On November 2, 2011 Israel test-fired a missile said to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and reaching Iranian territory! (New York Times, November 3, 2011) The bottom line is that the U.S. false propaganda campaign deliberately ignores the Combined December 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that Iran had ended its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and the fact that Iran has NOT enriched ANY of its uranium to bomb-grade level a fact which the U.S. dictatorship has itself previously been forced to report by its OWN intelligence community! (Quotations all courtesy of New York Times, November 9, 2011.) Parentheses added. More recent attempts to reverse the NIE on Iran are being carried out for the political objective of providing a false pretext to bomb Iran!

Simultaneously the U.S. evidently authorized its Proxy—“Israel”/Mossad to blow up the Bid Ganeh military base in Iran killing 17 Revolutionary Guard soldiers, including the simultaneous targeted assassination of General Hassas Tehrani Moghaddam, the founder of Iran’s missile program—NOT BALLISTIC MISSILE PROGRAM!! (New York Times, November 12, 2011) Iran decided NOT to formally accuse the U.S./“Israeli” Axis of the obvious sabotage and assassination because Iran does not want to fall double victim to the provocation designed to ratchet up to an OPEN SHOOTING WAR—which it already has become! Iran has previously stated that if the U.S./“Israel” bombs Iran Tel Aviv can be precisely targeted with large conventional bombs as well. (New York Times, November 14, 2011) On January 10, 2012 the U.S./“Israel” escalated the war against Iran by assassinating yet another nuclear scientist and university lecturer, Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshana with a magnetic car bomb planted by 2 motorcyclists and then contemptuously denied all responsibility! In October 2010 the U.S./“Israel” bombed another Revolutionary Guards military base in Lorestan killing 18 people. A day after the sabotage (or air strike!) of the Bid Ganeh base, on November 13, 2011, 2 U.S./“Israel” agents on a motorcycle assassinated Darioush Rezaei, a nuclear scientist and also lecturer in Tehran. In November 2010 the U.S./“Israel” assassinated another nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari and just missed killing Professor Fereidoun Abbasi, a nuclear laser expert, wounding him. Earlier in 2010 the U.S./“Israel” assassinated Professor Massoud Ali Mohammadi, another nuclear scientist with a bomb attached to his car. In addition, the U.S. takes all sort of covert and overt credit for designing the Stuxnet, Stars Malware and Flame computer viruses and worms, which they managed to upload into Iran’s nuclear enrichment program setting back the program several months. (BBC, November 15, 2011) And on November 14, 2011, BBC proudly announced that the imperialists had then uploaded the Duqu Trojan Malware indubitably specially designed by the National Security Agency, onto Iran’s computer system. Duqu and Flame are described as keylogging programs like the Stars Malware, which is designed to steal data to help launch further cyber attacks and have been used by the U.S. against 8 countries to date! (Gosh, everything is just coming up roses!) All of the above assassinations, bombings and other criminal acts were carried out as PROVOCATIONS merely, having NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH REALITY in order to try to generate the false belief and false justification that such assassinations, etc. were supposedly BECAUSE Iran and they personally were supposedly involved with nuclear weapons work! This is just another hard-sell version of their false “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Big Lie propaganda being used as a pretext for Regime Change in order to try to undermine HEZBOLLAH in Lebanon and HAMAS in Occupied Palestine, and to simultaneously undermine Syria, which also supports these 2 anti-U.S. and anti-“Israel” national liberation groups. The U.S./“Israel” continues to step up its provocations, its false propaganda and Internet War to misshape world opinion and on and around February 14, 2012 carried out totally fake “assassination attempts” of Israeli diplomats in Delhi, Tbilisi and even Azerbaijan (!?) in the standard U.S./“Israeli” modus operandi using magnetic bomb slapped to targeted car by motorcycle assassin with the “target” as part of the staged scenario! These latter provocations, followed by false accusations and “indignation,” were staged in order to provide more of a pretext for U.S. Proxy “Israel” to bomb Iran.

The U.S., U.K and E.U. Have Declared War on Iran with Economic Sanctions Against
The Central Bank of Iran, Combined with a European Union Ban on Imports of Iranian
Crude Oil under Pretext of Transparently Fabricated U.N. (IAEA) Nuclear Accusations!

In order to wage direct economic war against the Iranian people supposedly in order to try to create economic dissatisfaction with the Ahmadinejad regime and to undermine the overall Iranian economy the Obama Regime on January 1, 2012 imposed economic sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran. The UK and Canada also sanctioned Iran’s Central Bank with all UK and Canadian credit and financial institutions being forced to cease all transactions with that bank or any other bank in Iran! These sanctions have nothing whatsoever to do with any Iranian “nuclear program,” which is only a pretext for reasons explained above. On January 30, 2012 the entire EU is supposed to agree to an embargo of all oil or petrol from Iran even if it drives up oil prices astronomically in the EU, where the capitalists are already waging economic war against their own people with harsh austerity programs in order to reduce their own populations with applied Social Darwinism, while blaming their targeted victims. (See below.) This move by the EU will kill two birds with one stone—simultaneously economic wage war against Iran and their own people! This is End-Stage Capitalism.

The U.S. Ordered its Imperialist Stooge “Arab League” to Suspend Syrian
Membership and Impose Economic Sanctions, and Ordered its Imperialist Puppets
Jordan and Turkey to Hypocritically Denounce Syria and also Impose Sanctions!
The U.S. then Directed its Syrian Gang-Banger “Rebel Army” to Attack Syrian Bases
While the Russian Federation Weakly Condemned Arab League Suspension of Syria!

In response to failure to obtain increased U.N. sanctions against Syria the U.S. ordered its imperialist puppets, the so-called “Arab League” to suspend Syrian membership (November 11, 2011, Washington Post) and days later to impose economic sanctions. Then it ordered its slimy obsequious puppet “King Abdullah” of Jordan and its Turkey-puppet Erdogan both to demand that Bashar al-Assad resign and denounce Syria EXACTLY as had been done with Libya in early 2011 and had Turkey impose sanctions and threaten military invasion! They both hypocritically called for “urgent action” to overthrow Assad with a “FOREIGN INTERVENTION”-backed
coup d’etat, while vehemently denying it. A day later the U.S.-backed and armed gang-bangers, the self-styled “Free “Syrian Army” fired rockets and machine guns at an air force intelligence complex in the Damascus suburb of Harasta.”(“Voice of America,” November 16, 2011) Syria responded to the U.S.-ordered Arab League suspension by organizing yet another million-strong demonstration in support of the Assad government, a government which has blocked all previous coup d’etat attempts since 1980 and all U.S., French and British efforts at Divide and Conquer Strategy in Syria! (BBC, November 13, 2011),

From the beginning U.S. plans for Syria called for setting the various religious sects against one another as well as one religion against another, which the U.S. proxies in Syria are now actually organizing, while blaming it on Assad (!), as was done in Iraq, etc. in order to deflect focus away from the U.S. Invader and its Syrian proxies. The Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned Syria’s suspension from the Arab League, stating that it looked “pre-planned,” meaning a conspiracy. Duh! (New York Times, November 13, 2011) “Conspiracy” is simply another word for “Planning.” Meanwhile Bashar al-Assad pursued the precise same clumsy course of action as previously where he had refused to arrest, formally try and expel the U.S. and French ambassadors/agent provocateurs/death squad oranizers, as explained above, while allowing France to call Syria’s Ambassador on the carpet in Paris! (See above.) These U.S./French “ambassadors”/agent provocateurs defined themselves by their crimes and lost ALL right to diplomatic immunity prior to November 16, 2011 when the French officially broke diplomatic relations with Syria and withdrew their ambassador! Bashar al-Assad foolishly allowed himself to be put on the defensive repeatedly, when he could have taken the offensive and arrested, tried and expelled both the U.S. and French Ambassadors and had Syria break off relations with those criminal, outlaw states. Syria appears not to have a single person in its government who knows the proper way to deal with the United States attempted regime change/coup d’etat and was obviously following Russian Federation instructions all along, and jars inappropriately with the March 20, 2012 Russian partially harsh criticism of Syria!

Despite overwhelming domestic popular opposition in ALL Arab countries to the economic sanctions against Syria, suspension from its membership and the revelation that it is simply a tool and puppet of U.S-led imperialism, the so-called “Arab League” has officially imposed but not yet implemented those harsh economic sanctions. On December 20th Assad allowed into Syria an Arab League observer team composed of 88 observers convinced that it would be easy to demonstrate the fact that the so-called “protesters” (U.S. “Facebook”-organized and armed gang-bangers) who Bashar al-Assad opportunistically called “foreign-based terrorists,” would be easy to demonstrate. But the U.S. was laughing out loud and reported that they had given instructions to all those involved in this most recent armed attempted minority overthrow of the majority backed Syrian government to hide their weapons and hold demonstrations by dancing, singing and laughter. (New York Times, December 20, 2011) The capitalists hoped the Arab League Observer Team would go along with it and report “peaceful protests NOT warranting the armed crackdown” in self-defense by the Syrian government. But that dancing/laughing plan was not followed and the U.S.-backed “Free Syrian Army” kept firing on the Syrian government forces which mostly withdrew at least temporarily from the areas of proxy invasion so there was no genuine ‘violence” originating from the Syrian government to report! But the U.S.-dominated world media just continued to report: “the violence is continuing!” “Due to armed provocations” (!) was omitted from the reports. That same day the so-called 6-member “Gulf Coordination Council (GCC),” a puppet U.S. INVENTION from 1981 designed to further U.S. policies and maximize religious and ethnic division in the Middle East and Gulf States, did the bidding of the U.S. and threatened both Iran and Syria (!), falsely accusing Syria; 1.) of harboring “weapons of mass destruction (WMD!!! tooooo much!),” and 2.) to stop “interfering in the internal affairs” of Gulf States (Whaa?) and threatened Syria to either allow the overthrow of their majority supported government by the U.S.-organized and armed minority gang-bangers “activists” or risk possible invasion by the combined forces of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates! (AFP, Dec 20, 2011) Saudi Arabia and Turkey, that great bastion of “freedom,” which prosecutes journalists who even mention Turkey’s Genocide of 1 to 1.5 million Armenians from 1915 to 1923, also threatened individually to invade! On January 14, 2012 the sniveling Sheik Hamad bin Khanlifa Al Thani of Qatar called for Invasion of Syria! Then the U.S.-puppet Arab League opposed by the overwhelming majority of Middle Eastern Arabs, arbitrarily announced that in 2 months Syria was to form a “national unity government” with the U.S./NATO directed and armed gang-bangers! (BBC, January 22, 2012) ABSURD ultimatums! Buckets for throwing up are to be found in the back of theatre!

Just like Bush, Obama Supports the CONTINUING U.S./Israel War on Gaza
Which is Carried Out to try to Weaken Hamas and Force a Fraudulent 2-State
“Solution”—so-called “Peace Process”—Down the Throats of the Palestinians who
Are To Live in a “Bantustan State Prison” Behind the Apartheid/Prison Wall!

On December 27, 2008 when the U.S. authorized and directed its Proxy Israel to begin the War Against Gaza starting with a relentless bombing campaign, which was followed by a ground invasion on January 3, 2009, which killed over 1300 Palestinians and wounded over 6,000 Palestinians, made more than 20,000 homeless, destroyed over 40,000 houses and caused at least $2 billion worth of damage in trying to bomb GAZA back to the Stone Age, and which was followed by a ground invasion on January 3, 2009, Obama said nothing except that he was supposedly “monitoring the situation.” The U.S. proxy, so-called “Israel,” openly used white phosphorus against civilians and Gaza and enhanced their atrocities with delayed action anti-personnel bombs designed to look like harmless toys to entice children to pick them up and die. These are the “cluster bombs,” manufactured in the United States (!), and also used in the 2006 U.S./“Israel” bombing and invasion of Lebanon. The United States ordered its Israeli proxy state to attack Gaza prior to Obama actually taking office in order to try to change the facts on the ground by weakening and undermining support for Hamas which won the election in GAZA with 72% of the vote and is now supported more strongly than ever! When Fatah, which supports Israel and the U.S. and is in fact also their proxy, tried to take over militarily in 2006 Hamas easily routed Fatah because they were traitors who were already well known to work with the U.S./“Israel” against Palestinian interests. Fatah also helped murder Yassar Arafat, once their front man, when he ran out of credibility. Fatah has virtually no popular support and was driven out of Gaza. The U.S. authorized its proxy so-called “Israel” to keep bombing the tunnels where virtually all supplies come through from Egypt, which ALSO has carried out a campaign against the tunnels up until the recent U.S. regime change in Egypt when it was temporarily suspended! See: Materialist Analysis of the Middle East.

The so-called “Palestinian Authority” is controlled by Fatah, despite the fact that Fatah had won only about 28% of the popular vote in the 2006 election! The West Bank is controlled entirely by the U.S. through its proxy state of “Israel.” The capitalist dictatorship believes that it can enforce a ridiculous “2-state solution” on the Palestinian people! Obama thought he could send George Mitchell, who refused to meet with the group which won 72% of the Palestinian vote, and impose “peace” with a “2-state solution!” They think that the Palestinians will be more likely to agree to live behind the Apartheid/Prison Wall, which is more than 5 times as long and over twice as high as the Berlin Wall! (See below) To accept such a “peace” would be ridiculous! It would be like telling the inmates at Leavenworth Penitentiary that they are now all citizens of the “free and independent state of Leavenworth...Penitentiary!” On May 30, 2012 “Israel” threatened to unilaterally impose its own borders of such a Palestinian Prison State and may actually implement it! As a demonstration that the “peace process” is just a fraud and a sham deception and fully supported by the USA dictatorship with its war machine and its $billions “Israel” ordered construction of 300 new homes to be built in the West Bank Settlement of Beit El. (BBC, June 6, 2012) The only serious answer is to support a single SECULAR State of Palestine! This requires the abolition of “Israel” and Zionist rule but does not permit any anti-Semitism or any anti-Islamism! This goal can ONLY be achieved by first carrying out a Socialist Revolution in the United States as explained below. The heavily media-hyped call for full membership of a Palestinian state or even the more realistic “nonmember observer state” status by U.S./“Israeli” puppet Mahmoud Abbas at the 2011 General Assembly Meeting, the latter of which was then granted on November 29, 2012, was done: to try to boost support for Abbas among the overwhelming majority of Palestinians who have supported Hamas, to try to falsely legitimize the ridiculously fraudulent “Two-State Solution” and to try to reunite the sellout Hamas misleadership Mashal and Haniya, see above, with Fatah and thereby regenerate credibility of the “Palestinian Authority.” Approval of 1,600 new settler homes in Gilo, Jerusalem on Sept 27, 2011 and approval of 3000 new sttler homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem on November 30th revealed the Palestinians’ new status as just a sham! Note also that the October 11, 2011 Prisoner Exchange of 1,027 Hamas prisoners for one “Israeli” soldier, Gilad Shalit, was a victory for Hamas, not Fatah or Abbas, but will do absolutely nothing for “peace” in the Middle East. The U.S./“Israel” continues the naval blockade of GAZA in full force. So much for the phony “Quartet peace process,” while the U.S. uses its “Facebook” weapon to wage war against both Syria and Iran primarily because they support Hezbollah and the Palestinian National Liberation Movement! The virtual daily U.S./“Israeli” air bombardment of GAZA intensified for an “8-Day War” following the Palestinian retaliation for the assassination of Jabari (see above).

The Only Basis for Genuine Peace in the Middle East Requires
As its Precondition: Socialist Revolution in the United States!

In the Middle East Newspeak style Big Lies also form the basis of ALL U.S. policy and “diplomacy,” where in Zionist Invaded/Occupied Palestine (so-called “Israel”), the U.S. falsifiers absurdly claim that a “pause” or even a “freeze” in settlement building could serve as a legitimate basis for a peace agreement between the U.S. Proxy “Israel” and the Palestinians. (!) It is not! In addition, the Egyptian military tried to legitimize U.S./“Israel” stooge Fatah and coax and/or force Hamas to “unite” with Fatah and accept the fraudulent, ridiculous “Two-State Solution” and so-called “Peace Process,” falsely telling Hamas that the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad is about to be overthrown. (It’s NOT happening and is not going to happen if IRAN will elect to HONOR its 2005 Mutual Defense Pact with Syria!) Hamas won the 2006 election with 72% of the vote with a 80% turnout in Gaza (the Zionists and Fatah stopped the election in the West Bank immediately after learning the result in GAZA!) The U.S. puppet, Fatah has NO AUTHORITY AND NO CREDIBILITY! Muhammed Abbas and others in Fatah directly assisted the U.S./“Israel” in poisoning Yasser Arafat in 2004, causing him to die finally in Paris of an isolated thrombocytopenia, a cause of death which can ONLY be produced by poison. So said his physicians in Ramallah and some of the house staff in the Paris hospital. (See: Materialist Analysis of the Mideast and Occupied Palestine.) This is known throughout the Middle East!


The truth is that the only possible basis for any sort of genuine Mideast peace agreement at the present time would require that the Zionists exit the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem and LEAVE ALL the settlements in place for exclusive use by the Palestinians and entirely dismantle the Apartheid Prison Wall, which is over five (5.1046 actually) times as long and over twice as high as the Berlin Wall. (The Berlin Wall was 13.12 feet high and 96 miles long.) The Israeli Apartheid Wall is 28 ft. high (30 feet high according to “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” by James Earl Carter). As of December 28, 2008 it was 490 miles long and counting, with 95-315 ft. of buffer zone with electric fence, trenches, cameras and security patrols, which according to the then Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, of the new so-called “centrist” Kadima Party, would form the basis of the PERMANENT boundary between “Israel” and a proposed Palestinian State (Prison)! The Israeli Apartheid Prison Wall is built entirely within Palestinian territory and is projected to be at least three and a half times as long as “Israel’s” presently recognized border (!) and includes 375,000 Palestinians (and counting) on the “Israeli” side of the wall, 175,000 of whom are outside Jerusalem. The Apartheid Prison Wall is designed to incorporate large tracts of valuable Palestinian land and resources into so-called “Israel” in huge West Bank settlements, while leaving the Palestinians with a few nonviable disconnected Bantustans (not Cantons!) as in South Africa—not Switzerland, which the US and Israel and the Russian Federation ridiculously try to call “a future state for the Palestinians!” Oy!

When the Zionists signed the agreement with Egypt in 1979 they vacated ALL settlements in the Sinai, which were then demolished, which was a really bad idea. But the U.S. and its so-called “Israel” proxy have no such intentions of even vacating the settlements much less turning them over to the Palestinians, so everything is done to string people along, while steadily waging a WAR OF EXTERMINATION against the Palestinians. The only real solution for the Middle East is one secular State of Palestine, which has as its precondition Socialist Revolution in the United States! Granting Palestine “nonmember observer state” status at the 2012 General Assembly Meeting was also part of the attempt to keep stringing people along. To “Keep Hope Alive,” meaning hope in the non-solutions of End-Stage Capitalism, such as the “2-State Solution.” Because of growing worldwide awareness of the prison-like situation in the West Bank “a United Nations Human Rights Inquiry has called on (“Israel”) to remove all Jewish settlers from the Wet Bank and cease all settlement activities without preconditions, adding that Israel must immediately begin to withdraw all settlers from the occupied territories (OPT), stating that the settlements violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and are an attempt to drive out Palestinians through intimidation.” But the inquiry said NOTHING about the Apartheid Prison Wall, which must be removed in its entirety! (RT, January 31, 2013) The UN report itself was otherwise unreported in the regular media.

Despite the Fact that the United States is Behind the Regime Change
Gambit, Communists Must Give support to ALL Oppressed Peoples

Despite the fact that the goal of those involved in organizing the Regime Change Gambit is not Socialism, just the opposite, it is still important to support the struggle against what in many cases is autocratic rule by a previously U.S.-backed strongman and now against the new strongmen such as Mohamed Morsi, etc. despite the fact that the end result sought by the misled majority of protesters is only to substitute sham rigged capitalist “elections” in order to impose a new Moslem Brotherhood dictatorship in order to impose PERMANENT DIVISION and CHAOS in these “Arab Spring” countries in order that the USA-led World Capitalist dictatorship can exploit and manipulate them and their natural resources. In such a climate organized and dictated by the USA the capitalists hope that the political climate will never loosen up enough so that it eventually becomes possible to actually organize a genuine (Marxist, Engelsist, Leninist) Communist Party in those Islamic countries. If that nevertheless does occur through a rank and file mutiny in the armed forces of some of those countries then this would be possible, but the truth is that by late 2012 that possibility was no longer likely. Therefore, it should be understood that the so-called “Arab Spring” was entirely a USA creation designed to more easily control the Middle East and cannot be supported by progressive people. This is more clear proof that the responsibility to create a new system based on human need not private profit rests with the people in the United States. It is our responsibility not the responsibility of some other countries. After a Socialist Revolution is carried out in the United States, the center of world capitalism, that still leaves the rest of the world to deal with. The Socialist Revolution will triumph simultaneously in all developed countries but not so easily in backward theocratic autocracies, for example. That means that Communists and all progressive forces must always explain that Socialism is that new system based on human need not private profit and that Socialism is the best political-economic-social system for all religions, because it does not oppose any particular religion and does NOT deliberately play one religion against another as done very brazenly by the USA! That is why Lenin always recommended giving support to ALL oppressed peoples. The citizens of Syria and Iran are not oppressed peoples! The people of Libya and Egypt for, example, now are! The new U.S. puppet minority supported government of Libya has implemented Sharia Law in order to try to intimidate the masses and generate maximum divide and conquer. Iran is a special case and although it does have politically inept and provocateurish, politically naïve leadership Iran must be defended because it supports oppressed peoples. Other Mideast and Gulf States, where the U.S. has organized Proxy Invasions/Coup D’etats and bombings on a daily basis with drones operated by the CIA in Langley, Virginia and elsewhere must be defended.

Obama Tried to Compare Libya to Yugoslavia! So Yes, Let
Us Briefly Examine What the United States Did to Yugoslavia!

Obama brazenly telegraphed U.S/NATO intentions in Libya by comparing Libya to Yugoslavia (!), where the U.S. ever since the end of WWII had fanned the flames of national and ethnic divisions through so-called “Radio Free Europe” and VOA, in a country where everyone got along peacefully and well under Marshall Tito, intermarrying and living together, despite a continuous false U.S. propaganda barrage from the moment Tito took power. Tito died in 1980. So in 1992, after the 1988 Soviet surrender to the threat of a nuclear war (see below) and after the USSR had already given the U.S. the green light to invade Kuwait and Iraq in 1991, Russia also gave the green light to the U.S. and NATO to use the Strategy of Divide and Conquer with Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia the U.S. deliberately played national groups and ethnic/religious groups off against one another, divisions which the USA had kept alive for decades with VOA and so-called “Radio Liberty.” By using highly radioactive DEPLETED URANIUM in U.S. munitions in the Bosnian War as they had in the 1991 Persian Gulf Slaughter, the USA made large sections of former Yugoslavia radioactive even today! The U.S. has done the same in Iraq causing an astronomical cancer rate there and has also made Iraq uninhabitable!

U.S. Divide and Conquer and Atrocities in Yugoslavia

Atrocities, such as the July 1995 Srebrenica Massacre, were used in order to provide a pretext for Fascist Croat and U.S.-backed ethnic cleansing of Serbs and Bosnian Muslims in Western Bosnia, which involved several hundred thousand Serbs from the Krajina area in Croatia and was almost entirely covered up by the capitalist media. That massive ethnic cleansing operation was carried out with U.S. approval and logistical support within a month of the Srebrenica events, and it involved the killing of more Serb civilians than Bosnian Muslim civilians killed in the Srebrenica area in July. Kosovo Albanians led by the Fascist KLA and backed by the U.S. intensified anti-Serb, anti-Montenegrin and anti-Macedonian riots, which began within a year after Tito’s death, provided a pretext for the Serbian call for a de-Albanianization of Kosovo and a revocation of Kosovo autonomy and caused a large migration of Serbs out of Kosovo in the mid-1980s. That in turn resulted in the KLA call for a “greater Albania” including all the Albanians living in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia. Those charged with the Srebrenica Massacre were former Communists/Serbian nationalists who received false promises from, and became paid proxies of (later cutout patsies of), the U.S., but who were discarded and later hypocritically denounced by the U.S. as “war criminals,” arrested and sent to the so-called “International Criminal Court (ICC)” in The Hague. Some high profile cases were later poisoned outright in their jail cells AFTER they had ENTIRELY WON their case in court, e.g. Slobodan Milosevic (BBC TV) in March 2006. Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, the latest previously manipulated U.S. patsy cutouts extradited to The Hague to face the same false blame-the-victim charges as Milosevic and possibly the same sort of fate especially if they win their cases or expose and embarrass the U.S. as the prime mover in the dismembering of Yugoslavia. The U.S. has instructed its stooge ICC NOT to give Karadzic the time he needs to prepare his case and has instructed its media to downplay this trial as much as possible. Ratko Mladic is sick but still feisty and declared he did not recognize the ICC, but unfortunately it looks like he too will be easily led to the slaughter. Note that the U.S., which was behind EVERYTHING in the Bosnian War, has declared that IT is IMMUNE from any and all actions and findings of the ICC! Although the present opportunized comprador Serbian government made a pro forma protest against the U.S.-instigated “independence” of Kosovo, Serbia is now a virtual U.S. puppet/proxy state which was installed after the final U.S. division of Yugoslavia.

Kosovo Today is Nothing but a U.S. Military Base and Crime Center:
The Final Division of the Yugoslavian Workers State

The capitalists’ divide and conquer efforts also included on May 22, 2006 the division of Montenegro from Serbia thereby waging economic war against the Serbian people and permanently cutting it off from the sea! The U.S. had already installed a puppet government in place in Serbia to facilitate this divide and conquer of Yugoslavia and also granted “independence” to Kosovo, which is an integral part of Serbia. The U.S. puppet government in Serbia only went through the motions of “protest” when the United States and NATO countries granted Kosovo “independence.” Kosovo has another name: Camp Bondsteel, the largest U.S. military base built in Europe in a generation. Kosovo is a U.S./NATO puppet and is run by an appointed High Representative and bodies appointed by the U.S., European Union and NATO. An old-style colonial viceroy and imperialist administrators have control over all aspects of foreign and domestic policy. The U.S. has merely consolidated its direct control of a totally dependent colony in the heart of the Balkans. The “independence” of Kosovo is in direct violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, which the leaders of Yugoslavia were forced to sign to end the 78 days of NATO bombing of their country in 1999.

Even this imposed agreement affirmed the “commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of Serbia, a republic of Yugoslavia. U.S. imperialist domination does not benefit the occupied and subjugated people. Kosovo after nine years of direct NATO military occupation had a staggering 60 percent unemployment rate. It has become a center of the international drug trade and of prostitution rings in Europe. The once humming mines, mills, smelters, refining centers and railroads of this small resource-rich industrial area all sit silent. The resources of Kosovo under NATO occupation were forcibly privatized and sold to giant Western multinational corporations. Cheney’s Halliburton, of course, got the contract to build Camp Bondsteel in the first place. Now almost the only employment in Kosovo is working for the U.S./NATO army of occupation or U.N. agencies. The U.S. base guards the strategic oil and transportation lines of the entire region. Over 250,000 Serbian, Romani and other nationalities have been driven out of this Serbian province since it came under U.S./NATO control. Almost a quarter of even the Albanian population (!) has been forced to leave in order to find work. On Russia Today TV, the lawyer for Radovan Karadzic, Svetozar Vujacic, stated that Karadzic believed that it was just a matter of time before he (Karadzic) was poisoned, as was Milosevic, or otherwise murdered on orders of the U.S. and NATO. Vujacic also confirmed that the “Civil War in Herzegovina was provoked by Germany, England, the Vatican and the United States.”

The 1983 Korean Airliner Provocation was Designed
To Set the Stage for the 1988 Soviet Surrender!
An Altitude Bomb Was Placed on Board the
1983 Korean Airliner Shot Down By The USSR!

The U.S. has a well-known and long history of engaging in provocations designed to blow up airliners (see above), including the Korean Airliner Provocation on September 1, 1983. The Soviet pilot Gennadi Osipovich, who finally shot the Korean airliner Flight 747 down after it had deviated greatly from its assigned flight path and continued to make evasive maneuvers up and down even after the fuselage had been depressurized by cannon fire, reported: “A LARGE SECONDARY EXPLOSION WHICH DESTROYED THE AIRCRAFT AS IT DESCENDED!” (!) That “large secondary explosion” was apparently an altitude bomb to make sure that the plane exploded when the Korean pilot finally tried to land the plane deep inside the USSR, following the instructions given to him by RICHARD NIXON, the disgraced murderer, who was flown in specially to the Anchorage Alaska stopover to speak to the Korean pilot. Personally! That plane was going to be destroyed period!! Nixon apparently assured the Korean pilot that the Soviets would DEFINITELY NOT (!) shoot the plane down, assuring the Korean pilot that HE, Richard Nixon, knew the Soviets better than any other living person (!) undoubtedly referring to his close relationship with former General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, and that the Soviets “would not risk the bad publicity which would damage international relations,” and that this “test of Soviet air defense capabilities” was nevertheless essential, even while instructing the pilot to do everything conceivable to provoke an actual shootdown, including instructing the pilot to keep ALL the window shades drawn and closed to conceal the actual passengers from the Soviet jet interceptor! The phony official story was that Nixon “almost took the flight!” So disingenuous! The MOTIVE for the Korean Airliner Provocation was primarily to DISCREDIT the German Communist Party-led opposition to placement of Pershing II First Strike Nuclear Missiles in Germany 10 minutes from Moscow, which completely changed the political equation to LAUNCH ON WARNING, a step up from MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). After this provocation those First Strike nuclear missiles were placed in Germany in late November 1983 and in 1988 Gorbachev, after internal maneuvering and “preparation” in the Soviet Union after taking state power in April 1985, surrendered to the United States in order to prevent a nuclear war, the inexorable outcome of a nuclear arms race, which was instigated by the United States, as part of the strategic FULL COURT PRESS against the USSR in the 1980s after the U.S. had given up on peaceful coexistence.

The Soviet Surrender also demonstrated Soviet recognition of the One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism. See below. There was NO “collapse of the USSR” whatsoever, economically or in any other way! There was the 1991 START nuclear weapons agreement and what amounted to a surrender agreement which both sides agreed to. There were also several quid pro quos, which included ending the official rule by the Communist Party in the USSR in 1991 through a STING/”coup d’etat” carried out by Mikhail Gorbachev. See below. In exchange the U.S. engineered the freeing of Nelson Mandela of the ANC in South Africa where the U.S. abandoned support for that regime, which also ended its nuclear program. Gorbachev also gave the green light to the brazen assassination of the charismatic and hugely popular Cris Hani, the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party in April 1993 so that the South African Communist Party would not follow Nelson Mandela and the capitalist ANC! Gorbachev himself also had assassinated a veritable laundry list of Soviet diplomats and “bad memories” for the U.S. capitalist dictatorship including Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in July 1989, Kim Philby in May 1988, a Soviet Agent who had led the Russian division of British Intelligence (!) for 19 years (!) and “Gorby” agreed to the assassination of NAZI Rudolph Hess in Spandau Prison by the U.S in August 1987, to name just a few key personnel. These events were followed by a long and painful dismantlement of the Soviet Worker’s State during the 1990’s. The CIA, which at that time did not want to be known as a false propaganda source because it would decrease morale, came on network TV news in 1991 and stated that they “had no evidence that the USSR was headed for an economic collapse.” The reason that they “had no evidence” was because there was no economic collapse of the USSR! That is the Big Lie False Propaganda anti-Communist Media Campaign designed to demoralize the masses who did not understand what actually happened in the USSR with Mikhail Gorbachevl!

There was No “Collapse” of the Soviet Union!
Gorbachev’s 1988 Soviet Surrender Was Based on
Lenin’s Strategy of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk!

The capitalist dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires constantly repeats the Big Lie every day that the Soviet Union “collapsed.” That is a very Big Lie! Gorbachev actually surrendered to the threat of a nuclear war created by the United States. In carrying out his 1988 surrender to the threat of a nuclear war Gorbachev was following the Strategy of Brest Litovsk, where Lenin was forced to sign an onerous peace agreement with the German Kaiser in order to gain time with the understanding that all the Russian land that the early Soviet Union was forced to give up would be later regained. That was indeed the case and the Soviets later recovered all of the land which they had given up to the Germans. Gorbachev was completely correct in believing that the inexorable outcome of a nuclear arms race was nuclear war and that the situation at that time left no other choice at the time but to surrender. Gorbachev also knew and calculated that by the Soviet Union leaving the field in the so-called “Cold War” that the dynamic of capitalism would continue unchecked thus exacerbating and accelerating the contradictions of capitalism-imperialism. This has indeed occurred but because there is NO ORGANIZED COMMUNIST OPPOSITION this has resulted in the United States Capitalist Dictatorship waging war against the entire world including its own people, innocent civilians. Rather than making these contradictions stand out in even bolder relief and bringing capitalism closer to the final scrap heap of human history, capitalism is on course to destroy all life on the entire planet Earth, by the Fossil Fuels Global Warming Runaway Greenouse Effect alone! The dynamic of capitalism has indeed been accelerated in spades! Today we are living in End Stage Capitalism, where the U.S. is waging war against one country after another, its own people, and where the U.S. is once again on the Russian doorstep. Gorbachev wanted to try to eliminate the nuclear threat. And he did so—but only for a time! Gorbachev did buy important time just like Lenin did. But was it enough time? Gorbachev also wanted to temporarily integrate the former USSR into the world capitalist economy making it much less likely to be a nuclear target of world capitalism. And he did so but only up to the point of Bush’s abandoning the 1972 ABM Treaty, on June 13, 2002, in U.S. preparation to continue its so-called “missile defense” in the Czech Republic and Poland on the border of the Russian Federation, which combined with the NATO presence now on the border of Russia, is nothing more than an attempt to force a Second Russian Surrender. (Romania has taken the place of the Czech Republic which opted out in June 2011!) But the 1988 Soviet Surrender to the Threat of a Nuclear War also created many more contradictions. The Russian Federation was made a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on December 17, 2011 in a straight Quid Pro Quo in exchange for turning over Libyan oil with its “No-Fly Zone” UN Vote. Libya had the highest standard of living in all Africa.

Today, the Russian Federation in a typically bizarre Stalinist opportunist fashion, sounding especially strange in light of the mounting above contradictions of capitalism in its End Stage, which do actually threaten the possibility of a nuclear war, continues to repeat the U.S. Big Lie, the fraudulent propaganda claim of “economic collapse of the USSR” in order to try to placate and guarantee peace with U.S.-led world imperialism, now that the Soviet Workers’ State has largely been dismantled. And even Russia Today TV, while still presenting the Russian response to world events, which correctly always seeks to avert confrontation, took the mildly polemical “In Context” by Peter Lavelle completely off the air and replaced it with the sickenly obsequious “Crosstalk,” discussions with outright Fascists, a gesture to placate the United States prior to any possible new arms agreements, which are a lost cause. Russia Today TV never loses an opportunity to repeat the Big Lie about the supposed “Soviet Collapse” in order to try to ingratiate Russia with the U.S. capitalist dictatorship. But now “Russia” finds how fast that “peace” has disappeared, with the U.S. breaking virtually all of the U.S.-Soviet Peace Treaties of the 1990’s starting with the cornerstone of the agreements with the Soviet Union, the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972, which Bush formally broke on June 13, 2002 (!) thus forcing the Russian Federation to withdraw from Start II, which banned the use of MIRV warheads on ICBMs. Meanwhile the impounding of ships bound to Abkhazia by the U.S./Georgia (!) is to be mostly ignored and forgiven in anticipation of possible nuclear arms agreements (?), while the U.S./NATO plan to try to force a Second Russian Surrender continues on track. See below! Forcing a Second Russian Surrender is the present strategic centerpiece of U.S. “statecraft” with the Russian Federation in order to try to take over all natural resources of Russia for U.S.-led capitalist exploitation.

NATO and U.S. ships now fill the Black Sea as a further provocation after the 2008 U.S./Georgian Invasion/Provocation of South Ossetia and the U.S. indubitably has also rearmed Georgia! The overwhelming election 2010 victory in the Ukraine by Viktor Yanukovich REVERSED the policies of U.S. stooges Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, who had petitioned to join NATO (!) and had demanded that the Russian fleet abandon its main Sevastopol base in the Crimea inhabited by 70% Russians!! But in another act of obsequious subservience the Russian Federation also opened its airspace to all U.S. military flights involved with the U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan and directed Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the president of Kyrgyzstan, to reverse his “permanent” decision forcing the U.S. to “leave (the Manas airbase) in 180 days” in exchange for increased rent, still only a pittance to the U.S. To placate the U.S. even further Russia then had Bakiyev overthrown in an April 2010 coup d’etat! The U.S. is also building air bases in Georgia, just like Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, which it plans to use against Iran and other central Asian and Mideastern countries. Simultaneously the U.S./Ukrainian Natural Gas Provocation of 2008-2009 was set in motion as a pathetic attempt to discredit the Russian Federation and increase support for U.S.-backed political parties in former Warsaw Treaty countries and also to decrease the profits of Gazprom and the Russian Federation. In addition, the U.S. tried to steal Russian natural gas by planning to divert Caspian natural gas supplies away from Russia with the Nabucco Pipeline, but is having no success there either because the Nord Stream Pipeline and the South Stream Pipeline, both designed by Putin himself (compare Bush or Obama!), make much more sense and eliminate the possibility of U.S.-instigated provocations in transit countries such as the Ukraine. Germany received its first Nord Stream gas in the autumn of 2011! Public opinion in Europe does not support US/NATO anti-Russian adventures regarding missiles shields or anything else. The false claim of “economic collapse of the Soviet Union” following Gorbachev was fabricated by the United States in order to try to demoralize the masses of the world, and the United States especially, against the only solution to the entire complex of problems created by world capitalism-imperialism. That solution is World Socialism! Which can only be achieved beginning with a Socialist Revolution in the United States, which itself can only be carried out by peacefully winning over popular support as occurred in the October Russian Revolution of 1917. Mikhail Gorbachev’s Op-Ed column in the New York Times, August 20, 2008, was the typical Stalinist (Not Communist!) opportunist, anti-Communist response, which did not explain the “clever” U.S. strategy of using Georgia as its Proxy to invade South Ossetia/Russia and U.S. strategy of continuous and relentless provocations, primarily in order to create ethnic division in the Caucuses, for example, and throughout Russia designed to last generations. Gorbachev did not even explain that Russia was forced to respond to the Georgian provocation.

Materialist Analysis of the 1988 Soviet
Surrender to the Threat of a Nuclear War

In his 1988 surrender to the United States Gorbachev, in his efforts to please the capitalists, carried out some rather heinous acts of murder of prominent Soviet statesmen, prominent Soviet representatives and assorted “stones in the shoe” of the capitalists. For example, Gorbachev undoubtedly had his own Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko assassinated in July 1989 because it would be inconceivable that Gromyko could espouse the surrender terms that Gorbachev had agreed to and very likely openly opposed them. Gromyko, was thus seen as a past and potential “troublemaker” in the planned Soviet surrender. A living Gromyko would be more respected than a live Gorbachev. The U.S. and the USSR had also previously agreed to the murder of NAZI Rudolph Hess in preparation for the rather long-planned Soviet Surrender. (Remember even before he took power on March 12, 1985 British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s December 1984’s highly publicized statement: “We can do business with Mr. Gorbachev!”) Hess was a totally frail 93 years old NAZI imprisoned in Spandau Prison in Germany and simply refused to die a natural death. Hess was a continuing symbol of the NAZIs and the need for a continuing Soviet presence in Eastern Europe and thus an obstacle to the planned Soviet surrender and the planned break-up and Soviet withdrawal from the countries which made up the Warsaw Treaty Organization. An extremely frail Hess, who needed help in tying his shoes by a male nurse, was very clumsily assassinated on August 17, 1987 by the Americans on the U.S. watch with USSR agreement, by wrapping an electric cord around his neck and choking him to death. The media trumpeted “suicide,” when he had never ever discussed or attempted “suicide” previously, despite media “Big Lie” claims to the contrary. And the prolific Hess left no suicide note and was moreover physically totally feeble and completely unable to choke himself to death according to testimony by relatives! See extensive coverage in the New York Times on and after August 17, 1987. In addition, Gorbachev in May 1988 also gave the order for the murder of Kim Philby who was the Soviet Agent who led the Russian division of British Intelligence (!) for 19 years (!) from 1944 and had escaped to the USSR in 1963 just in the nick of time. His existence was a total embarrassment to British so-called “Intelligence,” which was and is a total joke! In 1965 Kim Philby was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, one of the highest Soviet awards, and was made a General in the KGB. Philby was another “stone in the shoe” of the capitalists who had to be removed! With these people dead no one could ask THEIR opinions on the Gorbachev surrender. Because they were all dead! Several others who had defected to the USSR were also murdered to “clear the slate” for the coming Soviet Surrender.

Gorbachev’s own wife considered him to be a traitor and was estranged from him after Gorbachev carried out the final provocation(s) he used to discredit the Soviet leadership, many of whom were previously the respected and personal friends of both Gorbachevs, but who were not allied to him in his surrender to the United States and had to be eliminated. On August 4, 1991 with great fanfare the hugely unpopular Gorbachev took a vacation to the Crimea while behind the scenes encouraging the so-called “Gang of Eight,” some of whom accompanied him to the Crimea (!), to stage what was described later as a “coup,” but unknown to them Gorbachev cut all their lines of communication and chain of command. Gorbachev controlled the media completely, NOT the other way around as officially portrayed, thus setting this “Communist (Stalinist)” opposition up to be discredited and removed officially from all top government posts. Boris Yeltsin, an expert demagogue, was appointed beforehand by Gorbachev to move into the gap while Gorbachev was supposedly being “imprisoned in the Crimea.” Yeltsin was new and did not share Gorbachev’s mantle of unpopularity in the Soviet Union and the crowds were peppered with shills to scream his name, which the world capitalist media reported with glee. The media showed Yeltsin “heroically” denouncing the “coup” from the top of a tank. Gorbachev himself directed the so-called “Gang of Eight” to set up a plan of measures that supposedly could be taken in case a state of emergency!

Deputy USSR Defense Minister General Valentin Varennikov stated that Gorbachev himself had supported the coup and was behind all eight and had told the group: "Do what you think is needed, damn you" to restore order and declare a state of emergency. Gorbachev knew these individuals actually opposed his surrender plans and gave them the rope to hang themselves. The official name for the group was the State Committee on the State of Emergency (GKChP), and was headed by Vice President Gennadii Yanayev. Others included KGB head Vladimir Kryuchkov, Soviet Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov, Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov, the USSR Internal Affairs Minister, Boris Pugo, Deputy Chief of the USSR Defense Council, Oleg Baklanov, Vasily Starodubtsev, chairman of the USSR Peasant Union and Alexander Tizyakov, president of the Association of the State Enterprises and Conglomerates of Industry, Transport, and Communications. This group was almost immediately dismissed from their offices by Gorbachev after the coup began and Gorbachev returned to Moscow with some of those very members (!), with whom he had just “vacationed,” who were then all immediately arrested. (!) Pugo and his wife supposedly “committed suicide” but the reported circumstances at the time indicate that it was a clear case of murder. A highly publicized and staged attack on the Soviet Parliament, the so-called “White House,” which had to be put down militarily, was then carried out as yet another provocation to send the message of intimidation to the Communist Party members of Parliament and the masses (who hated Gorbachev and what was happening under his leadership), that the Soviet military supported the Gorbachev/Yeltsin leadership. Later Gorbachev resigned officially and the Soviet surrender was consolidated under Yeltsin who liquidated the USSR officially on December 8, 1991, when the USSR, Belarus and the Ukraine signed the Belovezh Agreement, dissolving the Soviet Union and establishing a Commonwealth of Independent States. Pretty quick work! No? In his August 20, 2008 New York Times Op-Ed Gorbachev also lied through omission by omitting the obvious long-range U.S. objectives of the U.S./Georgian Invasion/Provocation of South Ossetia. Putin and Medvedev to their credit eventually exposed these objectives although only secondarily and without appropriate focus and emphasis! Russia has used others wherever possible such as Alexandr Chachiya, for example. (See Materialist Analysis of the August 7, 2008 U.S./Georgian/Ukrainian Invasion of South Ossetia.) By honestly and precisely explaining these provocations Russia would be able to explain how the U.S. intends to manipulate public opinion. This way the public in all countries would be on guard not to allow itself to be so manipulated by the country which lied about “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq and conducts the false propaganda which accompanies the new type of capitalist/imperialist warfare: “Facebook”-Assisted Invasions by Proxy: “He’s killing his own people! We need economic sanctions! We need a No-Fly Zone! He’s an international criminal!” This should be a no-brainer but Stalinist opportunism blocks the mind. The key point regarding the USSR is that all Workers’ gains which were achieved by the 1917 Russian Revolution and which existed in the Soviet Union right up until its surrender to the threat of a nuclear war in 1988 must be defended; these include full employment, no homelessness, free education to the highest level and free medical and dental.

The 911 Attack was a U.S. Government-Assisted Provocation:

The 1988 Soviet surrender set the stage for the 1991 Persian Gulf slaughter, the 911 Trade Center Attack/Provocation orchestrated by the United States and the U.S invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and the present Regime Change Gambit, Attempted Coup D’Etats and Proxy Invasions of Libya, Syria, Yemen and Beyond. In the 2001 Trade Center Provocation the Bush Regime kept the U.S. military jet interceptors on the ground for over an hour in order to permit the Islamic Fundamentalists to fly their hijacked jets into the Trade Center and Pentagon in order to create a mass provocation and pretext to invade Central Asia and later, after a bait and switch using the fraudulent “weapons of mass destruction” propaganda as the pretext, to invade the main target—Iraq. Both the Clinton and the Bush Regimes allowed the 19 Islamic Fundamentalists to enter the United States, followed all of their movements by constant telephone, computer and email surveillance and made sure that those who were going to fly the planes received the higher education they needed at special flight schools to fly jumbo jets into the World Trade Center. When lower level FBI agents reported their suspicions to FBI headquarters in Washington in writing they were told to shut up and they were reassigned! This all appeared (was blipped) within the first 3 weeks in the New York Times after the Trade Center Attack. See for the timeline documenting how the interceptors were kept grounded (we do not support the political position of this site which supports “Israel”) and also see: (pages 51and pdf 63). The former is also a prime example of disinformation called information overload designed to mislead people into believing that they must know every single detail that happened and the precise minute that it occurred that day in order to understand what actually happened and WHY, which is actually very simple! It is an example of trying to get people not to see the forest for the trees! The latter website of the New American Century contains the Wolfowitz document entitled: “Rebuilding Americas Defenses,” a totally hair-brained scheme by third-rate intellects, which nevertheless is the present continuing game plan of the U.S. government and which is being carried out with virtually no deviation despite the fact that everything in it has been a fiasco from its inception. That game plan, which calls outright for projection of U.S. military power into Central Asia and the Mideast, the overthrow of the Peoples’ Republic of China, etc., was published in September 2000, one year before the 9/11 Attack, states on page 51: “Further, the process of transformation (the Fascist game plans of the Bush Regime—now Obama Regime), even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a New Pearl Harbor.” Incidentally, there were no “bombs in the Trade Center!” Single issue anti-Communist groups supposedly attacking “the official explanation” of the Trade Center attack such as 9/, etc. deliberately make the false and completely unsubstantiated claim that the Trade Center buildings came down because of planted “bombs” in all 7 Trade Center building (Or would you believe 2?) and that the attacks by the Islamic Fundamentalists in those huge planes filled to the brim with 90,000 liters of jet fuel and the totally flimsy design of the Trade Center Buildings and subsequent huge fires in all 7 buildings had nothing to do with it! What a joke! The bombs claim is known as straw man disinformation meant to 1.) Cover up the fact that the 911 Attack was a U.S. Government-Assisted Provocation, 2.) To discredit the true claim that the Bush (and Clinton!) regimes orchestrated the 911 Attack and 3.) Cover-up the UNDERLYING MECHANISM of the capitalists’ so-called “War on Terror”—A CONTINUOUS CYCLE OF PROVOCATION FOLLOWED BY RETALIATION—designed to generate the Mass Psychology of Crisis, where the Islamic Religion is systematically and deliberately attacked, provoked and manipulated on a continuing basis in order to illicit retaliation from Islamic Fundamentalists, which is then used in turn as the fraudulent pretext for the Final Stage of Capitalism—Permanent War and State Terrorism!

William H. Depperman, Coordinator
United Front Against Racism
And Capitalism-Imperialism
New York, N.Y. 10003
Revised February 9, 2013