Two films commemorating the life & work of Yindjibarnsi Elder Mr Ned Cheedy 1906-2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

While we mourn the passing of our great elder, Ned Mayaringbungu Cheedy, the Cheedy family and Yindjibarndi elders want the life and example of Mayaringbungu to be celebrated and remembered. From Mayaringbungu we learn about being straight with our country and our spirit offers something beautiful and strong to our young people.

Two videos celebrating Mayaringbungu¹s life and work have been produced by Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation of Roebourne.
Both these videos can be seen online at
The first and journeys through country featuring Mayaringbungu, drawn from the archives of Juluwarlu. This film opens a small window into the miracle of Ned¹s vast knowledge of Yindjibarndi history and culture hundred years of knowledge... which carries us into the wirdard [spirit, feelings, heart] of the old people. Like a treasure, he gifted to us the knowledge of our ancestors.

The second Yindjibarndi Jalurra (dance songs) and Ngurnda (dances) performed at Cheeditha Community by our men, women and children, after Mayaringbungu was honoured with the 2011 national NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award. Every time we perform Jalurra we renew the physical and spiritual connection of today¹s generation with our Yindjibarndi country and all previous generations.
Mayaringbungu was the greatest champion of, and remains the inspiration for the Yindjibarndi fight against the aggressive divide and conquer attack of iron ore miner, Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), which is destroying our ngurra for mining Aboriginal Traditional Owners whose country and heritage they obliterate.
They want cheap access to our land so they can fulfil their ³Vision & Values² of frugality, and their aim to be ³The lowest cost, most profitable iron ore producer.²

We will not be tricked or bullied into selling out our future. Mayaringbungu told us to defend our dignity against such greed, and that our nation will survive long after iron ore is finished.
Out of respect for Ned Cheedy and all our elders, the responsibility now falls on our generation to carry forward their wishes, example and dreams.

It is our sacred obligation to work hard to provide shelter and a sense of belonging to Yindjibarndi thrives!

Rest In Peace jujuS thank you for sharing your spirit and knowledge with us.

Yindjibarndi are like the river
that runs through our Ngurra
very old and very strong
holding powerful law
that forever brings new life
to Yindjibarndi country

Yindjibarndi will survive
because our hearts and conscience
are straight with our country
For further information
Michael Woodley ­ CEO YAC ­ 0419 097 130

Phil Davies YAC Anthropologist/Public Officer ­ 0429 110 451
For media materials please contact ­

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