Free Speech in Perth, WA

Ms Lisa Scaffidi,
Lord Mayor of Perth

Well then, Lisa-baby. With reference to your council's attempts to stomp on the democratic rights of those living in this city, perhaps you and your fellow councillors should spend time familiarising yourselves with a finding several decades ago of the Australian High Court viz. that those living under federal jurisdiction (including Western Australians!) have the equivalent of US First Amendment rights. The High Court justices found that the Australian Federal Constitution contains within its terms an 'implied right to freedom of speech'. Thus the actions of your council rangers, alongside their WA State police auxiliaries, in attempting to break up peaceful pickets and demonstrations in Perth, are clearly illegal and are a violation of the basic democratic rights of every Australian citizen.

I suggest that you in particular spend less time seeking photo-opportunities with the 'Western Suburbs Weekly', and more time attempting to improve the civic life of Perth. Incidentally, while on that latter subject, I noticed when walking up Barrack St. from St. George's Tce. yesterday afternoon that the (temporary) public conveniences south of the Town Hall have been removed. I should think that many visitors to Perth must wonder why there are virtually no public toilets in the city area. I must say that I have often wondered why myself. Perhaps in the view of the civic authorities in Perth everyone in this city while they are here stays in hotels. Or perhaps, on a slightly more cynical note, the bourgeoisie doesn't shit.

- Graham Milner
