Where to now for constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians?

Early this year an expert panel reported on how indigenous Australians should be recognized in the nation’s constitution. It was hoped a referendum would be put to the people at, or by, the next federal election. That now seems unlikely. So, where to now for indigenous recognition? A special “constitution day” panel discussion on ABC Radio National. It plays for about 53 minutes.

Participants were:

Alison Page
Executive Officer with the Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance, an award winning designer and cultural planner, member of the “Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Father Frank Brennan
Professor of Law at the Australian Catholic University, Adjunct Professor at the ANU College of Law and National Centre for Indigenous Studies,

Megan Davis
Professor of Law, and Director of the Indigenous Law Centre at the UNSW; expert member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; member of the “Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mick Dodson
Professor of Law and Director of the ANU's National Centre for Indigenous Studies.

James Spigelman
Chairman, ABC Board; former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW.

There’s a broad body of Indigenous opinion opposed to inclusion in the constitution.
