Evidence of police state

See my reports showing crimes and coverups by military intel, fbi, police, UT Chancellor & Counsel, et al , in fraudulent efforts to arrest me.

This date as I prepare this report, the fbi blocks my gmail account preventing me from access; the thugs also hack some of my posts as I type them.

The following report offers info on the details (proof in some instances; compelling evidence in other instances) of criminal assaults on my person by UT staff, coverups by police, and unrelenting harassment by police & civilian personnel.The following pages may require some careful attention to details, as I also include my notes and observations as I was experiencing the crimes[html & pdf available].

Military Intel (Wolf) files false report; harassment by all library staff; symptoms of 24/7 directed energy assaults continuing uninterrupted for about eight years:



Criminal assaults & battery by fbi operative on UT campus & cover up by UT Counsel; UT police coverup and refusal to take my report of crime against my person:



Proof Chancellor of UT aware of criminal assaults on my person; court documents on Alonzo Yanez (fbi operative):



Fraudulent 'BOLO'(Be On Look Out) issued by UT Police; falsification of the contents of the fraudulent police report; Texas Ag and DA refuse to investigate public corruption:




