The past week in nuclear news

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Muckaty nuclear waste dump plan to meet increasing opposition, as Australian groups, especially unions, support traditional owners’ legal action against the plan. Meanwhile Tony Abbott is happy about the plan – saying that “local concerns have to give way to the national interest”

Aborigines. To a deafening silence from the Australian mainstream media, Senate – Labor and Liberal unite in passing new Northern Territory Intervention, judged discriminatory by Aboriginal groups, human rights groups, and lawyers. Michael Anderson leads a national Aboriginal movement to stop Aborigines being deceived out of their land.

Carbon tax began on July 1st – to an avalanche of negative media, and negative Liberal campaigning . Climate Institute estimates the carbon tax could create up to 32,000 clean-energy jobs by 2030 Superannuation funds investing in renewabel energy, as carbon tax gives the incentive. Tony Abbott promises doom and gloom, and vows to repeal carbon tax legislation.

Pro nuclear propaganda. Barry Brook and pro associates from South Australia push for nuclear reactors (and indeed, the whole nuclear fuel cycle) for Australia

Renewable Energy : Australian Renewable Energy Agency Board starts off, overseeing funding for renewable energy research and development. Aborigines and solar company join forces to bring solar energy projects to regional Western Australia. New wind farm for Barossa Valley would power about 68,000 homes a yea.r Wave energy for Victoria, with world’s biggest wave energy turbine.

Julian Assange. Australia’s foreign minister contradicts the evidence, in asserting that USA does not plan to try Assange for espionage.

Rare earths. Globe company to mine rare earths in Mozambique, but send them to China for processing, as Australian company Lynas’ plans for reprocessing rare earths in Malaysia go awry

USA. Nuclear Regulatory Commission “streamlines” nuclear licensing procedures, eliminating public participation. Safety conscious Gregory Jaczko cleared of any wrongdoing, (but he had been forced to resign from Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Southern California might go permanently nuclear free, as future of closed San Onofre nuclear plant in doubt.

France. Nuclear reactors ordered to present safety plans by June 30. Serious safety problems found in 8 French nuclear reactors. EDF must spend $10 billion on safety measures. French company GDF Suez moves out of nuclear technology export industry.

Japan: Fukushima nuclear plant directors and auditors move to lucrative jobs elsewhere. Japan’s seafood products banned in South Korea, due to radiation. Japan’s govt trying to save TEPCO from bankruptcy by a big restart of the nuclear industry. TEPCO now nationalised, plans to restart another nuclear plant. Japan’s utilities shareholders’ meetings demand an end to nuclear power. Group for Zero Nuclear Power is a new force in Japan’s Parliament.

New nuclear reactors. Integral Fast Reactors (IFRs) – expensive and dangerous. Thorium reactors not possible for decades to come. Fast nuclear reactors not succeeding either financially, nor as a solution to plutonium wastes. Anxiety oover Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) planned for South Carolina.

Rare earths. Lynas Corporation might have to send its radioactive wastes back from Malaysia to Australia

Renewable energy. Solar energy getting a big boost from USA govt. Scotland’s success. Huge solar centre opens in Japan.

Radioactive murder? Was Yassa Arafat, like Litvinenko, poisoned by radioactive polonium?