Save Queensland from invasive weeds

Gamba grass doesn't belong in Queensland. But this highly invasive and aggressive species has infiltrated Cape York and the coastal north. Gamba grass not only crowds out native species and hurts biodiversity, it is also a terrible fire hazard. Fires fueled by gamba grass burn eight times hotter than fires occuring amidst Queensland's native vegetation. 

Yet people still use it as a decorative plant in their homes and gardens. »

Along with cat's claw creeper and Madeira vine, gamba grass is under study by Queensland's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry. But it is not enough to know the dangers of these invasive species. A specific and effective action plan needs to be implemented. Education must play an important role in defeating invasive weeds.

Cat's claw creeper and Madeira vine are, sadly, introduced to private property as ornamentals.From there, they can spread throughout a neighborhood and on into the wild.

Tell DAFF that it must warn the public of the dangers of invasive non-natives and draw up a battle plan to eradicate them. »

Save Queensland From Invasive Weeds!

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