Petition against the Canberra kangaroo cull


Since late May 2012, trained marksmen have been killing eastern grey kangaroos in nine parks near Canberra, Australia as part of an authorized cull. The government claims that the animals threaten the biodiversity of nature reserves, but shooting the roos is not the way to solve the problem.

Tell Canberra that the overbreeding problem must not be solved with massacres like this one! »

The government plan to have 2,000 kangaroos killed by the end of the year at a cost of $200,000.

Marksmen kill kangaroos with shots to the back of their heads, using high-powered rifles. The kangaroo population has been building since the decline of natural predators such as dingos and Tasmanian tigers, but shooting animals is a cruel solution to the problem.

Instead, authorities should focus on a vaccination plan to prevent kangaroos from overbreeding. 

Please sign the petition to stand against the Australian kangaroo cull. »

Stand Against the Kangaroo Cull

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We'll sign this petition when Care 2 starts looking at human injustices and not only parochial Canberra's Kangaroo Cull.

Have had a nut job from Canberra talking about this whilst we've been talking about Julian Assange and his human rights and the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions and theirs, and all he could talk of was the Roos. Same with Care 2.
He didn't CARE too about the fate of people, and by the by is a breeder who doesn't stop himself.
That's not really an issue, or is it what he's angry about realy?
He's got issues that he displaces onto this Kangaroo Cull.

They should be injected instead of shot, absolutely, yet what about Care 2 considering other significant matters and not obly things like this Kangaroo Cull.

Look at the whole pictire and when you sign the Petition to have Julian assange come safely home to Australia, and the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions to have serious attention and your signatures on their petition we'll sign you 'Kangaroo Cull' one.
Fairs fair, honestly.

Keith & Julie

The cowboy mentality of shooting animals when there are other humane options has it's roots in far deeper problems than this cull.
We're all interconnected, and this includes all life, however, it's the cowboy bullies who are doing the damage to this and other areas.
Address adult bullying, whereby the weaker animals, in ways they are for us to look after definitely, are protected from cruelty of this kind.
Further, address adult bullying and irraional fears brought on by those who would opress 'people' with further fears, by standing up for those humans in Australia who need our attention, in the present also.
Is it only animals Care 2 care about?

Care 2 doesn't make it clear that this cull is only happening in Canberra, and it doesn't tell the whole story, or does it?
Tell us more to convince us it's in need of petitions above and beyond those needed for the human suffering we all see on a daily basis.
People being shot in the heads, metaphorically, sometimes literally.

Society has to change and adult bullying, lack of empathy, expediency to save costs when we are collectively rich, have to be looked at.
They are at the core of this topic.
