Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 21 events from 27 May 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2012: various locations incl. Melb & Vic
National Reconciliation Week 2012
- Let’s talk recognition
"Each year National Reconciliation Week (NRW) celebrates
the rich culture and history of the First Australians.
It is the ideal time for everyone to join the reconciliation
conversation and to think about how we can help turn
around the disadvantage experienced by many
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."
Melbourne and Victoria event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Mon 28 May 2012: Stawell, Vic
Our Generation Film Screening
Hosted by:
* Northern Grampians Shire Council
* Budja Budja Aboriginal Cooperative
* Grampians Community Health
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Tue 29 May 2012: Shepparton, Vic
Film screening - Barbakiueria
"Imagine what it would be like if black
settlers arrived to settle a continent
inhabited by white natives? In 1788, the
first white settlers arrived in Botany Bay
to begin the process of white colonisation
of Australia. But in Babakiueria, the roles
are reversed in a delightful and light-hearted
look at colonisation of a different kind."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: 9.30pm, 30 May 2012: Various locations
'Our Generation' to broadcast on NITV
"National Indigenous Television (NITV)
is available on the following channels,
depending on your location and setup: ... "
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: 30 May 2012: Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic
Our Generation Film Screening
"There will also be a short video of
voices from Maningrida and time
afterwards for discussion."
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Wed 30 May 2012: St Arnaud, Vic
Our Generation Film Screening
Hosted by:
* Northern Grampians Shire Council
* Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Cooperative
* Grampians Community Health
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Wed 30 May 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Public Forum: 'The Impact of Mental Impairment
Legislation for People with Cognitive Impairment:
The Aboriginal Disability Justice Campaign'
"This forum will explore the human rights and
legal issues for people with a psychiatric disability
and cognitive impairment (intellectual disability /
acquired brain injury) who come before the courts
and are assessed as having a mental impairment
and then found unfit to plead. ...
This practice is disproportionately affecting
Aboriginal people with psychiatric disabilities and
cognitive impairments.
It is the criminalisation of disability."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Thu 31 May 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Service to honour Indigenous Servicemen & Women
- Shrine of Remembrance
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Thu 31 May 2012: Altona, Melbourne, Vic
Film screening of Murandak - Songs of Freedom
"an amazing documentary that journeys into
the heart of Aboriginal protest music"
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Fri 1 to Sun 3 June 2012: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
"Memories - contact with white people"
Exhibition, talks, films and workshops at Burrinja
Burrinja community cultural centre
Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: 4 May - 24 June 2012: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
Memories - Contact with White People Exhibition
Burrinja community cultural centre
Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week
"Based on Patsy Lulpanda’s canvas painting with the same
title comes an exhibition of artworks from the Burrinja
Collection that explores the theme of contact with white
colonisers from the Aboriginal perspective."
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Fri 1 June 2012: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
Indigenous Film Night:
Too Many Captain Cooks (1989)
Beneath Clouds (2001)
Babakiueria (1986)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2001)
Burrinja community cultural centre
Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Sat 2nd June 2012: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
In Words: Eileen Harrison and Carolyn Landon
Burrinja community cultural centre
Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week
"Aunty Eileen describes herself as a survivor of a failed
political push to assimilate Victorian aborigines into the
wider community by forcing them off the mission at Lake
Tyers, and she talks about her life from a cultural,
personal, emotional and political perspective."
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Sun 3rd June 2012: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
In Conversation: Bruce Pascoe and Bill Gammage
Burrinja community cultural centre
Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week
"Gippsland resident and author of Convincing Ground,
Bruce Pascoe will present his recent book Dark Emu,
an examination of the Aboriginal economy as seen by the
Bruce Pascoe will be in conversation with Bill Gammage,
who recently published The Biggest Estate on Earth
– How Aborigines made Australia, ... "
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Sun 3rd June 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Mabo Decision 20 Years on:
Hopes and Aspirations for Victorian Traditional Land Owners
Panellists include:
* Adam McLean - Barrister;
* Gary Murray - Traditional Owner and Activist;
* Margaret Gardiner - Traditional Owner and Wurundjeri Elder
* Matthew Storey - CEO Native Title Services Victoria.
"Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the land mark
Mabo High Court decision, ...
Issues to be discussed include:
* Native Title claims,
* burden of proof issue,
* diversity of groups and local disagreements,
* lateral violence,
* length of time involved to progress Native Title claims and
* the role of the Victorian Traditional Owners Settlement Act."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Sun 3 June 2012: Doncaster, Melbourne, Vic
Reconciliation Week Film Night:
"Why Me?" (G) - Doncaster Playhouse
"Why Me?" shares the stories of five children
of the Stolen Generation, told using powerful
period re-enactments."
Event details: [scroll down page]

Event: Wed 13 June 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Lizards Revenge - Info Night (Melbourne)
"Come along to have your questions answered &
find out more about the Lizards revenge DIY
music, arts blockade/festival in South Australia
14-18 July. Find out more about Transport,
logistics, actions & legals. We will have speakers
spoken word performances & a short film."
Event details:

Event: 14 June 2012: Victoria Uni, Melbourne, Vic
Our Generation Film Screening
Welcome to Country & film Introduction by Matt Bell
Event details:
Film info:
See bottom of this page for Our Generation film reviews

Event: Fri 15 June 2012: Melbourne, Vic
Annual Human Rights Dinner
* Keynote speaker: Les Malezer,
Co-Chair, National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and
Chairperson, Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research
* Invitation from:
Human Rights Law Centre and the
Public Interest Law Clearing House
"Les is from the Butchulla/Gubbi Gubbi peoples in southeast
Queensland. He is recognised internationally for his
leading role in the development of the UN Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples. ... "
Event details:

Event: Tue 3 - Fri 20 July 2012: Bendigo & Roxby Downs
Road Trip for Change
- Step Out(back) and Learn from Country
"In July the South Australian Student Environment Network
will be running a series of epic road trips that will take you
on a journey of learning from Adelaide to Australia’s
biggest grass roots Environment Conference:
Students of Sustainability (SoS), then via the great
SA outback to Roxby Downs for the
Lizards Revenge Music/Art festival."
Event details:

Event: Sat 11 August 2012: Melbourne City, Vic
2012 Winter Action:
Stop Aboriginal Death in Custody
Remember all who have died in custody
Organised by Indigenous Social Justice Association
Event details:
Event details:

Event: 10 November 2012: Melbourne City, Vic
2012 Spring Action:
Stop Aboriginal Death in Custody
Remember all who have died in custody
Organised by Indigenous Social Justice Association
Event details:

- 'Our Generation' Film Reviews

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:
Our Generation - Showing in London - page 8
Winter 2011: "The Intervention is yet another example of
the appalling treatment the Aboriginal People of Australia
have been subjected to in such a short period of time
compared to thousands of years of survival. Sinem Saban and
Rev. Dr Gondarra supported by the Yolngu people and
cinematographer, Damien Curtis, have created a sensitive
and realistic view of the plight of those who wish to live
a more traditional life in their homelands and of those who
appear to be dispossessed." Christine Waterer

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:
ASG Information Night: Our Generation - page 6
Summer 2010: "Local resident and journalist, Jeff McMullen
introduced "Our Generation", the film by Sinem Saban and
Damien Curtis which we were there to see. The film explored
in depth the Federal Government Intervention into
Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory. Jeff had
told us that the film’s producers were not having any
success in having the film shown on government or
commercial media outlets and they were having to screen it
in local community halls to show the community at large
just what was involved in the Intervention. It is basically
a war on Aboriginal culture. The dispossession of the
Aboriginal people is simply continuing in a new guise."
Carol Gerrard


Our Generation:

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater:

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