WGAR News: "Brisbane police move on Aboriginal Tent Embassy" The Wire

Newsletter date: 18 May 2012

* The Wire: Brisbane police move on Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Warwick Daily News: Protesters [from Brisbane Embassy] march on parliament
* NTEU: Indigenous business is Union business - Musgrave Park Tent embassy
* Change.org Petition: Mayor Graham Quirk: allow the return of the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy to Musgrave Park
* Michael Anderson: Aborigines call for UN peacekeepers to protect them
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies


WGAR News: "Brisbane City Council to try to forcibly remove Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy" MR (16 May 12)

Sovereign Union: Sovereign Embassy Brisbane
[Musgrave Park, Brisbane, Qld]

Facebook: Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park
[Musgrave Park, Brisbane, Qld]


- Audio Interview

The Wire: Brisbane police move on Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Produced by Chris Brunner
16 May 12: ""Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land," that was the catch-cry of protestors after police broke-up the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Musgrave Park, south of the Brisbane river earlier this morning… The Tent Embassy has been in place since March, marking the fortieth anniversary of the original Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. Up until now, the peaceful protest has been allowed to remain in the park, an area of significance to the local Jagera people. Over one-hundred police descended on the group this morning making over thirty arrests… Aboriginal Activist, Sam Watson, was there helping to lead the protest. The Wire spoke to him earlier today, to see what happened after the raid...
Featured in story: Sam Watson - Aboriginal Activist"

- Related Statement

Green Left: Cease the attacks on Brisbane’s Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy
18 May 12: "Socialist Alliance Brisbane released the statement below on May 18 * * *
The Socialist Alliance expresses its full support and solidarity with the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in Musgrave Park, South Brisbane, and strongly condemns the actions of police and the Brisbane City Council in forcibly evicting the Aboriginal community members at the embassy on May 16.
The use of more than 200 police to stage a dawn raid on the peaceful embassy is a return to the police state tactics of the Joh Bejlke-Petersen regime in Queensland 30 years ago.
This heavy handed show of force also appears to be a clear signal by Liberal National Party (LNP) Mayor Graham Quirk and Premier Campbell Newman of their intentions to crack down on peaceful protest in this new era of LNP political dominance in Queensland."

- Related Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:
CAAMA Radio News 16-05
16 May 12: "* Growing condemnation of the Queensland Liberal Government’s use of hundreds of police to remove Aboriginal people who had established a peaceful protest site and Tent Embassy on land widely acknowledged as being culturally significant.
* Early Wednesday morning Hundreds of police moved in on the site arresting up to 30 rights campaigners and forcing other supporters to leave the site under threat of arrest. Member for South Brisbane Jackie Trad has described the police action as an absolute unnecessary escalation in force."

- Related News

ABC Brisbane: What is the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy?
18 May 12: "The removal of an Aboriginal tent embassy from Brisbane's Musgrave Park on Wednesday was met with defiance, anger, tears and frustration. Hundreds of police surrounded the campsite at dawn, shutting it down to make way for a Greek festival to be held at the park this weekend. As emotions ran high, dozens were arrested and charged. The group is now camped at the Jagera Arts Hall, a sacred Aboriginal site only metres up the road from Musgrave Park. ... Brisbane's was the third embassy to be set up, after Canberra and Perth, and is now one of seven in place around Australia."

Sovereign Union: Brisbane Originals subject to politically motivated eviction
"Despite successfully negotiating with the Greek community and allocating a suitable area so they can both share the park, ... During a stand-off for a little over a day, the Mayor with support from the Queensland government tried to intimidate the Embassy members by parking a substantial contingent of police vehicles adjacent to the Embassy. Around 200 members of the Queensland police force were then ordered to forcefully evict the sovereigns, along with their supporters, early in the morning of Wednesday 16th May, 2012." Bruce Skewes, Treaty Republic sub-editor

National Indigenous Radio Service: Embassy members pledge to fight for sovereignty
18 May 12: "Indigenous Sovereign Embassy members and supporters in South Brisbane have refused to elaborate on the outcome of their meeting over its future. They met for three hours in a hall next to Musgrave Park yesterday, where Embassy stood before being dismantled by a large number of police on Wednesday. But local elder Wayne Saunders says the fight for Aboriginal sovereignty will continue in Brisbane."

ABC Brisbane: Activists quiet on Brisbane tent embassy future
18 May 12: "Indigenous leaders in South Brisbane have refused to elaborate on the outcome of their meeting over the future of a controversial tent embassy. Activists met for three hours in a hall next to Musgrave Park, where their makeshift campsite stood until yesterday. The tent embassy had been in the park for two months and activists had defied a Brisbane City Council order to pack up ahead of the Paniyiri Greek festival this weekend. More than 250 police moved in early yesterday morning and about 30 people were arrested and later charged."

National Indigenous Radio Service: Embassy members to take up with CMC
18 May 12: "Members of the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy have called a meeting for midday today to discuss plans to lodge a complaint with the Crime and Misconduct Commission. They say they are seeking the full story of this Wednesday's events, where a large contingent of police dismantled their Musgrave Park campsite in South Brisbane. Embassy supporter Sam Watson says the public should be told the truth about who was making decisions with regards to the eviction on Wednesday and why exactly the protest of shut down."

National Indigenous Radio Service: New Premier Newman slammed by Embassy
18 May 12: "Indigenous rights advocates in Brisbane have expressed their disappointment in Queensland Premier Campbell Newman's actions to dismantle their protest in the city's south this week. Police removed the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy at Musgrave Park in south Brisbane under the orders of the State Government and Brisbane City Council on Wednesday. About 100 Aboriginal rights supports then marched on Parliament House to confront the Premier. Murri Rights advocate Sam Watson was there."

National Indigenous Times: Brisbane Tent Embassy anger
18 May 12: "By National Indigenous Times reporter Rhonda Hagan
Aboriginal leaders who attended the Sovereignty Tent Embassy meeting with Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk on the weekend have expressed outrage that their spiritual camp site would have to be moved on to make way for annual festivals held on the grounds that fall in coming weeks. "Why do we have to be moved on all the time?" ... "

Brisbane Times: Greek festival faces backlash
17 May 12: "Punters are threatening to boycott the Paniyiri Greek festival this weekend amid the fallout from the police eviction of the Aboriginal tent embassy from Musgrave Park. Hundreds of police yesterday evicted tent embassy protesters who had been camped in in the South Brisbane park for about two months. Brisbane City Council had issued the protesters with an eviction notice after Paniyiri sent it a letter in which organisers said the festival could not go ahead while the tent embassy remained where it was."

Brisbane Times: Call to open centre for protest facilities
17 May 12: "Brisbane City Council should open the Jagera Arts Centre in Musgrave Park to let tent embassy protesters use the facilities as a ‘‘sign of good faith’’, indigenous elder Sam Watson said this morning. The area’s local councillor Helen Abrahams this morning asked for the hall to be opened, after tent embassy protesters moved to a site in front of it last night. Two hundred police yesterday forced tent embassy protestors from the northern section of Musgrave Park ahead of this weekend’s Paniyiri Festival. Mr Watson said the centre should be opened."

Greek Reporter: Indigenous Find New Place to Camp But Still Boycott Paniyiri Festival
17 May 12: "The site of the initial tent embassy of the Aborigines is now surrounded by carnival rides put in place for the Greek Paniyiri festival that is about to take place this coming weekend. The indigenous decided to camp at the new site in Musgrave Park, as their struggle is not over yet. Australian media report that today things are quieter at the new camp site, with a dozen protesters gathered around the Aborigines’s sacred fire. A spokesman for the group says morale remains high and they have been contacted by several law firms offering assistance."

Brisbane Times: Traditional owner's plea to Greek festival organisers
17 May 12: "A Musgrave Park traditional owner has urged Greek Paniyiri Festival organisers to make a "Welcome to Country'' ceremony a permanent feature of their annual event on the West End site. The call came after tent embassy protesters and Brisbane indigenous elders held a three-hour meeting today to discuss the future of the Aboriginal community's involvement with South Brisbane's Musgrave Park."

the Telegraph: Supporters to meet over embassy's future
17 May 12: "ABORIGINAL activists are expected to meet today to decide the future of a tent embassy in Brisbane's Musgrave Park. Hundreds of police broke up a tent embassy protest testerdat after being called in to enforce a Brisbane City Council eviction order. More than 30 people were arrested and some supporters of the tent embassy spent the night back at Musgrave Park, at a council approved site not far from where the embassy had been. A meeting will be held later this morning to decide on its future. After yesterday's arrests, activists vowed to re-establish the tent embassy in the park, ... "

Indymedia: 200 police evict Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy on 1st day of new LNP parliament
16 May 12: "At about 6am this morning 200 police evicted about 100 people at the Sovereign Embassy at Musgrave Park in Brisbane. The police action was under orders of the Brisbane City Council who say they must move on so that the Greek Panyiri Festival can use the park this weekend. Last night union members arrived to erect portable fencing as a security barrier in respect of the Panyiri Festival organisers, whom they say had agreed that the camp was not an impediment to the Festival. ... A number of people were arrested, around 30." By kimk

Brisbane Times: Police evict protesters from Brisbane tent embassy
16 May 12: "More than 200 police descended on Musgrave Park in Brisbane's West End this morning to move indigenous tent embassy protesters, resulting in more than 30 arrests. The protesters marched to Parliament House then moved to the Roma Street watchhouse. The group cheers as each arrested protester is released from the watchhouse. The live coverage has concluded but check in for updates. Here's how the day unfolded."

- Related Videos

SBS World News Australia: Brisbane protestors back in park
16 May 12: "Around 200 police surrounded Musgrave Park at South Brisbane to remove tent embassy protestors, only to return to the park. Protestors have returned to Musgrave Park in Brisbane to resurrect their tent embassy that was cleared by police earlier today. However, police and council say they're happy with the embassy's new location. They say while officers are on hand to monitor the situation, they won't be asking them to move on."

YouTube: Brisbane Tent Embassy - Sovereigns removed
15 May 12: "Live footage from the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy - Police remove Originals from their sacred land"

ABC: Police break up Brisbane tent embassy protest
16 May 12: "Hundreds of police have broken up an Aboriginal tent embassy in Brisbane, escorting and sometimes dragging away about 80 protesters from their makeshift camp in Musgrave Park. Police say about 30 protesters were arrested, with the rest choosing to leave peacefully after officers moved in before dawn today. ... The embassy has been in the South Brisbane park since March but the Brisbane City Council wants the protesters to move to make way for the annual Greek festival held at the site."

BigPond News: Police arrest 31 in Aboriginal protest
16 May 12: "Police have arrested 31 people at a tent embassy protest in a Brisbane park, after protesters refused to leave the area. More than 200 police descended on Musgrave Park on Wednesday morning to enforce a Brisbane City Council order to evict the group. But they refused to dismantle their tent embassy and leave the park, forcing authorities to act."

- Related Analysis / Opinion

ABC The Drum Opinion: Reconciliation lost in Musgrave Park
17 May 12: "There were no credible reasons for dispersing the Embassy that I could identify, and none that have been identified publicly by Brisbane's Lord Mayor or the Queensland Premier. There was talk of freeing the park up for other users, but the Embassy was tucked into a small corner of the park and was open to others. The Lord Mayor repeatedly said that the park needed to be freed up for the Paniyiri Greek festival on the weekend, but the folk at the Embassy have been talking to the organisers of the festival and cooperating with them about sharing the park ... " Adam Stone, a spokesperson for the Queensland Greens

The Conversation: Musgrave Park and 'the embassy in my own land'
17 May 12: "This weekend, South Brisbane will play host to the Paniyiri Festival, one of Australia’s largest cultural events. From May 19 to 20, thousands are expected to join the celebrations and delight themselves with beautiful presentations of Greek culture. There is, however, a political battle of global significance interfering with one of the festival’s choice venues - Musgrave Park. Today there stands what certain commentators have come to call a "Tent Embassy". The Embassy is a political place where Aboriginal people ... are declaring their sovereignty." Jean-Paul Gagnon, Honorary Research Fellow (HKIEd), Democratic Theory at Hong Kong Institute of Education

Dave Burton's Blog: A Morning in May at Musgrave Park
16 May 12: "From what I can gather from media sources, this morning over thirty people were arrested at Brisbane’s Musgrave Park after refusing to leave the area. A few weeks ago, the organisers of the upcoming annual Greek Festival asked for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy that occupies Musgrave Park to be emptied for the duration of the event. Brisbane City Council then issued that request to the indigenous group occupying the embassy. This request caused much distress, and amounted in a large protest, climaxing today. 200 police officers turned up ... "

Brisbane Times: Here we Joh again: Protest divides city along familiar lines
16 May 12: "After all, the cops managed to move on the protesters from the Aboriginal tent Embassy in Musgrave Park this morning without the crazy bad sort of violence that attended the last big police operation there, the attack on Triple Z's market day way back in the '90s. ... Thirty arrests and half of the city's traffic grid thrown into chaos might seem a little, well, chaotic, but it's nothing compared to how things used to spin out of control when the old National Party decided to bust a few heads open and see if any law and order votes spilled out." John Birmingham


- Video

Warwick Daily News: Protesters march on parliament
16 May 12: "PROTESTERS from the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy at Brisbane's Musgrave Park have snaked their way around the city. The group, which shrunk in numbers since they were kicked out of Musgrave Park in West End this morning, marched to Parliament House at 11:30am ahead of the opening ceremony this afternoon. Protesters stood in the Speaker's Corner chanting "always was, always will be Aboriginal land.""

- Related News

newsTracker: Newman refused to meet protesters
17 May 12: "Some protesters then marched on parliament house demanding to see the premier. Mr Newman angered protesters on Tuesday by saying their protest, which began two months ago, had run its course and squatters’ camps had no place in public parks. Protest organiser Sam Watson said Mr Newman should meet with the marchers to defend the number of police sent in to dismantle the park protest. "Even in the face of enormous provocation our men and women, and non-indigenous supporters, we’re peaceful," he said."

Koori Mail: Protesters march on Queensland parliament after arrests
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
16 May 12: "AFTER 31 of their number were arrested this morning, protesters evicted from the Aboriginal tent embassy in Musgrave Park in South Brisbane have marched on Queensland’s parliament. Around 250 police moved on the embassy this morning after protesters refused comply with a Brisbane City Council eviction order."

Embassy protesters march to Parliament
newsTracker: http://tracker.org.au/2012/05/embassy-protesters-march-to-parliament/
Australian: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking-news/tent-embassy-proteste...
16 May 12: "QUEENSLAND: Protesters evicted from an Aboriginal tent embassy have marched to Queensland’s parliament. Only about 50 protesters remain after the eviction from Musgrave Park in South Brisbane on Wednesday morning, which saw 31 arrests. The group, which was making a statement about Aboriginal sovereignty, had been warned they needed to move on for this weekend’s annual Paniyiri Greek festival, after occupying the site for two months. Murri activist Sam Watson wants to ask Premier Campbell Newman why 200 police were necessary to move the group on."

Sovereign Union: Police arrest sovereigns as Originals try to hold sacred land
16 May 12: "About 100 legitimate sovereigns and supporters have marched on Parliament House in Brisbane after a tense protest at a southside park came to a head. The group marched from Musgrave Park in South Brisbane where more than 200 police moved on a tent embassy and arrested 30 people earlier this morning. Police have dragged some of the Originals away from their Aboriginal Tent Embassy at Musgrave Park at South Brisbane. There were dramatic scenes of confrontation between police and the Originals, as the campsite was cordoned off and surrounded by officers."
[Includes Audio: Brisbane Sovereign Embassy - Wayne (Coco) Wharton]

Brisbane Times: Brisbane protest harks back to old rifts
16 May 12: "An Aboriginal rights protest directed at Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has marred the ceremonial opening of parliament and harked back to the state's days of deep division. Around 200 police surrounded Musgrave Park at South Brisbane on Wednesday to remove tent embassy protesters who had refused to make way for this weekend's annual Greek festival. ... About 50 protesters marched to Parliament House to demand a meeting with Mr Newman about what they argued was an excessive show of force."

- Related Video

ABC: Tent embassy activists take protest to streets
16 May 12: "Aboriginal activists have rallied at Queensland's Parliament and Brisbane's police watchhouse in support of about 30 people arrested at today's closure of a tent embassy in the city. They are angry that more than 200 police moved in this morning to close the embassy which had been established in South Brisbane's Musgrave Park since March. A number of those charged initially refused to sign bail documents because of a condition that prevents them from returning to the park."

YouTube: Tent embassy protesters demand to see Premier
15 May 12: "Aboriginal leader Sam Watson says evicted tent embassy protesters will march to Queensland Parliament and demand to see Premier Campbell Newman."


- Analysis / Opinion

National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) Indigenous:
Indigenous business is Union business - Musgrave Park Tent embassy
17 May 12: "As many are no doubt aware, on the 16/5/12, 200 Police Officers, on the orders of QLD Premier Campbell Newman, and Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk descended upon Musgrave Park to forcibly remove the Aboriginal Tent Embassy that had been there since March 2012. ... With sovereignty never ceded in this country by the Indigenous peoples, and with a treaty never reached between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, how appropriate is it for any politician to refer to a sovereignty movement conducted by Indigenous Australians as "trespassing"? ... One very positive bit of news to come out of this event however, has been the reports of Union solidarity shown towards the Tent Embassy." by Celeste Liddle (Indigenous)

- Related Motion

Green Left: ACTU Congress backs Brisbane Sovereign Embassy
17 May 12: "The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Congress passed the motion below on May 16 in support of the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy. * * *
The ACTU stands in solidarity with the unionists and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activists at the culturally significant site at Musgrave Park, Brisbane, QLD.
Congress expresses it concern about the apparent return to negative tactics used by the Queensland government in the 1970s and 1980s against citizens of Queensland.
Campbell Newman has been elected to govern for all Queenslanders, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, and this Congress calls on the Newman government and the Brisbane City Council to respect the rights of freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and protest."


- Petition

Change.org Petition: Mayor Graham Quirk: allow the return of the Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy to Musgrave Park.
Created By Steve Skitmore, West End, Brisbane
"About this Petition: This morning, over 200 members of the Queensland Police surrounded the Aboriginal Sovereign tent embassy, and forcibly removed all residents. Musgrave Park is the spiritual home of Brisbane Murris and the land was handed back to the traditional owners of the area nearly 20 years ago. Forcibly evicting people from their own land is a continuation the long history of dispossession that Aboriginal people in Australia have had to endure. ... Please sign my petition ... "

- Related News

newsTracker: Brisbane protest evictions spark petition
18 May 12: "QUEENSLAND: More than 1600 people have signed an online petition demanding Aboriginal protesters be allowed to return to a Brisbane park. Hundreds of police moved in to evict the group from Musgrave Park on Wednesday, with more than 30 people arrested. ... Brisbane resident Steve Skitmore said he started the petition, on the social action site Change.org on Wednesday after watching police forcibly remove the protesters."


- Media Statement

Aborigines call for UN peacekeepers to protect them
Sovereign Union: http://nationalunitygovernment.org/content/aborigines-call-un-peacekeepe...
16 May 12: "Michael Anderson's Media Staement
We have already put the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki Moon, on notice that we are in need of UN peacekeepers as the Australian authorities are increasing their aggression against our sovereignty movement.
Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia, in conjunction with WA police, is executing a dictatorship of force towards Aboriginal people, local families and protestors at James Price Point near Broome, WA. The Premier has reportedly ordered around 250 police with riot gear to secure a clear access for Woodside’s staff and equipment to access the proposed gas hub site in on the West Kimberley coast. Over 600 members of Broome’s rich and diverse multicultural community presented flowers at Broome Police Station on Mother’s Day as a peaceful protest against the heavy police presence, ...
We again state that the Australian government has no sovereignty over Australia and no jurisdiction over Aboriginal people, who have never signed a treaty nor ceded their sovereignty to a colonial force. The Australian government continues to fail to provide any protection against gross misuse of police powers towards Aboriginal people. We call for the immediate scrutiny and involvement of the United Nations in the many human rights violations perpetrated by the so-called 'Australian Nation' towards Aboriginal people in Australia."


WGAR News: Gerry Georgatos: Police amassing at James Price Point (16 May 12)
[scroll down page] http://indymedia.org.au/2012/05/16/wgar-news-brisbane-city-council-to-tr...
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

Sovereign Union: Walmadan Tent Embassy (James Price Point)
[James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA]

Kimberley Campaigner - Background

Save The Kimberley: Wilderness. Culture. Heritage

Facebook: Goolarabooloo and Lurujarri Heritage Trail


Last updated: 18 May 2012


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* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and tent embassies;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

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