Free environmental hero Paul Watson

Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.) 

Free environmental hero Paul Watson

Paul Watson works tirelessly to protect the seas and animal rights (Photo: Sea Shepherd, Barbara Veiga)

Dear friends of the rainforest,

seeing a shark having cut off his fins and then being thrown back into the water to die a slow and agonizing death tears your heart out. 

Paul Watson refused to watch this animal torture and tried to stop the people who were tormenting hundreds of sharks in Guatemalan waters. He directed a water cannon at the illegal finning ship and then escorted the ship back to port to be prosecuted.

Astonishingly this lead to the accusation of endangering ship traffic. Ten years later, on Monday 14th May 2012, Paul Watson was arrested at Frankfurt Airport, Germany.  

Our planet needs courageous people like Paul Watson and his fellow Sea Shepherd members who annually disrupt Japan's whale hunt. 

Please demand the immediate release of Paul Watson.

Take Action

Many thanks and best regards

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)


Paul Watson is the only lefty I have any time or sympathy for. But surely you are not surprised that at some point trying to drown people would come back to bite him in the arse? I mean I don't care if Japanese whalers or Guatemalan shark finners drown to be honest but that Watson has been charged with endangering ship traffic when that is exactly what he did is hardly astonishing.