Australia, step up to stop painful whale deaths

Ghost nets - abandoned, discarded or lost fishing nets - drift through the oceans, regularly entangling marine animals. Around Australia, discarded nets slowly kill large numbers of animals, including dolphins and whales.

Tell Australia that the ghost net problem must be solved immediately! »

Death by ghost net is a terribly slow and painful way to go. The nets cut deeper and deeper into the whales’ flesh, preventing them from eating or swimming properly.

It can take weeks or months before the whale dies from drowning, starvation, injury or predation by sharks.

A system of registering fishing nets would discourage carelessness, so saving animals already facing countless other threats.  Nobody benefits from whales dying agonising deaths in drifting fishing nets.

Tell Australia to step up to enact a fishing net registration program to stop this problem! »

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No More Painful Whale Deaths!

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