Déjà vu on marriage equality!

OK, this may sound like déjà vu - but if you care about ending discrimination against same sex couples, literally 90 seconds of your time right now can make a big difference in an important Government survey.

Last fortnight the Senate held a public inquiry about ending same-sex discrimination in the Marriage Act. Now the House of Representatives has a similar, and equally important, inquiry.

Click here to take part.

Thanks to you, the Senate inquiry received more submissions than any other in history, and over 60% called for change - congratulations! Now it's a game of numbers in this House of Representatives survey. Over 100,000 have already participated, and while most support ending marriage discrimination, the Australian Christian Lobby and others are asking conservative voices to flood the survey. The official results will be considered in Parliament, so it's obviously important that we speak up for equality.


Oh, and if you're wondering what question 2 is all about, here's the lowdown.

Basically, if you support same-sex marriage, you probably support both bills. Stephen Jones is a Labor MP, and his bill was introduced to reflect the change in ALP party policy at the end of last year - policy which now supports marriage equality! Mr Bandt is a Greens MP and his bill, which is co-sponsored by Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, has a similar effect but includes additional language to ensure religious ministers will not be obliged to perform same-sex marriages.

Other than that, it's all very simple. If you have the time to simply answer 4 tick-box questions, you have time to join the chorus of Australians calling for equality!

Access Parliament’s survey here.

If we're successful, the Inquiry will recommend the bills to the lower house: another positive step toward reform that will make Australia a more equal and inclusive nation, based on love and, like our campaign, its ability to bring people together.

Thanks for having your say,
the GetUp Team.