Warrup family picnic in protest to FPC decision

Gerry Georgatos
The Doreen Mackman motion upheld by the Bridgetown-Greenbushes council asking the Forest Products Commission (FPC) to preserve forest settings around the tramway through the Warrup has been considered by the FPC.

The FPC have told the shire that they are prepapred to preserve the forest setting of the tramway between the northern end of the embankment and Miller Road. Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) president Richard Wittenoom said, "(However they) intend to log on both sides of the tramway along the full length of the embankment with only a narrow buffer strip on each side."

Mr Wittenoom said this is not acceptable to the BGFF. "We regard the preservation of this forest setting as non-negotiable and need the support of the community to make this point clear to the FPC, to DEC (Deparment of Environment and Conservation), and the government," he said.

The BGFF has organised another a peaceful family oriented rally to support the forest environment of the historic Warrup forest tramway and the animals and birds of Warrup. A recent protest picnic had 90 residents and supporters attend.

The event is scheduled for Wednesday March 28 with anyone wishing to attend to meet at the Bridgetown railway station at 9:30am where car pooling shall be facilitated.

"The BGFF has invited members and invites friends and anyone else to join us in a peaceful gathering to show support for the preservation of the historic Warrup tramway embankment in its native forest context," said Mr Wittenoom. "Please bring your morning tea."

"Local trails recognised in the Forest Management Plan as travel routes or walking trails, and thus protected for 100 or 200 metres on each side, are almost in all the Karri forest. BGFF believes that the Warrup tramway offers significant opportunities for future local tourism in the Jarrah forest," said Mr Wittenoom.


It is a great irony that BGFF want to preserve the signs of the previous timber harvesting operation in the area.

The only travel routes protected by buffers are the Bibbulmun Track and major Roads where there are large numbers of people who can benefit. Not minor local tracks which no-ne ever heard of before.

But dont worry Richard Bridgetown is surrounded by Parks and Reserves where its tourists can attend.