This is the moment to make our voices heard on the Murray-Darling

This week, the Government’s Murray Darling Basin Authority released a draft report with recommendations that ignore the basic science of what the river system needs to survive. Sign a petition to Environment Minister Tony Burke asking him to put science before politics.

The Federal Government’s draft report recommends only an extra 2750 billion litres of water be returned to the river, not even meeting the 3000-4000 billion litres the Government's own process said was required to ensure the river survives only a year ago - and far less than leading scientists have recommended.

But here's the thing: we now have a powerful ally in the action our movement takes to protect the Murray Darling. Few political leaders understand what's happening in the Murray Darling Basin better than Jay Weatherill. He's the Premier of South Australia, where our most important river system ends. He's written a message to GetUp members explaining the situation and what you can do to help. Read his letter and sign the petition to Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke here.

The Premier's message to GetUp members summarises the despair that scientists, environmentalists and sustainable farmers are feeling right now. The results of the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) process are being slammed by experts including the CSIRO1.

But it's far from a done deal, because as Water Minister Tony Burke can fix it. With the Federal Government focused on assessing community reaction before delivering the final report, this is the moment to make our voices heard. Tell Minister Burke to ensure the next version of the plan will deliver what it takes to save the River.

As the Premier says in his letter, "it’s not a choice between producing food and having a healthy river. We need a healthy river and sustainable food production."

We need decision-makers to get an urgent reality check: failure of this river system is simply not an option. Read the message from the SA Premier and sign the petition now - because we can’t allow our nation’s food bowl to be turned into a dust bowl.

Thanks for all that you do,
the GetUp team.

1 Young et al. (Nov. 2011) CSIRO. Science Review of the Estimation of the Sustainable Level of Take from the Murray-Darling Basin.


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