Some thoughts on Occupy Melbourne - from a drifter

some thoughts on occupy melbourne - from someone who has drifted in and out --- occupy melbourne still at state library.

- general assemblies. before or after any large proposal is debated
small fishbowl discussions should be conveened. what i mean is that
people sitting in general assembly turn to their left and talk about
the proposals for a short time in smaller groups before a consensus is
strived for at the GA. By doing so an opportunity for amended
proposals are created and people get to know each other and get an
idea of how strongly and why people are for different proposals.

- Facilitation group should be running facilitation trainings
constantly and openly. Practicing decision making is something
everyone has the skills to do. Specialisation is how capitalism
functions. we need to be breaking down specialist roles.

- Facilitators must be rotatable and recallable as it is accountable
to participants of general assemblies.

- Kitchen. encourage rotation, skillshares, classes.

- A basic statement like ' occupy melbourne - is an anticapitalist
networking space, a laboritory of experiments in organising direct
democractically, we believe in building an anti-oppression space ie.
no sexism, racism and support for the ruling class allowed and no
political parties... ... would have made / make things have a decent
basis to work from. the occupy brand is so broad that rightwing
nutjobs are able to work their way in.

- Legal group should be focusing on skillsharing, 'no your rights'
leaflets and training.

- Medics, etc should also running trainings, preparing leaflets

- workshopping and skillshare are the name of the game.

- not ever action needs to be endorsed. Occupy melb should be a
networking space - do actions in your own name, pseudonym, or affinity
group or political party name.

- some basic paramaters need to be set for media team. rotation of
media work. skillsharing in media work. filtering media work out to
individuals, collectives, affinity groups who want to speak for
themselves but not for occupy melbourne...



Could not have said it better myself.

Saturday's stressful GA's could really have helped with the fishbowl approach.