How you can help - 100% renewable campaign

Transition Byron Shire is supporting the 100% campaign. If you would like to see our governments support renewable energy in Australia and would like to be involved in a national grass-roots campaign here is your opportunity. There are now over 100 community groups around Australia taking part in this campaign.. Please check out

Between now and the end of May we hope to get 500 surveys done locally. The surveys take about 5 minutes and are done face to face with friends, family, at markets, on the street, door-to-door etc Basically anywhere you feel comfortable. You can do them alone or take a buddy... (we will find you one if you like).

We are lucky enough to have Tara Messing, an international student of Sustainability and Environmental Activism as an intern at Transition Byron Shire. For her 5 week project she is going to survey lots of people about their views on renewable energy and support a team of volunteers to do the same.

So, if you have one hour or four from now until the end of May - please contact Tara and she will give you all the information and support you need. Tara -

The survey is 8 questions - 6 yes/no and 2 open response question. I hope you will be able to give an hour of your time to make this happen.

Love Lianexxx

02 66802905 (Liane)
0438 63 9984 (Gabi)

'Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing'. Arundhati Roy