University Threatens Student for Publishing Essay on New York Indymedia

A postgradaute at the Australian National University is currently facing intimidation from academic staff at the Australian National University for publishing an essay on Ney York Indymedia.

The University is accusign the student of plagerism and is threatening to expel the student for publishing this essay two days after it was submitted as an essay. If this was correct then the studnet would access to time travel and was able to go into the future copy the indymedia posting and return then to the past and then submit the paper as university work. A great piece of technology that could come in handy for the war effort.

The real reason for this attempt at intimidation was made clear in emails from the academic coordinator after the student protested about being called in for meeting wihtout any reason being specified where the academic coordinator Dr Brendan Taylor,
----- Original Message -----
From: Brendan Taylor
Date: Monday, November 15, 2010 4:43 pm
Subject: Re: Meeting concerning assignment
To: (name left intentionally blank)

Dear (name left intentionally blank),

The reason for calling this meeting is that material presented in your assignment for STST8027 'Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in an Age of Terror' has raised some concerns under the Australian National University's 'Code of Practice for Student Academic Integrity.'

In line with this policy, we wish to clarify whether the material contained in the essay is:

a) original and
b) has been produced for the purposes of this particular assignment task.

In line with the ANU policy, we are required to discuss this issue with you as soon as possible after the matter has been identified. The purpose of our meeting will be to ascertain a) whether there are in fact any conerns under the 'Code of Practice' and b) If there are concerns, whether this is an instance of poor academic practice or of academic misconduct.

Should you wish, you have the option of being accompanied at this meeting by another person.

I hope this helps to clarify the situation and look forward to meeting you at 10am tomorrow morning unless I hear otherwise.


After querrign about how it was possible to plagerise into the future the reply recieved stated,

Subject Re: Meeting concerning assignment
From Brendan Taylor
Date Monday, November 15, 2010 5:37 pm
To (name left intentionally blank)

Dear (name left intenionally blank),
The Strategic Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University is currently accusing a student of plagerism and a sloppy academic appraoch for publishing this article online at NYC Indymedia.

Many thanks for getting back to me on this. The concerns do indeed relate to the publication of the essay online. While that piece was published after the submission of the essay, I still need to verify that it was you who posted the piece and that it was your work. Is there any way that you might be able to verify that (ie a confirmation email from the publisher or something similar)? If you were able to provide me with those details it would make it much easier to resolve this situation very quickly and will allow you to get on with your study. Otherwise we will still need to chat at some stage.

Grateful for whatever information you might be able to provide.


To send letters of protest in support of teh student facing expulsion for posting essays on Indymedia please email the Strategic Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University on
