Australian soldiers to be charged with manslaughter for killing children

It has been announced that a number of Australian soldiers face charges of manslaughter and negligence in court martial proceedings over the throwing of grenades into a room of civilians during a night raid February 2009. Six civilian’s were killed including a teenager, two younger children and two babies. The soldiers claim a man was firing from the room at the time.

The soldiers, mostly from the 1st Commando Regiment, codenamed Operation Pakula, near the village of Surkh Morghab who conducted the raid were Australian reservists. Afghanistan is the first time since World War Two that Australian reservists have been sent to the front line.
Defence sources have been quotes as saying that the case will “undermine the whole system of war because at the back of every soldier's mind, they'll be thinking, 'If I f--- up, will I get charged?'''
One can only hope that this occurs and that soldiers think twice before throwing grenades into rooms full of babies! Leuning article which appeared in the Age made the valid point though – that these soldiers are being targeted whilst the politicians who ordered this murderous war of U.S. aggression go unpunished and civilian deaths from bombs and drones are dismissed as “collateral damage” and not even counted by the Coalition forces.
Lets hope this case helps demonstrate to the Australian public the true nature of this war – that it is not helping Afghani civilians but instead continuing to perpetuate the violence and conflict that has wracked Afghanistan for decades. It also helps reveal that despite all the ADF propaganda, are soldiers are not just doing “reconstruction” work in Afghanistan building schools and hospitals but are well and truly engaged in a dirty and bloody fight – killing and dying.
Its time to bring the Troops Home! Stop the Afghanistan War!



This is absolute rubbish, Australians please support our troops that are fighting for our freedom. GILLARD wake up to yourself

Regarding the pending court martialing of 3 Australian soldiers. I have some questions. Were the women and children who were killed and maimed screaming and crying from all the shooting before the grenades were thrown into the room? If so, could the Australian soldiers who threw the grenades hear them? If so, why did they then throw the grenades into the room? By this I mean, what options did they have? Could they have withdrawn or were they cut off? Could they have moved back and sat it out till the person they were trying to arrest ran out of amunition or they could bring up something less lethal to use, like tear gas? Or was this Taliban suspect they were after so important they couldn’t risk him escaping so these women and children had to be killed? These are some questions I have about this incident and I do hope to have them answered. Finally, would all these people condemning the court martial still do so if it was Australian children killed by foreign troops?

Allan Hope