From WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights
Billets and transport for New Way Summit in support of Aboriginal Rights and Freedoms: national conference 30,31/1 and 1/2
Dear friends in Canberra and surrounding areas
Yes, we need help again to accommodate Aboriginal people who will be converging on Canberra Jan 30 and 31 and Feb 1 for a three-day summit to plan a new way forward in troubled times - with the government intervention unabated. You may already have heard of this through the WGAR Newsletter or more directly from emails sent out by Michael Anderson, co-founder of the original 1972 Aboriginal Embassy.
Most people will be camping at the Tent Embassy as usual, but some of the older/frail people will need beds and a little support. The meetings will be at the Haydon Allen Tank this time - all welcome. People, old and young, are coming from Queensland and the Northern Territory and all over the country. As usual we don't know how many will be needing accommodation; and those who have so generously offered support in the past will understand that any arrangements we make will be at the last moment and there is a need for flexibility. Advance planning is often not possible. Transport will also be needed to get people to the meetings: it works best if the host can deliver and pick up, but separate transport arrangements can be made. Any help will be appreciated. Meals are being catered at the venue, but a simple breakfast before setting out is a good idea.
This is an unfunded grassroots event affording an opportunity for people to do something practical and have some real contact with Aboriginal people.
Here are the details - and see attached flyer
Dates: 30/1 to 1/2 - with possible arrival on the Friday evening
Venue: Haydon Allen Tank on 30 and 31/1 and Copeland Theatre on Monday 1/2
Contacts for Billeting and transport: Mary Ivec 6292 1121(H) 6125 4438(W) 0438 629211(M)
Nicky Coles 6247 1025(H) 0418 214202(M)
Ricki Dargavel 6258 9102(H) 0411 880852(M)
Please give details of your offer and leave a message if you don't get us on the phone:
no. of beds (double or single)
separate rooms or not?
mattresses on floor?
can you provide transport to venue or pick up from airport/bus etc? transport offers welcome independently of beds
Please pass on this request to your friends even if they have never been involved before - this is their golden opportunity!
Mary or Ricki or I will email further details when we hear from you, together with program details.
Greetings and best wishes from Nicky Coles
your garden produce would be welcome - drop off at Keri's place 30 Bonython St Downer
kitchen helpers will be needed at the Summit - look for Winiata and offer your services
tents, blankets and sleeping bags are always needed at the Tent Embassy,
especially if they can be taken back to communities
firewood is also always needed at the Embassy
transport (as mentioned above) for billets where host is unable to provide it and also from the Aboriginal Embassy to the ANU
For further information see our website:
100122-NEW WAY SUMMITinvite.pdf