From Alphington to Warrawong, Broome to Wagga, Townsville to St Helens thousands of people across Australia attended a diverse variety of over 175 different climate action events calling on politicians to set the target for CO2 emissions to 350 parts per million (ppm) for a reasonable chance of avoiding dangerous climate change. CO2 emissions are already at 387ppm so we need to have negative emissions through active programs to draw down and stabilise carbon from the atmosphere.
In Melbourne events included
- Friends of the Earth Anti-Nuclear Community BBQ at Batman Park
- Belgrave rally demanding 350 climate action
- Climate protest by cyclists in Melbourne
- Over 100 people had their photo taken on Saturday outside Melbourne's iconic Flinders Street Station, sending a message to Kevin Rudd for science based climate change policies. (Get the Picture Kev! Visual petition) Organised by Yarra Climate Action Now
The international climate action event was organised by

Re: Hundreds of events round Australia Call for climate ...
How about another day of national action to coincide with the climate confenerance in Copenhagen, 7th -15th of december??