Black Saturday Community Organiser Arrested by 'Baillieu\Ryan' Government for Defending the Last Remaining Green Forests in Toolangi

Steve Meacher was arrested this morning (1st August) while attempting to talk with Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) officers at the coupe about a response to an alleged breach received from DSE Head Office on Sunday. The response from DSE head office stated VicForests should conduct further habitat surveys. Without refusing to leave Steve was arrested by DSE staff.

Meanwhile Vicforests defies DSE Order

The DSE have just released areport on Sunday 31st of July in response to an Alleged Breach by VicForests for failure to do adequate pre logging surveys Click here . Despite VicForest having been notified they have to provide data to the DSE to assure DSE that the logging is legal. Logging has persisted since this order was given by DSE.

his order by DSE also shows that VicForests have not undertaken adequate pre logging surveys (as determined by the Supreme Court in the Brown Mountain case). The assurances to Australian paper (makers of Reflex) has been that these surveys are being routinely done.

Louse Asher (Acting Premier) said to the Nation (see video ) that VicForests had performed 'rigorous' surveys, that 'no old growth was in the coupe' and called the community and environment groups "deceptive". Department investigations, following her statement, have revealed;

* a river existed that needed protection with buffers (unmapped previously).
* a large area of senescent forest (old growth) containing hollows and known nesting sites for Leadbeaters has been conceded (unmapped previously).
* a rainforest has been added to the area to be protected (unmapped previously).

DSE have also acknowledged that hollow trees in the coupe are known nesting sites for Leadbeaters Possum Habitat and that the habitat is Zone 2 Leadbeater's habitat.

Ironically although DSE have not bothered to fully survey the area for hollows to determine the presence of Zone 1a or zone 1b habitat they have requested VicForests do the surveys yet VicForests have said publicly that they "are not experts in biodiversity" see video .

Furthermore VicForests have not provided evidence that they have had adequate training in the identification of Leadbeaters possum habitat. Their methodology is quite different from the DSE's.

Both DSE and VicForests are refusing to acknowledge the substantial findings and recommendations of the BAER report following the Black Saturday Bushfires that the current coupe should be protected for habitat.

The following presentation highlights many reasons why the coupe and similar right across Victoria should not be logged see video

Australian Paper (Nippon) have publicly accepted (see video) that VicForests are adequately leaving buffers around endangered species habitat and most of this wood is likely to be ending up in Australian Papers Reflex copy paper see ethical paper pledge .

Community groups wish to express that whilst the Gun Barrel coupe at Sylvia Creek in Toolangi has received an enormous amount of attention the proposed clear fell logging system endorsed by the Government is clearly failing and this is true for every coupe across the enter Victorian forest estate.

No pre-logging report has been handed over by VicForests on the 'Freddo' coupe.

Please contact the Ryan Baillieu government and let them know you care .

Leader of the Liberal Party
Leader of the Victorian Liberal Nationals Coalition
Minister for the Arts

Electorate Office

325 Camberwell Road, Camberwell 3124

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It was you greeny fuck witts that would not let us clear bush around our houses in King Lake and Toolangi so shut the fuck up you have proved you have no idea how to manage the bush we want no more fires to be fueled by your shit rules go back to the city where you live and leave us alone for good

Onya Mr Meacher and the rest, keep sticking it to the cretins who've sold themselves and their country for an SUV and a pension.

Thanks Norm for running the 'blame the greenies' line, a suitably pathetic attempt at offloading responsibility for your own bad decisions - piss weak mate.

I still have my house because I bulldozed all the trees from around my house four months before Black Saturday and was reported by the Greenies for doing it, they were getting ready to prosecute me but then the fires came and guess what I have heard no more about it why do you think that is? Now thats piss weak mate.

Blaming the "greenies" for Black Saturday is absurd and illogical. These fires were a fatal result of abnormal weather, and human ignorance and mis-management. Our forests are about protecting the integrity of Victoria, of keeping intact ecosystems that are strong and more able to survive disturbances and devastations. Clearing and other human "activities" are opening up forests and allowing more people to enter, more logging and urban sprawl. Shooting the "greenies" is like shooting the messengers! We can't just clear and concrete over Victoria to stop fires. We must work with Nature, and protect Victoria's integrity, and learn to live withing our environmental limits.

Vivkay the fires started because of the very hot day true, but they were fueled by vegetation, high fuel loads and fire hazards on Government controlled land this land was adjacent private homes.The green movement is directly to blame for the fires through its opposition to controlled burning of bush land,the clearing of vegetation and the prevention of fire hazards,environmentalists political pressure on electorates and local councils have refused for years to clear vegetation that fueled the black Saturday fires,ending the practice of controlled burning left vegetation at unprecedented levels, fuel levels were the highest in Victoria for hundreds of years thanks to the green movement.Vivkay how can you describe greenies as messengers when it was environmental greenies that were directly responsible for lobbying Governments to prohibit the clearing of trees and shrubs more than six metres from around peoples houses it was this law that caused more than 200 people to die and more than 2000 properties to be destroyed.The council would not cut down trees on the side of the road they would not even cut the grass because of greenie pressure, now we have people like Vivkay washing their greenie hands of all responsibility thats piss weak!.
Because I cleared trees around my house the closest tree was 100 metres away the reason my family are still alive is because I took a stand and said stuff the greenie laws.
Both my neighbors tragically died in the bush fires and many of my friends in the community also died, I remember both my neighbors came to my house and said they wished they could clear their land like mine but said if they copped a $100,000 fine they would loose every thing, well they didn't clear their land and they did loose every thing including there lives.
The thing that haunts me the most is that I said I would bring my bulldozer to their places and clear it myself they both said if they weren't home they could not stop me that was ten day before the fires and their Deaths.
So Vivkay dont tell me that you greenies did not contribute to the deaths of more than 200 people because you did,and will hate all greenies as long as I live

Do you hate the privately owned power companies and the State Government who have been too stingy to put powerlines underground in high fire danger areas to protect their profits? The vast majority of the deaths on Black Saturday were caused or were suspected to be caused by power lines. Easier to blame Greenies though isnt it. I am sorry for your loss on Black Saturday however I cannot agree that environmentalists who care about biodiversity and protecting our forests are responsible for the deaths on Black Saturday. Before you accuse me of being a city dweller - I live in a very high fire danger area very near to a National Park - however it was an area that luckily did not burn on Black Saturday.

Flowerpower you got it wrong.The power lines started the fires but it was the amount of fuel in the bush that the greenies lobbied government to stop been cleared that caused the bush fire to turn into a inferno and that is what caused all those deaths on black Saturday.Cop it sweet Greenies you got no idea how to manage bush land safely you are dangerous fools and whats worse you refuse to learn from your mistakes. Norm I feel your pain, with the mentality of Greenies like Flowerpower who won't admit they are wrong a inferno like black Saturday will happen again,next time it will be lightning that will start all the fuel in the bush to burn who will they blame then God?