Is wide spread corruption in Australia possible without media involvement?

No, it's impossible in my opinion and experience. Before we go to corruption itself, let us see how possibly media could play a role in developing corruption. There are number of definitions of corruption, and I talk about a wide aspect of it, when things do not work as they should and nothing can be done about it. So faulty and malfunctioning procedures, offices, policies and officials and governments is of great importance to the normal functioning of society. Not everyone work for the government nor has access to the documents and knowledge what is happening. Media like newspapers, radio and tv have a role to report important things and events around us. A free media actually reports what is important and controlled media does report only what suits politicians. A but if false excuse. But media cannot report everything and even if you make them aware, they do not have to report it, they chose what to publish. When I over the years forwarded to all media in Adelaide and interstate various issues with adequate or more than adequate proof, they have always refused to publish it. All kind of issues and usually very important to society. Even this can be argued that they do not have to publish my views.

Ok, general society talk about government corruption and for the argument sake we have to assume that it is true. It is clear that if the media were eager to publish all the reports of corruption, it would never developed to the level which I label as wide spread systemic negligence and corruption. This could only take place if media was silent about it. Well we have the situation where the media say that they do not have to report people's views and experiences, and on the other hand there are arguments and allegations of wide spread corruption and the role of media in it. Without hard facts, so far it is possible and very likely.

How the wide spread systemic corruption on all levels of government is possible? It have evolved over the years and the key issue is an absolute lack of public control and absolute lack of accountability of the servants as the politicians call themselves to masters that is society. This very idea as it works I think in 100% whole society will agree on this issue with me that they are actually dictators, not servants. So this is actually first and basic foundation for corruption it is a great deception that government could do and not be held accountable for that. From this, the government can literally do and does whatever one wants. It is in fact a form of anarchy.

What sort of issues I have reported to the government and to media? 1. Family destruction which include kidnapping children, stealing property and assets, destroying lives of the families 2. Energy waste 3. Road lawlessness 4. Systemic injustice in courts 5. Systemic negligence of the dogs and humans around 6. Health care total corruption 7. Business and services corrupt and the ACCC department totally corrupt and useless 8. Corrupt police system 9. Corrupt Universities No media published any of my reports on the mentioned issues.

If they are not important, what is? Let's take the energy waste. We waste more than most of us realise. For one reason or another, we do not talk about real issues, but side issues. Media surely fail to engage in rational debate and simply follows the political dictation. One of the most visible in Adelaide are street lamps fully on 24/7/365. No, it is not just an odd lamp getting faulty now and then. It is lots of them and the number is growing. By comparison I have not seen anything near that in Melbourne or Sydney. They can do it but not us. In fact it seems a deliberate act of waste. It is not he purpose of this report to analyse or to explain it in detail but to bring an attention and to show the corruption from wide perspective. On this page there are lots of explanation and the link to a photo gallery showing number of those lamps fully on. It is estimated that between 5 and 10% of all lamps consume energy non stop. It'ts a lot.

The real bad in this issue is that years ago I gave up to report to the ETSA and to the governments (both colours) when minister for energy have told me that it is not his but my problem. Namely the politicians do not want to know about energy waste. Now I want to introduce another aspect of governance into this very subject. Red Julia caotuvate the di gooders, people who are brain washed or simply fail to see what really happen. It does not realy matter what I think about the carbon tax. Suppose it is good idea, but how it is implemented it actually does matter. In principles the heavier polluter you are the more penalised you are. Or in other words the more energy you use the more penalty you have to pay. Seems logical and straight forward. Imagine someone introducing this system which in practice you would pay for the someone's pollution. What effect it would have on the reduction of pollution? Oh, sure it would have a definite effect on your finances and the principle of fairness. But such an implementation of the carbon tax would be absolutely pointless. And if it would be pushed anyway, the bigger question would inevitably arise: what is behind it? What is secrete agenda? If someone think it is nonsense and will never happen in Australia, than I say, it is actually happening.

The strong push of Julia on carbon tax and absolutely no one except me raises the issue, will we pay penalty of carbon tax for the Premier Mike Rann waste and his ministers and whole government waste? I remind you, street lamps is only one tiny aspect of a huge energy waste. It is not only an incidental waste issue, it is a corruption making impossible for me or any other common sense citizen to stop it. And if the things will continue as they do, I will be forced to pay tax for Julia and Rann and others deliberate waste and corruption. It could never come to such a situation if media not supported the corruption. Ok, a small incident with media. On one of the photos in the gallery there is a photo of street lamps near the Messenger in Port Adelaide. Some years ago, I rang the paper and talked to the journalist, she listened to my story, looked through her window and said: yes, I actually see the lamps lit in front of our office, but I have to ask my boss if he approve an article about it. Well, the result is that no article was approved and the lamps are still lit there and everywhere. No, it is not just this, all media behave same way. But when our corrupt Premier or Prime Minister go to teach the world of how to manage energy, the media has plenty to publish. When you visit mental asylum, so many man pretend to be a Napoleon. They demand power and promise to bring justice and prosperity.

Our media gets fascinated in reporting and supporting those Napoleons, and fail to report what is going on outside the asylum. The issue of dog mismanagement I will cover briefly. Government claim to have a responsibility for the dog management. On the other hand the government refuse to mandate that all dog owners assume their natural responsibility for the dog which is totally dependent on them. This result in massive negligence and cruelty to dogs and to people around. Nobody was nor can be prosecuted for negligence because there is no legal requirement in SA to be responsible for the dog and as usually most people choose the easiest path. The most numerous complaints to the council are on barking dogs despite a common knowledge that such a complaints are a 100% waste of time. Government will surely do nothing. If government does say anything on the matter it is usually insane. They blame the owners who legally do nothing wrong. It is morally wrong but they behave in such a way because the government refuse to require people to be responsible. Such a government behaviour is irrational and irresponsible. This is an open and bold lie and deception of the public.

Some of the dirty tricks of the Rann government as well as previous governments. The corrupt procedures require the innocent victims to make a barking diary for 2 weeks. It in practice is more than a month guaranteed suffering of the dog and the victims. It is cruelty on its own. But fact of life in SA is that it is designed only to deceive the victims and society. Government never did nor intends to do anything about the dog problem since irresponsible dog ownership is legal in SA. Dogs are never chosen properly, trained properly, cared for properly, therefore often their only excitement is when someone walks nearby and the dog give one a fright or when someone walks a dog or when children play nearby. The neglected and lonely dog is barking then in desperation to join in but it never happen because it is legal to neglect the dogs. The dogs can and do bark whole day and night and they do so everyday. Often the doctor certificate handed to the council with the plea to stop the chronic barking is ignored entirely. Often enough the dogs make it impossible to stay home when they bark whole morning, day and night. I had to leave home number of times and seek refuge in friends place due to such extreme barking. No well chosen and cared dog bark day and night and every day, every week and month after month and year after year. There is no evidence sufficient to satisfy the corrupt legal industry nor government to prove their own negligence and corruption. No barking diary, no complaint to Ombudsman, no video evidence, no friends or even police witness is sufficient. Council in one case have witnessed the severe dog problem and upon days and nights barking non stop that I had to leave home and sleep in friends home, council came asked the mentally ill owner to calm down the dog and he got severe shock by hearing such a request that he called an ambulance and they took him on stretches and hospitalised for 24 hours. Dogs were locked inside alone and continued to bark. Council witnessed this and deny knowledge of any problem with dogs there. Not one but all councils behave in such irrational and deceptive manner. NUISANCE barking dogs would be seized and could be destroyed under strict new rules planned by councils. Lately March 15, 2011 12:00am  appeared on the Advertiser website. It is a public brain washing, it is a total deception. It is not really a message. It can be read from the title in the following way: the dogs could stop nuisance barking if councils would seized and destroyed them. The other half of the message is: they will never do, they do not intend to and they cannot legally do that. They cannot because as said earlier, it is legal in SA to be irresponsible dog owner. The crying dogs, barking desperately for attention, frightened, are chronically neglected, it is a form of cruelty. Same apply to innocent people living nearby or visiting. No sane and responsible leader can allow that to happen or continue. Mike Rann is determined not to change anything. Psychopaths have no ability to have a normal human feelings or understand social values. What out government does is not normal but sick. Newspapers can't have any excuse to refuse publishing such a reports of gross dog and human negligence and cruelty. But they do. Simply because we do not have an independent media, all are controlled by the politicians. I have proposed the amendment to the legislations relevant to the dog management which would enable councils to actually manage dogs. Would enable to prevent most cases of dog negligence. Not only government is not implementing it, but media refuse to report such a proposal. The above mentioned message appeared in place of my simple proposal. The proposal basically adds to existing legislations two definitions. One is the definition of dog owner responsibility with listing specific duties of a responsible dog owner, and second is opposite, the definition of negligence. Basically negligence is a failure of care. Overall the biggest change would be to actually make mandatory responsible dog ownership. It means that all dog owners must assume a natural responsibility for the dogs of their choice and declare to fulfil their duties to the dog. No, I do not think that media can have any excuses to refuse to publish such a proposition for the purpose of informing public and even to engage in public discussion. Instead the above mentioned article allow selective comments. I mean they allow everybody to submit the comments to their brain washing message but publish only nonsense comments, comments which blame legally irresponsible owners and never publish comments which blame the government or simply reveal the real situation. Health consequences are very serious. People are more nervous, have problem with insomnia, get or get worse mental problems, get more infections due to weakened immune system, and are less productive and less well. Some suffer more than others. In many cases people take matter in their own hands and they kill the neglected chronically barking dog.

In SA the only sure way to stop nuisance barking dog is to kill one in anger! This is unacceptable but Rann has no alternative nor want to accept any other way. Some people fail to think clearly and condemn such a dog killers. They never condemn the cause of it, the government. I believe that if government assume it's normal role of ensuring peace and order, and it would be guaranteed that an official arrive within 30 min from the complaint any time of day or night and deal with nuisance barking dogs, the dog killing in anger as self defence would drop down to near zero. The government refuse to acknowledge even that and punish those who act in self defence and resort to a desperate measures. I blame government for orchestrating all that. It is sick government, it is an expression of psychopathy of the leaders.

Now after I sent a message to council's highest authorities that I stop reporting chronic negligence of dogs on next street because council lies and deceives and does nothing to stop negligence. The council lately sent me a letter stating that since they have not received any complaint from me, they assume there is no problem any more. They did nothing to stop negligence and hence barking, what can they expect? Perhaps they only hope and prey and wait for the intervention from above that dogs stop barking or breathing? Definitely it is an issue no responsible and free media can refuse to publish and open the issue to a free discussion.

Road lawlessness is extremely serious problem Australia wide. Again there is no policy, there is no one responsible for ensuring law, order and safe and free traffic flow. Again, the problem start with legislations and rules. Road rules are not designed to improve safety on our roads, nor to be known by all drivers in it's entirety. The opposite is more true. They are so complex and conflicting that hardly anyone knows them and there are so many interpretations that nobody is sure of what is right and what is wrong. Be sure that road rules are wrong, they lead to conflicting and dangerous situations. They are clearly designed to raise revenue by police and not to protect society. They are open for free police interpretations and not to be known by all drivers. Rules are wrong, they are not taught properly at driver training courses, the demented old drivers do not remember them, mentally ill, very young drivers also do not care about this nonsense. So people do drive and have no idea what they rules are. It is also impossible to ride a bicycle according to the rules. It is impossible these days to drive a car in metro according to the rules and common sense. Not only drivers do not let you but also police will not let you drive safely and properly and according to the rules. Police can and do harass safe drivers forcing them to drive according to the mob culture on the road. If you complain, the police will do nothing much. But anyone can complain on you driving properly and police will give you nonsense advise and caution you. Police also dare to issue fine to a slow drivers. It is both illegal and irrational. There is no such a thing as too slow driving outside the free-way. The rules say such a garbage that you must not drive too slow without specifying what it is leaving it entirely to police to interpret it. If Mike Rann deliberately fail to erect the street names and building numbers, you may know the address and not be able to find it, nor be sure where to turn, and for this you can get a fine. It is a sure lawlessness, a rule of mafia. As road safety campaigner, friends ask me for the interpretations of road rules. Once friend of mine asked me if it is such a rule that if police stop a car on a road side, all cars must slow down to 25kmh in that region or face severe punishment. I said that there is no such a rule. Checked and could not find it. I've asked number of police officers and get replies confirming and denying it. One high officer in traffic section promised to find it to me. He did and gave reference and … I was right, it was not in road rules, it was in SA legislation and not in national rules. So in practice all interstate drivers potentially will break this rule and also all locals will. Despite a clear situation of unfairness, the big problem is an attempt to protect the police officer on the road side and neglect all other road users.

This is a corruption. Logically, all people should be protected by same rules, not one set of rules for police and another for the mob. People get killed, injured and traumatised because we do have lawlessness in Australia. No the problem does not start with idiot drivers. The idiot drivers all have government licence to kill, injure and traumatise others. The licence is the permission to do what they do. Drivers are not screened for mental, and medical conditions if they are fit to be a safe drivers. There is no real policing nor anything done to rectify the bad driving. Namely no driver who killed or injured or otherwise is proven to drive dangerous and wrongly is required to undergo a psychology test, medical test for vision, and any other conditions. No alcoholic is checked for an ability to drive safely and surely if one is free of alcoholism. So people are caught time after time under influence of alcohol and drugs. Semi blind (lately on tv a semi blind driver caused 18 crashes within 14 years and was still eligible to keep license). Semi demented people still drive in Australia because there is no single politician with common sense who stand and oppose this madness and irresponsibility. If you slow down because you must find the place or to slow down to reduce the chance of a crash as an idiot driver is tailgating you as mad, they can report you to police and police will not punish you at that moment but record a complaint against you. And if you continue a safe driving practice you may find yourself loosing licence or other consequences. Without going into fine details of this specific issue, the road rules allow the lawlessness on the road and if you do not cooperate you are in trouble from the mob or from the government. There is no way for a citizen to tell the government that one is wrong and dangerous.

There is a specific issue of tailgating that it did not make any sense what I've heard senior police officers saying on radio. I observed the entirely different phenomenon. I saw that not an odd driver is an idiot who tailgate, I saw so many drivers doing wrong. I requested government to release the statistics on tailgating. They could not provide and referred me to the Adelaide Uni which have conducted the research. Upon investigation it came clear that they published what I call a very expensive scientific gossip and had no idea what the numbers are as they never did such research. I have developed the test and conducted my own research. I have offered the results of this first in Australia and perhaps in the world tailgating research to the government and to the Adelaide Uni. Both ignored and University have abused me. I could not report this to police as they are under the parliamentary privilege. So the corruption close the circle. The government and universities waste public monies and they are absolutely not interested in my preliminary first results. Again this is a pure and serious corruption of Universities and the government not possible without media support. Media never publish my reports, media never publish any criticism of the government or cases of corruption.

Corruption is one thing and in the case of the road safety, it is a matter of life and death and injuries. It must be published and discussed openly.

When government call itself a public servant and this mean that they elect themselves, they decide what and how to do and what not do, they elect their reward, they praise themselves and they without asking the public, say what is the best interest for society, than this is something very wrong. It is not a joke, nor a mental asylum, it is a serious deception or even a dictatorship. This does mean that the so called public servants decide for you and me that the most unhealthy is good for you, starting from a Hungry Jack fried food and similar. The smoke of burnt oil is chocking people on the street, so intense it is. Ministers say it is all good for you. They force you to pay your money to serve the pharmaceutical industry even when you know that pharmaceuticals are killing you and are always harmful and they launch an attack on the herbs and natural remedies. It is insane that someone else decide about your health. Unless you have no brain to use. What is worse, legal industry supports what is wrong about every time. You can know and use the cancer cure in natural way and cure people of cancer but be charged of practising medicine without a licence. But when licensed medics kill you with their pharmaceuticals it is all ok

. Road safety is as already explained, an open fraud. Police accept no evidence against dangerous drivers and even when accepts, nothing happen, same dangerous drivers continue to drive dangerously. Police is interested only in raising revenue. This is lawlessness. Energy waste is so obvious when you look at lunch time on the lit street lamps. They are master liars. They talk about the vision of saving planet, carbon tax and whatever else. People blindly without thinking for a second back them up. No discussion no analysis, just follow the psychopaths in government. But when you stop for a while, than you see that not only the street lamps are on in white day, but thousands of business and private lamps are on. The final bill whether in form of cost of goods and services or an extra carbon tax, is to be paid by society. This is lawlessness.

Universities can and do abuse you and there is no consequence, the motor registration is unable to fix their own problem number of times when you correct them, there is no consequence, you make one small mistake and the consequences are very severe without mercy. Consummer and business affairs never take side of the consumer. They allow dangerous and defective goods and frauds to continue. Taxpayers pay for their support and media does not allow for an open discussion of their operation. Government is destroying families and systemic abuse of children. We have nowhere to turn to nor nowhere to criticise such a crime.

We have an open corruption and lawlessness which would be about impossible without media supporting it.



your a fuck witt!

Wonderful opinion peice.

My story regarding 60C is censored by both the far left (greenies for special gay police) and far right of politics (conservatives for outlaw motorcycle gang laws).

I'm convinced the media has a role in censoring this story. The liberals ran their NSW election campaigning against outlaw motorcycle gang activites. Yet the first law without question made to combat alleged outlaw motorcycle gang activities has only been used by police against corruption whistleblowers as a kill-switch. When Australia starts locking up dissidents for the crime of knowing too much about corruption - which is exactly what s60C of the NSW Crimes Act and then supressing the media not to cover the story, we have to start thinking seriously what kind of society we are in. A dictatorship which looks like a democracy.

Just see to see how connected the new Liberal Police minister is connected to corruption in the state. What's on there will shock you.

It's unlikely that wilfully malicious corruption is widespread - simply because most of those being accused of it are too ignorant, inept, incompetent and hopelessly inadequate to systematically organise it.

My own general observation is that the complex challenges of these times are largely beyond the scope of man to properly deal with, and this failure can provide the superficial appearance of generalised corruption.

I also detect that over-riding everything in officialdom is the fear of legal consequences should something go awry. Legal consequences of official actions are often unpredictable and so employees take the easy way out and refuse to get involved - where in fact they should.

To look the other way when confronted with wrongdoing is a tacit means of condoning its continuance - or in a single word, it's cowardice.

We must have different definitions on corruption. Mine is a very general.
As the program file can be corrupt and malfunction in your computer, same way the government can and is corrupt.
Well this comparison is very poor because the program in pc is in general well written and almost works.
In government of Australia there is hardly any policy and they also do not care about an outcome. The only policy works which suits the government not the society. To pay taxes and other rules do work no problem.
Therefore it is much worse than deliberate corruption, there is no intention to do anything pro society. Government never listen to society, the government only dictate.
Peter even if you caused the lamps cited in the post to switch off during a day, there are still other examples of corruption. But you will not be able to switch them off and how you dare to call it not a corruption???

This is the propaganda machine of the state of Australia.

It is how they do it. It is how they promote lies, fabrication and smear. It is how they act as a lapdog for the political and commercial interests of the corrupt, at the expense of an innocent life.

Those videos are just a few examples of so many.. so many which have brainwashed most of a population.

They have no integrity, and they have no soul. They have no compassion, and no respect for truth or justice.

They shame a nation.

The media of the western world is run by Zionists this includes Australia they also run Hollywood and the majority of the big banks, we are told what to think by the Zionists, we are slaves to the Zionist banks, world policies are implemented by the Zionist through organisations like the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderburg Group, these groups plan wars and collapse of economies and most people are so stupid they can't see it.A good example of Zionist control in Australia was the Whitlam government and the Rudd government who put Australia first not Zionist Israel and look what happened to them! In whitlams case The Loans Affair was dramatised in the 1983 ABC miniseries called “The Dismissal”.
We can’t have a western government accepting “unacceptable” Islamic financing now can we? You get your loans from the Zionists and no-one else do you hear? Otherwise non-usury may just catch on in the West! So we get our Zionist press to break open the scandal and then we have our Knights in the Senate and judiciary turn the screws even in opposition to what the Constitution says because it doesn’t matter what it says as long as you do what you’ve meant to do.Read more
And kevin Rudd pays the price for putting Australia first and not the Zionists

This the first independent public inquiry into the media and media regulation was ordered by the Australian Government and is to report its findings to the government early next year.Read this it will show you how Zionist can keep control of the Media

The Muslims see what is going on, but the Zionist Media has brain washed the population into thinking they are Terrorists when it is the Israeli Zionists who are the Terrorists

Then we have all these intelligent people protesting, occupy melbourne and Australia these people can't see who the real enemy is, what chance do we have against the Evil Terrorist Zionists when people like this are blind

Right on!

Australia is a dictatorship there are only two parties that can be voted in but stand for the same thing and that is to lick American arse which is run by Zionists as some one has pointed out in this comments page.
If some other party rears it's Head and looks like a threat like Pauline Hanson they lock them up in Gaol because if any one else gets into power the Zionist game is over.
what difference did we notice when the power changed from Liberal to Labor? fuck all right. Liberal and Labor are the same you are fooled in to thinking they stand for different things but they don't. That is a Dictatorship by stealth.