labour rights

A Real Fashion Revolution

Local Perth women Alysha Harkins and Gilliane Burford have launched a major campaign so you can wear your “Made in Bangladesh” clothes with pride.

As founders of new non-profit, MADEgram, the two have joined the crowdfunding revolution to raise the funds to develop an app to bring about lasting change in the Bangladesh garment industry.


Claims human rights of tanker crew violated as Japan suspends whaling in Antarctica

Notes thrown by crew from the South Korean owned Panama registered tanker, Sun Laurel, used for refueling the Japanese whaling fleet, indicate at least some of the crew were taken to Antarctica without their consent or foreknowledge and have been denied means of communication with their families and the International Maritime Organisation about violations of their labour rights.

Related: Sea Shepherd: Whaling factory ship rams Korean fuel tanker and 3 activist ships | Whaling Fleet committed multiple breaches of international law says Sea Shepherd Director Bob Brown