Keeping Them Home

WGAR News: National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (NAICD): Sunday 4 August 2013

Newsletter date: 3 August 2013


* SNAICC News: Our children's rights must be a priority for governments
* Invite to the launch of the 2013 National Aboriginal & Islander Children's Day in Melbourne (Sun 4 August 2013)
* National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (NAICD): Right Here, Right Now. Our Rights Matter. (Sun 4 August 2013)
* Right Now Radio: Interview with Frank Hytten [CEO of SNAICC] on a better future for Indigenous children
* Sovereign Union: First Nations children are dramatically overrepresented in out-of-home or foster care

WGAR News: Keeping Them Home - Stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families

Special Sorry Day Edition
"National Sorry Day offers the Community the opportunity to acknowledge the impact of the policies spanning more than 150 years of forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families."

Newsletter date: Sorry Day - 26 May 2013


* Petition: Keeping Them Home - Stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews renowned journalist Jeff McMullen about child removals and the importance of families


WGAR News: Keeping them Home - What have we learnt from Bringing them Home?: ACM Sydney

Newsletter date: 23 May 2013


* Australian Times: NT Indigenous leaders challenge Chief Minister's adoption claims
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: Keeping Them Home
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: Letter from Djiniyini Gondarra to Adam Giles
* 'concerned Australians' & Respect and Listen: What Did We Learn from "Bringing Them Home"?
* ACM Sydney: Keeping them Home - What have we learnt from Bringing them Home?
* 'concerned Australians' Media Release: Keeping Them Home
